normal roll vs jump roll

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Chilli.2976



Just a quick question, is it more beneficial if you do a jump dodge roll rather then a normal dodge roll? By beneficial, I mean do you gain more ground by doing a jump roll, and would you ignore any ground AoE?

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075



I manage to JumpDodge almost 99% of the times, but I can tell you many aspects of it that most people do not know.
I mostly do it because it’s cool, BUT it has several drawbacks.

JumpDodging – PROs:
1) It lets you reach “unreachable” spots while fighting (see the Helseth’s video for example), as you Jump a longer distance (while dodging you move at max speed – that is, like OOC swiftness).
2) (debatable) it gives you more awareness thanks to the camera “rising” for a split second while you are in the air – I’m particularly fond of this, as it helps me with targeting among all the mess while I’m dodging.
3) It looks cool (but many people use macros for this, so it’s not all that much of a feat anymore).

Jump/Dodging – CONs:
1) If by ANY chance you make a mistake, you will not dodge the attack and will get punished;
2) If you are out of endurance, you will not dodge but you will STILL jump, making you more vulnerable to attacks (while jumping you cannot do anything for 0.5s)
3) You know those times in which you still get hit by an attack while dodging? If this attack lands an immobilize, you will be unable to do anything for the whole duration of the Immobilize, as even when the Dodge animation ends, you will still be considered “in air”, and as such, unable to use your skills (like teleport or invulnerabilities).
4) While jump/dodging, you can’t use your “instant” skills – you cannot use “steal” while dodging for example, because you will be “in air”, and as such, your “instant” skills won’t work.

Overall, I still ust it because it looks cool and it gives me a bit more awareness, but the amount of times I died because of it are noteworthy.
I suggest you stick to the normal dodge. Jump/dodging won’t make you a better player.

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normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


an evade is an evade and the ground coverage is the same. it looks cooler tho.

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Jumpdodge gives you a small advantage because it moves you a little further away from your original position than a normal dodge. It’s only a small difference though.
But no advantage in dodge time, only the position advantage.

all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Chilli.2976


Jumpdodge gives you a small advantage because it moves you a little further away from your original position than a normal dodge. It’s only a small difference though.
But no advantage in dodge time, only the position advantage.

A small difference, can also have a huge affect! :P

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


a jumpdodge/dodgejump covers more ground than a jump, not a dodge. the ground coverage is exactly the same as regular dodging. i just tested it, to be sure.

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Jumpdodge gives you a small advantage because it moves you a little further away from your original position than a normal dodge. It’s only a small difference though.
But no advantage in dodge time, only the position advantage.

A small difference, can also have a huge affect! :P

Yeah, but it mostly affects jumping puzzles as trying to get on clocktower from the side or something. Each time if there is a jump that you just can do with normal jump 1 in 100 times you will do it with dodgejump easily. But it affects pvp only in a few encounters.
Though it is good if you can do it if you play pvp on the high level.

all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


check helseths kiting video on youtube

so you see a dogejump is a further jump. Its also not slowed by combat speed, meaning its always same distance.

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normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Pinkcomet.2975


I use this since launch by set Shift(set as 2nd jump)+V(roll) in a single button on my gaming mouse.
1.obvious benefit is now you can dodge over some barricade may be upper terrain. a lot when you have to jump across gap with aoe on it.
3. look cool

downside is…
you look kitten when you out of endurance.
it ll look like you try to normal jump out of the atk. XD

that would be all lol

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: baerly.7204


I use this since launch by set Shift(set as 2nd jump)+V(roll) in a single button on my gaming mouse.
1.obvious benefit is now you can dodge over some barricade may be upper terrain. a lot when you have to jump across gap with aoe on it.
3. look cool

downside is…
you look kitten when you out of endurance.
it ll look like you try to normal jump out of the atk. XD

that would be all lol

macros which assign more then one key to another key are not allowed btw

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Jinx.7258


Jump dodge covers more ground when in combat. Some kiting grounds are easier to access by jump dodging while in combat (especially on foefire).

Macroing jump dodge is bannable offense.


normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


yes jumpdodges let you do jumps while being crippled/chilled etc

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normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

Jump dodging is a huge risk for a small reward! If you mess up, you could end up just jumping instead of dodging! When you jump, you can’t do anything and you’ll probably just eat the Eviscerate or whatever you were trying to dodge!! Jump dodging is better for movement! If you’re in combat and don’t have swiftness, jump dodging moves you forward a great distance! A good example is carrying the orb on Spirit Watch!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


1.obvious benefit is now you can dodge over some barricade may be upper terrain.

The only reason I really use it, everything else is gravy.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Fistandanthilus.6824


I use this since launch by set Shift(set as 2nd jump)+V(roll) in a single button on my gaming mouse.
1.obvious benefit is now you can dodge over some barricade may be upper terrain. a lot when you have to jump across gap with aoe on it.
3. look cool

downside is…
you look kitten when you out of endurance.
it ll look like you try to normal jump out of the atk. XD

that would be all lol

Ban this guy pls.

Attatch 2 actions into 1 button goes against the rules of conduct of GW2.

And most of the players who think they are so cool cause they can dodge/jump, use a macro to do it, so they are basically cheating in a game, so they are cheaters.

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Zui.9245


With respect to macroing it…

If you put the macro on a single key, it is bannable as per ANET’s policy.

If you make the macro so you have to depress a key and hold it down, and then press your dodge key, it’s in a grey area because there’s never any definition of what constitutes an out of game action (just pressing a key? holding a key?), or an in game action (is equipping a different weapon while not in a match ~3 actions due to composite actions of the “whole action”, or is it 1 action? Or somewhere in between?), nor is there any nuance with respect to the policy in the fact that this is clearly easier than pressing the jump and dodge keys simultaneously (does the timing of presses matter?). It’d be nice to have a reasonably specific policy that intelligent players can actually use as a guideline for things like this, but that might require hiring a half decent technical writer for a very short period of time to write it… So that’s never going to happen.

I’d also be really surprised if ANET were to actually ban people for a jump dodge macro of any sort. I mean, they don’t even care enough about the competitive aspects of their game to fix long standing bugs that can seriously impact play (can’t move bug after hitting a stunbreak/condi clear ‘too soon’ after being stunned/immob so you need to type an emote or burn a movement skill, etc.). If you don’t actually care about the competitive aspects of your game, why would you care if players are using fairly minor macros in said game modes? Is this really a bigger issue than people ‘afking’ (sitting there doing nothing while not being afk to avoid getting booted from the idle timer) matches? Is it really a bigger issue than broken matchmaking? Et cetera…

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Pinkcomet.2975


I use this since launch by set Shift(set as 2nd jump)+V(roll) in a single button on my gaming mouse.
1.obvious benefit is now you can dodge over some barricade may be upper terrain. a lot when you have to jump across gap with aoe on it.
3. look cool

downside is…
you look kitten when you out of endurance.
it ll look like you try to normal jump out of the atk. XD

that would be all lol

Ban this guy pls.

Attatch 2 actions into 1 button goes against the rules of conduct of GW2.

And most of the players who think they are so cool cause they can dodge/jump, use a macro to do it, so they are basically cheating in a game, so they are cheaters.

This kind of guy wont be afraid to execute everyone if he has power.
You may not understand the meaning of what I just said.

Until you really have a power to make a decision on someone fate like a Moderator, Manager, Teacher, Spiderman or Father.

In short (for your brain) We shouldnt kill someone just because they are driving over speed limit even its clearly against the law.

If you still think this driver should be execute by electric chair.
If you are this kind of person. You cant be a good leader or good father.
I just hope you never be there.

Power is more powerful when you have it but not using it, if not necessary.


normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Fistandanthilus.6824


I’m not asking for a permanent ban, as well as I would not ask for the electric chair for that driver.

Just to leave it clear: I would never ask death penalty for anything in the world, even murder. To punish death for murder is the easiest and best solution for that assassin; I would do other kind of things to a murderer.

So I’m not asking to ban permanently all the people who cheat in a game, but to punish them accordingly, that’s a different thing! And also to punish them harder if they repeat cheating!

Somebody said he would be surprised if ANet ban people for using macros.

Well, I just have to say 1 thing: rules in a game are there to be respected, if a player does not follow them, there should be a punishment accordingly to the infringement.

And just to finish…. every player should ask himself these 2 question when doing something in the game which he does not know if it is allowed or not:
· Am I getting a game advantage over the rest who do not use this feature? (e.g.: Use of Macros)
· Am I NOT SURE if what I’m doing goes against the game policy? (is it a grey area?)

If both answers to those questions are YES, then you better not continue doing what you are doing for the good and sportive development of the GAME.

Thank you and have fun playing GW2.

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Pinkcomet.2975


Then I have to apologize for my misunderstood you.

Honestly, I’m so stupid at computer. barely known what Macro is.
Dont even know its cover more ground. lol
(like i said i do it since day one so i didnt notice anything)
I just do what my mouse can.

But its not an excuse right? If it in policy.

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Chilli.2976


I manage to JumpDodge almost 99% of the times, but I can tell you many aspects of it that most people do not know.
I mostly do it because it’s cool, BUT it has several drawbacks.

JumpDodging – PROs:
1) It lets you reach “unreachable” spots while fighting (see the Helseth’s video for example), as you Jump a longer distance (while dodging you move at max speed – that is, like OOC swiftness).
2) (debatable) it gives you more awareness thanks to the camera “rising” for a split second while you are in the air – I’m particularly fond of this, as it helps me with targeting among all the mess while I’m dodging.
3) It looks cool (but many people use macros for this, so it’s not all that much of a feat anymore).

Jump/Dodging – CONs:
1) If by ANY chance you make a mistake, you will not dodge the attack and will get punished;
2) If you are out of endurance, you will not dodge but you will STILL jump, making you more vulnerable to attacks (while jumping you cannot do anything for 0.5s)
3) You know those times in which you still get hit by an attack while dodging? If this attack lands an immobilize, you will be unable to do anything for the whole duration of the Immobilize, as even when the Dodge animation ends, you will still be considered “in air”, and as such, unable to use your skills (like teleport or invulnerabilities).
4) While jump/dodging, you can’t use your “instant” skills – you cannot use “steal” while dodging for example, because you will be “in air”, and as such, your “instant” skills won’t work.

Overall, I still ust it because it looks cool and it gives me a bit more awareness, but the amount of times I died because of it are noteworthy.
I suggest you stick to the normal dodge. Jump/dodging won’t make you a better player.

Hmm, thanks for that review. I still don’t know if jump/dodge was meant to be in the game or it is actual just a issue that needs to be resolved.

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


they even put up a sign how to do it in the SAB hard mode level 1 or so.

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

normal roll vs jump roll

in PvP

Posted by: Chilli.2976


they even put up a sign how to do it in the SAB hard mode level 1 or so.

I did not even know that lol!