(edited by milo.6942)
rally change
could you elaborate a little bit on what some of the benefits would be please and thank you
could you elaborate a little bit on what some of the benefits would be
please and thank you
inject some chance for counterplay and bit of skill in rally situations
I agree. I get really sick of the enemy team having 3 guys down, but one guy standing has some ridiculous either stealth or stability easy stomp while others just can’t get it and they all jump right back up. Sure, it sounds cool, but that’s not a counter play, its certain people having a lack of mechanics and 1 guy carrying a bunch of people laying on the floor. Picking up your friends for a rally is the counter to a stomp/dps down. Currently rezing an entire team due to 1 stomp is about as lame as if a single stomp would cause everyone around also down on that team to die… :/
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I’d rather see rally limited to 1 rez per stomp, or removed all together. It is a bad mechanic.
I think it should be last down is first up, then teams who win team fights and still have downed players have to spend a couple seconds rezzing. This could add a little more time so that the team that has to recover isn’t getting full rushed at their home point.
This will also make people have to act quickly to save their other allies before they bleed out.
Yes, exactly. This would also make pve more team based if they could handle it.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
That’s way too complicated to be good game design.
What? Just not rallying unless you actually rez them? That’s simpler than how it is now. Either you get rezed, or you don’t…
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)