permanent +200% movement speed

permanent +200% movement speed

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


There are some people in pvp that run around with permanent +200% movement speed.
They literally run faster than a shortbow thief without teleporting or leaping.
When they do that, their running animation gets all messed up
and they remind me of my worst ex when he is about to ejaculate.
How are they doing that?
Are they using cheat program?
If there are cheat programs, this game is not worth playing.

If it’s what you described it’s a hack. Maximum movement speed is achieved with superspeed and it’s the same as out of combat swiftness.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

permanent +200% movement speed

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow Dragon.1469

Shadow Dragon.1469

There are some people in pvp that run around with permanent +200% movement speed.
They literally run faster than a shortbow thief without teleporting or leaping.
When they do that, their running animation gets all messed up
and they remind me of my worst ex when he is about to ejaculate.
How are they doing that?
Are they using cheat program?
If there are cheat programs, this game is not worth playing.

there are multiple cheat “programs” out there i remember during the season a necro was abusing some kind of invisibility, teleporting cheat he was supposedly delt with i saw a dev mention in a redit post

i also brought video proof of someone using a speed hack in stronghold was being very obvious about it, people agreed it was a hack… i would link you to my video of it but you’ll just have to do a search yourself on youtube i was already modded for just asking for it to be looked into or the person to be warned that was abusing/using it but again the topic about it was silenced and no action was taken… just dont play the game i know i havent played it nearly as much since that incident i just do my dailies most of the time… and get off so many other games out and coming soon..

tldr: yes there is such a thing dont expect anet to do anything about it its probably been around a long time….

playing with ALL classes keeps it fun that’s how i do it

permanent +200% movement speed

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


Hm, I’ve played thousands of PvP matches (literally around 4000) and have never seen this. The only cheating I’ve seen was Guardian teleport hacks in WvW a long time ago, and that ended with a wave of mass perma bans and a patch. Never seen anything since.

Are you sure you are not lagging?

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

permanent +200% movement speed

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow Dragon.1469

Shadow Dragon.1469

ive also played thousands of matches and ive only ever caught people out of 10 of them within the past 2 years, 2 within the past 2 months, just to say it doesnt happen often and your only going to catch the stupid ones there are people that do stuff like that and are less obvious about it so your never going to know or they are going to pray on people like you and just hope you thought there was a lag or latency issue.

the video i had proof of showed that everyone else in the map was fine and the character in question was being targeted by an ai archer and the arrows were following him perfectly although on my screen he was moving at absurd speeds this was a ranger…(who thought no one was watching) there was no lag at play.

(i know you were probably talking to tc but just felt id comment)

playing with ALL classes keeps it fun that’s how i do it

permanent +200% movement speed

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

It’s a hack called speedhack.
Expect to see it more often in unranked matches, about 1/20 matches ran.
You won’t see it often in ranked but there are videos of it being caught.

What you are seeing is not lag. If the person was lagging, they would start running at a wall and not moving for a long duration of time before making small jolting movements while server readjusts them. Also, If you were lagging you would see EVERYONE on your screen doing weird things, not just one person.

Most players who use speed hack are good at hiding it. Normally people get away with it by running thieves and only using the speedhack when they SR “so no one can see the glitchy fast running” and then they hotkey deactivate when out of SR. Other classes are capable of doing this as well but not so conveniently as a thief can.

Learn to use the win10 record program, everyone has it now.
Great for catching cheaters on film.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.