ppl want legendary weapons?

ppl want legendary weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


How many people are keen for legendary weapons in PvP?

They show your an excellent grinder.
Some people may confuse that with your an excellent player.
They look flash.
They may keep players round to reach rank omega-dragon-god. Kinda like a carrot/donkey thing.

They have the most pound for pound particle in game.
Whatever is needed to craft them may lay outside what is best for the team your in. Who wants to hold home when they require another 5000 kills for their legendary?

This keeps on appearing on the agenda of to-do stuff. How many would actually like to see them? and how many would actually like to not see them?

Apart from the most transparent argument being, “They’re in game, so all players should be able to acquire them.” Is that reason enough to bring them over? The amount of time/money/farming/RnG luck/crafting to make them in PvE should equate that it would require the same basic ‘massive effort’ in PvP..how can this be achieved in a pvp model where there is only the one mode of conquest?

ppl want legendary weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


I think it is on a list of things to consider but right now I think Anet have higher priorities such as making new game-modes etc. After pvp has a new foothold yes, I see no reason not to have them because it is the players choice if he/she wants to grind 1000+ hours, yet again it doesn’t have to be that way.

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

ppl want legendary weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Actually, the pvp version r ingame alrdy. So i expect them in 1-2months time.
And “flashy” argument: just give option to remove legendary effects like a swing at Twillight, just leave the weapon skin = solved. Those who don’t want em will disable it.
+ it will be prolly trade shards for weps, and prolly they will drop from chests (shards) so no need to make 5k kills or run around the map like idiot.
Got any other “cons” ?

Champion: >| Illusionist | Shadow | Phantom | Legionnaire | Magus | Hunter |<
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
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(edited by Michael.7382)

ppl want legendary weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Esports and legendary weapons are like oil and water. Won’t mix. Do you see basketball players wearing gold chains and furs when they’re on court? They just wear shirt and shorts.

ppl want legendary weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


At this stage considering the lack of meaningful rewards for PVP I’m all for legendary weapons. All they need to do is tone down the particles (maybe even completely remove them for pvp) or give people an option to ‘turn off legendary weapons’ so its only visible for the ‘player’ and not the ‘viewer’.

ppl want legendary weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Why “turn off”? The main reason of having legendary is to show off to others. Coz its legendary, coz it needs effort to make. Its not only just a skin like all others. Thats why skin should stay, only option to disable particle effects. But for example for Sunrise, skin should stay untouched. Maybe no particle on swing if someone doesn’t want to.

Champion: >| Illusionist | Shadow | Phantom | Legionnaire | Magus | Hunter |<
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|