no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Destiny.6738


Dear developers,

As you have deleted the last ‘rewards’ in PvP, I kindly ask you to give a proper feedback to the community how you gonna proceed with the entire reward system and when your clients can expect it? Maybe I missed something, but there is no official statement about it. There is actually no reason for playing the game (PvP) at the current state. Can’t you see this issue Arena Net?

Thank you for your collaboration.


no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


You’re still getting gold. And what’s so wrong about waiting 4 weeks?

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I still play it for fun but I would also like to see what the current plan is for PvP. Taking away rewards and replacing them with a bit extra rank points is a little silly, moreso since ranks don’t say much anymore.

At least inform your playerbase about your plans for the future.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Alora.6841


You’re still getting gold

Thats a major lol. At the start I received Rankpoints and Glory for everything I did + Rankpoints and Glory for wins in Tournament.
Then I received Rankpoints and Glory for everything I did + Glory and a chest with Pvpitems for wins in Tournament. the gain of rankpoints was broken for which i filed tons of tickets.
Then they removed the gain for anything i did and introduced a Rankpoint/Glory-gain for winning or losing a match. Rankpoints from the Tournamentchest still broken.
Then they introduced Gold.
And with the latest patch, the pvp-chest was removed. Also Glory was removed. Also the flat bonus of Rankpoints after a match is now broken. Also i dont receive gold for a match.

Which means… I get absolutely nothing.

I am Commander Shepard and Evons Company is my favorite store in Lion’s Arch.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Drafigo.4690


I played last night for 3-4 hours in SPvP. Solo queue and Team where both very slow. It did pick up a bit but not like it was before all the goodies went away. I really felt like I was playing for nothing other then the kill, which is great but man I loved the loots! An update soon would be nice for sure!

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Invision.1307


You’re still getting gold. And what’s so wrong about waiting 4 weeks?

You obviously didn’t read the OPs comment. He said he didn’t know when the release was to be expected. Also, 15s for a win in Solo Q / Hot Join isn’t really appealing. A normal PvE player can obtain ~20g+ an hour, without having to grind it (Daily Dungeons, Fractals, World Events etc).

Without Glory, we will not be able to purchase crafting materials for crafting PvP Items to fill up our PvP Locker. PvP Locker / PvP Gear has been one of the few ways to show-off in PvP, especially before the Glory Rewards Vendor was brought to the game.
Back then you could easily spot out a Rank 50 or 60 player.. etc.

Before the Glory Removal, people could save up Glory and Gold and buy Rank 80 Armor. Which they also could salvage for Shark, Phoenix and Dragon Tokens. Really? Dragon Tokens? What if someone had grinded Dragon, finally. Then he couldn’t feel as special as he actually was, because others could simply just save up some Glory + Gold.

Something more that bugs me about the crafting materials, is that I have tons of them in my PvP Locker, but there’s always one out of four pieces that I am missing for the specific item I want to craft/forge.
And I know we’re expecting a huge “feature” patch in some few weeks now, but instead of making a temporarily patch weeks earlier, where we lost all remaining rewards (except for Rank Points), why not wait with that, or implement another temporarily reward? Perhaps increase the Gold granted per win/loss as it’s becoming more of a PvE friendly zone of the game. Or maybe keep the Rank Points bonus until the feature patch arrived.

One last thing that really bugs me, and probably 90% of the PvP society as well, is that when we recieved Win Reward Chest from tPvP, we got the specific amount of Rank Points. How ever, these did not add to your Rank Point Titles (Gladiator, Mercenary, Avenger, Ransacker, Marauder, Ravager etc.). It’s been a known bug, for months, but no fixes has been made. And with the new update where we get Rank Points at the end of the game, we could not wish for more than that you had fixed this known bug, and finally let us advance in those Titles without being stuck in HotJoin.
Unfortunately, that has not been fixed, yet, and I’m afraid it might not even come in the feature patch. Do you have any answers to this?

I’m a bit dissapointed, which I am supposing you will be able to notice while reading, but I’m not giving up the hope. You have still created THE BEST PvP combat system/mechanics I’ve seen so far, which is the reason why I’m still enjoying most of my hours in the game. Thanks for reading.

“Heart Of The [MIST” – Guild Leader

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Allie Murdock

Allie Murdock

Community Coordinator

Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: isolatedchimp.2510


Sorry Allie but just because there WILL be a new system coming to replace the old one doesn’t mean that CURRENTLY there are no rewards (other than the ridiculously small amount of gold), especially since you’ve removed so much that we did have. However, I do think that rank points and ranks will have some value since it’s pretty obvious that the future PVP rewards will have rank requirements. So our rank gain right now isn’t completely pointless. But ANET’s communication and implementation really really sucks badly.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Whit.2385


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

True, but getting one copper a match could technically still be classified as a reward – but the essence of what he was saying is the same – there are no useful rewards.

Please limit the semantic games and try to understand what this minority individual is saying.

(edited by Whit.2385)

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Drafigo.4690


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

Allie- I get that you have restrictions on what you can say and what you can’t say. However in all fairness to both sides hints, promises and so forth have been laid out for over a year now. A feature build will be on April 15th doesn’t resolve the current issue at hand. Your telling us that nothing is going to change for 3 1/2 weeks. This answer makes it even worse because like the hundreds of posts on the forums there is no reward for playing pvp. Sure you could say its fun but only a few matches a night because then you get board of the same ole matches over and over again. Removing glory before the feature build was a huge mistake and your community that actually participates in the forums has been telling you that since it was announced. I have seen several replies from you and others stating that the community on the forums is not the majority of players. Well I say to you that we are the ones the participate on your forums, good or bad we are the ones with free feedback to you and we are in most cases the voice for hundreds of guild mates and friends. Both guilds i participate in have been saying horrible things about the game since the last update and the removal of glory and rewards. For you guys to say that the community here is a small sample is a incorrect way of looking at it because in most cases we are the voice for many more. Please know this isn’t a personal attack and sure I will still play GW2 but I play and pay a lot less then I have in previous months. I don’t want this game to fade but it is. I have screen shots of prime time play where there are only 3 people in the mists waiting and two of them commented that they where there to spend the glory they had. Take this feedback as you will but again not a personal attack we don’t know the full story or the behind the doors look into what you guys do everyday. Some of us see nothing in regards of Pvp and not even sure you guys work a full week. Your PvE material is among the best ever its time to stop making mistakes with PVP and step it up!

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


aaaafjfjfjadfjggjh………………… sry my jaw just dropped.

So ANOTHER MONTH ( -3 days) , even though i remember “powerr” on his last day assuring us ithe 1 month is made up and its just around the corner.

We all know its not your fault allie, and that if you put work into it should be done good. Just why cant someone hotfix the elite spiritbug and healing signet? Is there nobody in the whole company with 5min time to spare on a pvp problem, thats around for 8 months, and why wasnt it done 2 months ago when it was acknowledged that it would be done anyway?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: OverlordOutpost.5961


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

As was said, promising something in the future doesn’t change the fact that in the now there’s not really a likable system for rewarding PvPers in place.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Whit.2385


Made a new post that was in response to some other forum post, but also addresses the 2 latest posts in this thread.

I think this is a lesson in managing expectations. Certainly, mid-April may seem like a long way away, but to some, that is soon after mid-December.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Yeah, Allie, but at the moment we don’t have any rewards to play for

Frenk – EU
All is vain

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Yeah, Allie, but at the moment we don’t have any rewards to play for

Before we had rank points, gold and a chest that really didn’t give much.
Now we have way more rank points, gold and no chest. Oh and those rank-up chests.

It really isn’t a big deal to wait until 15th. Rewards right now are not much different than they were before.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Thunderclock.7390


You’re still getting gold. And what’s so wrong about waiting 4 weeks?

A normal PvE player can obtain ~20g+ an hour, without having to grind it (Daily Dungeons, Fractals, World Events etc).

Please, we don’t need any more exaggeration in this forum. Yes, the rewards are basically non-existent in PvP atm. Yes, PvP needs a massive rework, but to say that PvE players can make 20g+ in 1 hour of play in ANY possible way (unless they get a VERY nice exotic drop) is a flat-out lie. A NORMAL player can make maybe a good 3-4g/hour. Someone who farms PvE dungeons/world events efficiently can make a couple fold more maybe. However, the normal PvEr does not make 20g+ in an hour doing world events/dungeons (and definitely not fractals).

Please inform yourself before spreading rumors.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Invision.1307


You’re still getting gold. And what’s so wrong about waiting 4 weeks?

A normal PvE player can obtain ~20g+ an hour, without having to grind it (Daily Dungeons, Fractals, World Events etc).

Yes, PvP needs a massive rework, but to say that PvE players can make 20g+ in 1 hour of play in ANY possible way (unless they get a VERY nice exotic drop) is a flat-out lie. A NORMAL player can make maybe a good 3-4g/hour.
Please inform yourself before spreading rumors.

I did not say “ANY possible way”. There was a reason why I used “Daily Dungeons, Fractals and World Events” as example. Doing the fastest Daily Dungeons (paths), you’ll net around 1-3g pr path. Doing Fractals, you’ll also get your daily reward, + chests and random loot. This is very often rare loot, and sometimes exotic. That means tons of ectos pr hour.

You don’t have to go full Ascended, playing 6000+ hours to get 20g+ an hour, sir.
And what are you on about when saying normal players net around 3-4g per hour? That’s like killing a specific mob over and over to get T6 materials..

Sorry sir, this was not a rumor.

“Heart Of The [MIST” – Guild Leader

(edited by Invision.1307)

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

can we expect the replacement this year?

because you guys also said you were resetting fractals progression for a leaderboard that never materialized

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Invision.1307


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

One last thing that really bugs me, and probably 90% of the PvP society as well, is that when we recieved Win Reward Chest from tPvP, we got the specific amount of Rank Points. How ever, these did not add to your Rank Point Titles (Gladiator, Mercenary, Avenger, Ransacker, Marauder, Ravager etc.). It’s been a known bug, for months, but no fixes has been made. And with the new update where we get Rank Points at the end of the game, we could not wish for more than that you had fixed this known bug, and finally let us advance in those Titles without being stuck in HotJoin.
Unfortunately, that has not been fixed, yet, and I’m afraid it might not even come in the feature patch. Do you have any answers to this?

I’ll try again. Do you have any answers for this?

“Heart Of The [MIST” – Guild Leader

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Nutshel.7264


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

You’ve got to be kidding. What ever system that is going to be put in place of old one by no means makes up for there not being any rewards till it is launched. Wtf is wrong with you?

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

One last thing that really bugs me, and probably 90% of the PvP society as well, is that when we recieved Win Reward Chest from tPvP, we got the specific amount of Rank Points. How ever, these did not add to your Rank Point Titles (Gladiator, Mercenary, Avenger, Ransacker, Marauder, Ravager etc.). It’s been a known bug, for months, but no fixes has been made. And with the new update where we get Rank Points at the end of the game, we could not wish for more than that you had fixed this known bug, and finally let us advance in those Titles without being stuck in HotJoin.
Unfortunately, that has not been fixed, yet, and I’m afraid it might not even come in the feature patch. Do you have any answers to this?

I’ll try again. Do you have any answers for this?

I think you already got your answer.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Thunderclock.7390


You’re still getting gold. And what’s so wrong about waiting 4 weeks?

A normal PvE player can obtain ~20g+ an hour, without having to grind it (Daily Dungeons, Fractals, World Events etc).

Yes, PvP needs a massive rework, but to say that PvE players can make 20g+ in 1 hour of play in ANY possible way (unless they get a VERY nice exotic drop) is a flat-out lie. A NORMAL player can make maybe a good 3-4g/hour.
Please inform yourself before spreading rumors.

I did not say “ANY possible way”. There was a reason why I used “Daily Dungeons, Fractals and World Events” as example. Doing the fastest Daily Dungeons (paths), you’ll net around 1-3g pr path. Doing Fractals, you’ll also get your daily reward, + chests and random loot. This is very often rare loot, and sometimes exotic. That means tons of ectos pr hour.

You don’t have to go full Ascended, playing 6000+ hours to get 20g+ an hour, sir.
And what are you on about when saying normal players net around 3-4g per hour? That’s like killing a specific mob over and over to get T6 materials..

Sorry sir, this was not a rumor.

Wow, you are dull. Either that, or you have never played PvE a single minute in this game. When I say ANY possible way, it means if you were doing whatever you could to maximize your gold/hour doing PvE you WOULD NOT reach 20g+/hour or even close. You mentioned the most profitable ways to PvE. I was merely stating that it doesn’t matter if you do those, you CANNOT earn 20g/hour. Even if you speed run dungeons, which I do, the loot + gold you get from completing the runs will not net you 20g. You can’t speed run dungeons, do world events, and complete a level 50 fractal in an hour, sorry to burst your bubble. Furthermore, fractals have TRASH rewards aside from t6 mats and the exotics you get in fractals are soulbound. LOL at “tons of ectos per hour”. Yea man, that ecto salvage rate srs bsns. The only way you could hit 20g/hour is if you happen across high-valued, non-soulbound exotics (10g+).

But even if everything I just said is wrong (unfortunately for you, it isn’t), your assertion that a “normal” PvEer, which is not someone who speed-runs dungeons or completes high-level fractals in a timely manner, can make 20g/hour is so far from the truth that it is nearly incomprehensible. So again, I say, do not spout lies in hopes of convincing PvPers that the reward discrepancy between PvE and PvP is even worse than they already think.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


You realise that the silver we’re getting for a win is about 20x more than what the dyes you could craft from salvaging the contents of a tournament chest would have gotten you, right? With 100% less salvaging and mystic flushing and TP-listing required as well!

Plus, now you get a liittle bit of money EVEN FOR A LOSS!

The only reason everyone thinks they’re getting nothing is cause the living world story coincidentally ended at the same time as this patch so the bags stopped!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

As was said, promising something in the future doesn’t change the fact that in the now there’s not really a likable system for rewarding PvPers in place.

Sigh. Another greedy player who wants rewards.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


Dear developers,

As you have deleted the last ‘rewards’ in PvP, I kindly ask you to give a proper feedback to the community how you gonna proceed with the entire reward system and when your clients can expect it? Maybe I missed something, but there is no official statement about it. There is actually no reason for playing the game (PvP) at the current state. Can’t you see this issue Arena Net?

Thank you for your collaboration.


Color me confused but the only difference is that we’re not getting a tourney win chest… which was worthless, and glory… which was also worthless until they added the vendor to phase it out.

So we lost a worthless thing? And now we’re less for it because we have one less worthless thing to click on?

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Saying no rewards anymore is hyperbole. That suggests we are not adding a system to replace the old one, which is not true.

And yes, per Colin’s blog post, we’ve now released that the Feature build will be on April 15!

Let me ask you the million dollar question. Why not wait until you have the new system in place before removing the old?

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


My question is why take it out before the 15th of April? Why not just do a swapperoo at once? What does this gap period “do” exactly?

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


My question is why take it out before the 15th of April? Why not just do a swapperoo at once? What does this gap period “do” exactly?

This is the question that’s been bothering me as well.

As much as people hate Anet and many of their decisions, I don’t believe that they make decisions purely with the intention of antagonizing the playerbase…but I can’t seem to find another reason for this gap period of no rewards. It doesn’t make any sense to me.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I mean, they DID say their intent was to “ease” people into it. But a month gap of nothing.. I’m just having a hard time biting that excuse…

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


the obvious solution to this issue is just to go PVE or stop playing for a month.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

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in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


the obvious solution to this issue is just to go PVE or stop playing for a month.

Or go to wildstar! <3 :}

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

Wildstar looks way Cool!

So did GW2. =( Don’t be a sucker, company fails you once, it will fail you again.

no rewards anymore - Arena Net, Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


GW2 is suffering from my perspective because of ANet, not NCSoft. Wildstar is done by Corbine. Publisher =/= developers. They’re just the greedy people who take yer monies. <3

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)