Before you comment and look at the rest I want you to read the intro
This game has an amazing combat system, that’s why many players kept holding on for so long. However the balance and spam in this game is making this game not live up to it’s full potentional, at all.
now these changes that I suggest will require a complete overhaul (which probably can’t be done anymore) however I still want to get the word out there.
The game needs nerfs, and I mean lots and lots of nerfs on everything. However every time there is a nerf people single out that one skill without looking at the whole as for the game. For example (just an example) let’s say incendiary powder would be deleted, this skill nerfed or deleted may harm the engineer in a very bad way, but other classes might be getting nerfs at the same time and making the odds even. LOOK AT THE WHOLE PICTURE PLEASE. Now for the players this is quite hard so this should really be arenanets job to filter out the actual good and experienced feedback from the “omg X got nerfed, now X profession is unviable”.
end of the intro
On to my actual point
1)Skills in this game should be more situational, skills should have less different effects. For example a skill like illusionary leap. I’m just bringing this up for the sake of an example but this applies to every single skill in the game
It send out a clone to the enemy and cripples and vulnerability, after this you can swap with that. This skill is fair design I guess, fairly telegraphed and has a good moment to dodge. The cripple on this skill is good because the enemy should be cripled in order to make the swap work, however the vulnerability has no place here and is stupid. It will only be another random effect that adds on to all the others (other skills in this game with additional random effects). This is just another condition guard really because it’s another spot on the condition bar.
nerfing every skill in the game where it should only really apply the effect the skill should apply would be mandatory here.
2) For god’s sake nerf the auto attacks already, auto attacks are way too strong in this game and should never be better damage than actual skills itself. If an individual would never really use his other skills (the situational ones) the player must be bad and not perform well at all. Now let’s take a look at how this is in the actual game (you all know what example is coming now). Spirit ranger, spam auto and put a massive load of conditions on your enemy without much knowledge of the game. This is bad design and should be changed
3) Nerf “proc X condition on X moment” traits and utilities.
A few examples to name here are “dazzling, incendiary powder, dhuumfire, symbolic exposure, halting strike” just to name a few but there are many many many more in this game. Make them actual skill based situational things, let me out of the list bring halting strike forward here just to set an example.
Make halting strike do his damage equal to the importance of the actual skill. You can do this in the form of looking at heals, elite skills or even just the cooldown of that particular skill. So when you random interrupt an elementalist auto from air you don’t do 2.5k damage just because you used an interrupt, it should matter WHAT you interrupt.
4) Proper animations
This one is quite hard I guess, but it is a must to increase the skill required to play this game and make it less spammy and random luck.
Example is the necromancer staff, it has no indication at all of whether the necromancer is using his fear mark, his chill mark or just his blood mark. It is essentional to make this clear to the enemy to delete having to random dodge in order to not get chilled or feared for example. But again on this, this applies to everything in the game and staff on necromancer is just an example
5) Lessen the amount of skills that apply ticking conditions, with this I meant the conditions that do actual damage (now before you go nuts on this look at point 6).
With less skills that apply conditions you actually have to plan when you will use your skills and the enemy would actually be in trouble if he blew that condition remove at the wrong time
6) Lessen the amount of skills that remove conditions (now this might seem really odd but in order to make conditions still be a thing in this game without it being spammy and kittened we need to both lessen the condition remove and lessen the amount of skills that apply the conditions). Make it so you actually have to choose the condition remove for certain moment and not just remove a condition on using a weapon skill for example. A good example of this would be infiltrator’s return, it makes no sense with this just removing a condition, but again this is just an example. And many other skills should be changed this way too.