premades are still a problem, please fix

premades are still a problem, please fix

in PvP

Posted by: Fenris.2894


I’ve been been doing tournaments fairly regularly since the patch, and I’m still running up against premades 50% of the time. This is a huge problem.

So far my understanding of the dev’s point of view on this, is that over time premades will achieve higher ranks than solo queues and they should be split up eventually. I believe this is not true, its the wrong approach, and unfair for the following reason:

PvP already suffers from a low population, mostly because it lacks valuable rewards. This just makes the problem worse by discouraging casual players, and putting them through a grinder. We simply shouldn’t be forced to put up with that kind of abuse.

The primary theology, and what is supposed to set this game apart from other MMO’s is the Plug-n-Play PvP. That we can jump right in at any time without it having to do a grind-fest. which is an exact contradiction of this “over time” approach to stabilizing tournaments.
Casual players should be given a fair chance to actually care about ranking.

I think this is a step backwards from the paid/free tournament system where people had to be a premade to play for greater rewards, it didn’t stop premades from entering free tournaments BUT there was incentive to do paids. THAT is the right approach, people respond to incentives and they work.

I also believe it’s a logical fallacy to say premades will achieve higher rank and that alone will separate them from solo queues. The vast majority of PvP’ers don’t strictly PvP with the same team, those same members of the premade will continue to solo queue when the group splits, their rank will drop again, and the next day they will reform the group. That “over time” theory might hold true for professional teams, but most pro’s don’t play this game anymore.