...oh pvp is much better
Glad you enjoy it. Of course it got a lot better….Some are getting real salty because they finally discovered their true level of PvP.
Glad you enjoy it. Of course it got a lot better….Some are getting real salty because they finally discovered their true level of PvP.
Some people don’t get it but yes, PvP is a lot better.
Before you misconstrue or get a false idea of what this guy is referring too, there was a soft reset that mixed new players and vets together combined with placement games and different intentions of each player for each game, some are there for PIPS, others are there for rating. After 2 weeks most of the farmers left and by about 150 games your MMR balances back out so you play with roughly evenly skilled players again (there are still some games that make you grrrrr but not as bad by 150 mark)…
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
i don’t get much time each week to play so i can’t do ranked anymore now that they’ve added the “decay” mechanic, if you stop playing you lose progress,
that doesn’t seem like a mechanic that fits in GW2, thats some grindy WoW nonsense.
but yeah, balance is better
Balance is better when change w/o prior notice of course but yeah i agree five years from now pvp would be in a better place. take you’r time Arena.net
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
I came to lobby just to get legendary wings, not more.
It was my first PvP season, my lvl was 2.
Started unranked to get 20 lvl to join ranked…
It was OMG… O!M!G! My main is necro and when i just popup i was annihilated in 5 seconds.
100 games after fell i’m loving it. My lvl 30, progressing. Now i don’t need any reward /loot/gold/wings. I do sharp my skills. And my goal is to climb to legendary.
Arena.net thx!
PvP system is awsm.
Definitely feels better. I’ve had a run of bad games myself, but I think that’s pot luck, not directly the fault of the system.
Regarding decay: I think the idea is to ensure that people who get in a high place they don’t really deserve to be in can’t just avoid playing so they don’t drop. Personally, I think it would probably be better to make it require a certain number of games a week to be eligible for a placing.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
i don’t get much time each week to play so i can’t do ranked anymore now that they’ve added the “decay” mechanic, if you stop playing you lose progress,
that doesn’t seem like a mechanic that fits in GW2, thats some grindy WoW nonsense.but yeah, balance is better
Why can’t you play ranked?
The “decay” machanic doesn’t hurt you, it just changes your ladder position, not you actual MMR.
As soon as you play some matches, the “decay” will be gone and your MMR determines again you ladder position.
No progress is lost by decay!
I sit in silver and it has worked out fabulously. My only expectation of PvP matches is that the games are consistently close (450:500 games are the best). It also makes ascended gear a bit easier to get, although I’ve been playing for a while and already have a boat load. My only real complaint is DH and warrior blocking and invulnerability access