please fix
Weird I have the opposite problem and I just button mash with my palm.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I’ve been soloq’ing and duoq’ing in ranked a lot lately with no problems. You have probably just gotten really unlucky.
I’ve been soloq’ing and duoq’ing in ranked a lot lately with no problems. You have probably just gotten really unlucky.
Yea I guess, been going on for 2 days now..
At start 4 going close, thief going facetank 2 at far.. I mean wow..
And constantly those kind of teammembers..
Or AFK’ers..
Or leavers..
These complaints have been falling on deaf ears since the patch that broke pvp. Their MMR system is balancing out the team like 1 guy with a high mmr + 4 guys with really low mmr will balance out 5 guys with average mmr. It just doesn’t work. But they don’t seem to be able to recognize this as a problem. It’s a shame, solo queue was fun before they removed it.
On like my 10th loss in a row. I never lost anywhere near this many in a row before the patch. But when I consistently get teamed with four permadowns or guys that afk in the base after they die once against guys that have a clue what they’re doing that’s what happens.
@kirito when you button smash…is that why a portrait of male genitalia appears in map chat?
@kirito when you button smash…is that why a portrait of male genitalia appears in map chat?
Is that whats on your mind? Geez. Its a heart on a stick as a wand!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream