Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: fishybill.6908


Seriously, please do something about people quitting mid way through a tpvp match.

Okay so they get a rating drop, to be honest I don’t think they care!

The only people that pay the price is the 3 or 4 team mates that are left to try and salvage what’s left and it normally ends in loss.

Some suggestions:

tpvp minimum rank 10.

If you leave a tpvp match before the end you get a 1 day ban from re queue, if you get disconnected or crash, you get 5 minutes to re-enter the game or the same ban applies.

If you get 3 bans you lose 10 ranks.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


good idea. But lets start at rank 2. If they leave a tpvp match or do not enter the game or are afk for the majority of the time. Remove 1 rank.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


They have said many many times… they will implement a system that will grant a deffete to whoever leaves a tournament match so even if the team manages to win 4v5, the guy that left will be granted a loss when the tournament is over and suffer the respective rating penalty.
I believe i also read something about allowing another player in to replace the loser that left.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

Some people drop WAY too early too.

Score can be 110 to 40 and they’re like OMG I’M OUT NOOBS.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Sampo.9678


They just need the same system as in gw1.
Report for inactivity and the leaver/afker wont be able to join a game for some time

“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I wouldn’t introduce a minimum rank but I would absolutely introduce quitter penalties. LIke double MMR loss and a time out on quing for a while. That gets longer the more frequently you quit.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: fishybill.6908


MMR loss penalties don’t hurt the type of player that is leaving, that’s the point, I suspect the type of player that’s leaving does not know/care about the rating system and does not care if the team win or lose.

Basically they need to implement a system that restricts this type of player from entering tpvp while allowing for disconnects and crashes.

5 minutes to reconnect else a 1 day ban would fix this I think?

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Rank 10 minimum to tPvP. that sounds like a good idea tbh

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Firebaall.5127


I think the larger issue is the failure of the sPvP matchmaking. It can only be described as a gong show.

Who the heck wants to take a pummeling from an organized premade team while being paired up with low rank/inexperienced players?

(edited by Firebaall.5127)

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Having a rank requirement to enter tPVP is a bad idea. Anet wants to expand the PvP population not setup barriers to restrict new players from trying out things.

There needs to be some penalty for people that quits/afk during tournaments, but need to keep in mind of people who naturally have connection issues and actually trying to play.

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Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


They should tweak the matchmaking a bit so it gives 1 win 1 loss 1 win 1 loss… not 10 wins 10 loss. Since it gets boring if you get 10 times matched against weaker teams and then10 times against stronger teams alwas losing.

Would keep people more motivated… 10 losses of course it makes you rage easier if you start to lose that often.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Firebaall.5127


If Anet wants to increase the players in PvP, they have to think about how they killed it off in gw1. Especially since they are happily doing it again here.

In catering to the few organized players, they choke off new players. Why would anybody want to stick around after getting pitted against an organized set of players? Here’s a secret: They don’t.

Go down this road, and suddenly you have all the organized players cry how nobody plays anymore. No new blood…dead game.

Fix the match up process, or lose the game.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


If Anet wants to increase the players in PvP, they have to think about how they killed it off in gw1. Especially since they are happily doing it again here.

In catering to the few organized players, they choke off new players. Why would anybody want to stick around after getting pitted against an organized set of players? Here’s a secret: They don’t.

Go down this road, and suddenly you have all the organized players cry how nobody plays anymore. No new blood…dead game.

Fix the match up process, or lose the game.

It doesn’t matter if you’re overmatched. You still owe loyalty to your teammates to see them through.

I have little sympathy with anyone who leaves. A nice cooling off period is in order for them.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Firebaall.5127


The more people that complain about it the better. More over, I don’t hold any duty to those players. I refuse to participate in these bad scenarios caused by Anet’s total disregard for the game type.

When this happens it isn’t a team effort. It’s a benny hill show opening. I refuse to accept it.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: silkysoft.6749


They need to do these things before they should even think thier job is valid at anet.

- Fix the supposid ‘skill’ matchup system
- Display ranking point and a +/- of match results
- Need minimum rank to enter tpvp match
- Separate solo and premade (teams of 3 and up are premade)
- Have prioritised que for 5v5 man premade
- Give us the option to que with premades to fill the 1 or 2 spots left
- Have an option to report people for leaving/idle
- Have an option to report bad player in solo que
- Keep everyone’s name in the scoreboard, just grey out leavers so that we can report them
- Replace leavers with another player
- Make it so leavers cant join another instance in GW2 till that match is over, also invoke an instant loss and next tpvp match a loss to thier rating even if they win

(edited by silkysoft.6749)

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


4 guys ragequit this game.
Anyone have a game where all 5 guys ragequit, I wonder what happens when all 5 leave.


(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Dreadlord.5419


There should be some sort of spectating system and rebalancing options in the middle of the game.
In a 5v4 situation, either force someone (based on score, rank or whatever) to spectate, or let one from the other team spectate willingly until either a) the game is over or b) a solo joiner can enter and fill the missing spot.

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: fishybill.6908


They need to do these things before they should even think thier job is valid at anet.

- Fix the supposid ‘skill’ matchup system
- Display ranking point and a +/- of match results
- Need minimum rank to enter tpvp match
- Separate solo and premade (teams of 3 and up are premade)
- Have prioritised que for 5v5 man premade
- Give us the option to que with premades to fill the 1 or 2 spots left
- Have an option to report people for leaving/idle
- Have an option to report bad player in solo que
- Keep everyone’s name in the scoreboard, just grey out leavers so that we can report them
- Replace leavers with another player
- Make it so leavers cant join another instance in GW2 till that match is over, also invoke an instant loss and next tpvp match a loss to thier rating even if they win

This completely, all of the above!

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Some people drop WAY too early too.

Score can be 110 to 40 and they’re like OMG I’M OUT NOOBS.

110 – 40 at start is not a good situation, 70-80 pnts are an big gap unless you are at spirit watch or toss where you can get orbs/buffs to close it quickly or you just left a forest’s boss while others already did it…but it can be done plus leaving gives you an istant lost match and you can’t relog in since you would end up into the current match until it’s over, so there’s no reason at all to leave matches imo.

But well if you end up in something like this


i can’t really blame their thief for ragequitting…and he left around 400 – 0 …total matchmaking fail still gg for keep trying till the end even with no chance to win, but this is a rare case, many times a match that appears to be already lost can be saved if you start to play smart, hard to do if pug but it can be done..or at least you must try..

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Quitting tpvp at the slight hint of a loss!

in PvP

Posted by: Hair Composts.7062

Hair Composts.7062

I already said it here so I am just gonna quote myself:

Dear PvP-Community,

since there is the option to play tounament games in 5v5 I went playing in there because its much more fun to play with teams that always got 5 players. Eventhough lately its seems that a behavior called “ragequiting” starte to apear much more. just today i lost like 10 games because always someone leaves. Its not even fun to win against an enemy team that got quiters.

In my opinion thehre should be massive penaltys for quiters because they got the oportunity to play hotjoin. In Gw1 they were not allowed to play PvP for 1 hour and if they continued doing it they were even banned fpr like 1 to 3 days. Something like thet would be very helpful.

Second problem: Lowlevel players. Why are players below level 10 alowed to play tournaments in the first place? Just yet i lost a game because i got 2 level 1 players and 1 level 2 player in my team and they tought they are awesome because they “already reached level 80 in PvE”. Some restrictions there would help. Level 10 is not much and reached very fast but it helps so that players get an idea how to play the game before they join tournaments and ruin everyones ranking.