rank 80 and beyond

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

so i heard there are some people raging about how easy it is to get dragon rank 80 etc.

what if the rank does not stop at 80?

upon reaching rank 80, the dragon finisher is unlocked, but players are still able to increase their pvp rank. but there are no additional finishers to be unlocked after that. well just the standard rank up reward chest.

so some minority people may be able to brag about their high pvp rank or something.

how would that be like?


rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Nary Why Irk.8150

Nary Why Irk.8150

No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank, therefore no objective to work towards.

As i said multiple times, r55 is a very soft measure of whar it should take to be a dragon in pvp.
Real and most reasonable rank frame to get dragon finisher should be changed to the upper 60’s or r70. Even more now that rank gain has been increased.

Please anet.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.

As in 81, 82, 83? Awesome! I love it!

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.

As in 81, 82, 83? Awesome! I love it!

aye, yeah, that’s the idea!
but, no new finishers after level 80 though, and 81, 82, 83 … onwards are still called dragon rank, just that the numbers are higher.

same called dragon rank, no new finishers, still get a reward box for leveling up, just that the numbers get higher and higher, kinda like the new diablo 3 paragon levels, no limit, but without additional benefits besides rank up reward boxes.

i know i will not reach that rank, but i am confident there are many others who would, and some of them may like such a concept?

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Sunshine.5014


I agree with this. Just make rank number goes up. To me, rank doesn’t mean a lot, but to some people, it’s the only thing they have to show how dedicated they are to the game. Just let them have it; there is no harm doing so anyway (since finishers stop at rank 80)

Gray out the HP for future condition damage
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.

As in 81, 82, 83? Awesome! I love it!

aye, yeah, that’s the idea!
but, no new finishers after level 80 though, and 81, 82, 83 … onwards are still called dragon rank, just that the numbers are higher.

same called dragon rank, no new finishers, still get a reward box for leveling up, just that the numbers get higher and higher, kinda like the new diablo 3 paragon levels, no limit, but without additional benefits besides rank up reward boxes.

i know i will not reach that rank, but i am confident there are many others who would, and some of them may like such a concept?

As long as people can still see my rank after the match ends, I have no issues. Would be extra nice to have new titles at 100, 150…1000 even…or more. That’d just be icing on the cake.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Soinetwa.5193


i had this idea as well the only problem i see there is that people who have farmed in skyhammer weill be kinda up there

they should take some rank points away and give points for played tournaments to reward skill not time

however rank 80 for everyone and then continuing counting upwards to see who have played a TON of pvp instead of just a lot
is better than everyone at 80

and what goes for astetics if the add titles that u can get every 10 or 20levels
which are easy to make

but nice to showoff itd be nice as well

or another soloution to give titles for every 250 tournament wins

or somethign like a winstreak achievement
3tournament wins in a row will give you 1 winstreak
with 5 winstreaks a title then 25 then 50 then in steps of 50

a lot of ways to encourage tournament and skilled palying over playing a lot

anyway overall hte update will be nice.. : D

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


i had this idea as well the only problem i see there is that people who have farmed in skyhammer weill be kinda up there

they should take some rank points away and give points for played tournaments to reward skill not time

however rank 80 for everyone and then continuing counting upwards to see who have played a TON of pvp instead of just a lot
is better than everyone at 80

and what goes for astetics if the add titles that u can get every 10 or 20levels
which are easy to make

but nice to showoff itd be nice as well

or another soloution to give titles for every 250 tournament wins

or somethign like a winstreak achievement
3tournament wins in a row will give you 1 winstreak
with 5 winstreaks a title then 25 then 50 then in steps of 50

a lot of ways to encourage tournament and skilled palying over playing a lot

anyway overall hte update will be nice.. : D

Agreed. There are so many ways, so many innovative ways to reward long term players that don’t take away anything from the game. Unfortunately many people are opposed to the idea of giving people who have slogged their way through the ranks rewards of any kind. They want everyone to be equal regardless of hours put in.

And coming from an MMO population, that is just…sad.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.


I don’t know if that would entirely work. I’m a couple bars from R71 and if this happened, and I got a rank for every 20k past Rank80, I’d be..

Rank 238.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.


I don’t know if that would entirely work. I’m a couple bars from R71 and if this happened, and I got a rank for every 20k past Rank80, I’d be..

Rank 238.

I think that’s great. Even better than it is now. People should be able to view your dedication and hard work. There should be titles for reaching r500, r1000 etc…

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank

I disagree. I like showing off a high rank. And apparently so do many others. If it doesn’t mean anything, just implement it and make us happy. Those to whom it doesn’t mean anything won’t be affected. Everyone’s happy!

aye, so what do you think about rank 80 and beyond?

as in, after reaching rank 80, player continues to rank up after rank 80.


I don’t know if that would entirely work. I’m a couple bars from R71 and if this happened, and I got a rank for every 20k past Rank80, I’d be..

Rank 238.

i think we have people with WvW rank 2000+ or something so i guess sPvP rank 238 would be all right.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom Master.9582

Phantom Master.9582

It would indeed be awesome!

R80 Mesmer- Inquisitor Amena

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Bart Weird.9671

Bart Weird.9671

Deimos aren’t you the guy who never set a foot into tournements
and defending to not remove hotjoin with all your life?


[Grawl Shaman Duo Scale 80]

(edited by Bart Weird.9671)

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


Deimos aren’t you the guy who never set a foot into tournements
and defending to not remove hotjoin with all your life?


Just read that thread…he made some very good points and if there are people enjoying HJ, there’s no reason to remove it. Besides, it’s completely off topic.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos aren’t you the guy who never set a foot into tournements
and defending to not remove hotjoin with all your life?


yes, nowadays, i only play sPvP in hotjoins, after trying out 20 rounds of solo arena, i decided that i am more of a casual hotjoin player and not a tournament player.

i understand i would never reach rank 80 and beyond quickly, or ever, since i do not actively participate in tournaments, but that does not stop me from proposing things that may make some other tournament players happy.

given that tournaments (solo arena and team arena) gives more rank points, so probably only active tournament players can benefit from rank 80 and beyond.

i’m also a casual warrior player and warrior forum defender for those who are unaware.

i may not play sPvP very competitively, but i still enjoy sPvP and want sPvP part of guild wars 2 to do good and not be neglected completely.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


At this point, given all the controversy over tournaments v skyhammer farming and the new influx of people to spvp anticipated given the integrated reward system, it is time for a complete reset.

Let’s start over with ranks and just provide say “loot boxes” based on people’s current rank as a consolation prize.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


At this point, given all the controversy over tournaments v skyhammer farming and the new influx of people to spvp anticipated given the integrated reward system, it is time for a complete reset.

Let’s start over with ranks and just provide say “loot boxes” based on people’s current rank as a consolation prize.

I’m ok with this solution. As long we have something unique to show people what we were before the reset. Though loot boxes is too RNG. Give us a mini. Or a title. Or somethin.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

This should work, well dragon for 55+ (Considering most sh farmers stopped at r50 starting from r10 or so…and i know many of them out there, while i was 56 before skyhammer and they were like 20+ and after skyhammer period i was 60 and they were 55+ asking me why i didn’t farm sh 24/7 like a mad kitten rofl) would still be an insult but at least we won’t lose our MILLIONS rank points just because we’re scaring the kitten out of casuals (Dat guy is so high rank, i want high rank tooo but i don’t want to spend 1 year and half in pvp….buuuh anet plz nerf!) even with no finishers it would be a decent solution, not a good solution (Good one would be shifting dragon to 70) but something at least, but there would still be the problem of casual pve heroes free high rank wannabes i guess “I don’t want to go pvp much but i still want same stuff ppl with 3k hours in pvp have” sounds legit right? fo

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

At this point, given all the controversy over tournaments v skyhammer farming and the new influx of people to spvp anticipated given the integrated reward system, it is time for a complete reset.

Let’s start over with ranks and just provide say “loot boxes” based on people’s current rank as a consolation prize.

hmmm a sPvP rank reset?
i’m wolf rank 36 now.

so lets say if they reset sPvP rank,
and if i get 36 rank up boxes.

and my sPvP rank gets pushed back to rabbit rank 1.

hmmm i can get some more rank up chests easily again?

i would not mind that.
but i dun think they will wanna reset the ranks.
a lot of people will rage heheh.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Since all of you like long tedious grinds. I am fine with this idea as long as they make rank ups for 81,82,83, etc greater than 1 million rank up points a rank. I don’t want to see rank 2114 in the scoreboard.

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


No point since there is nothing of prestige attached to being a high rank, therefore no objective to work towards.

As i said multiple times, r55 is a very soft measure of whar it should take to be a dragon in pvp.
Real and most reasonable rank frame to get dragon finisher should be changed to the upper 60’s or r70. Even more now that rank gain has been increased.

Please anet.

They said wanted to bring and PvE and PvP mechanics in line with each other, so that’s why they are making the rank cap at 80, and repeatable at 80, but for less rank points because the previous rank was unrealistic. You still have goals to work towards, now that there is a wardrobe and better rewards, and PvP and PvE sharing the same skins, there is definetly a lot to work towards.

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Since all of you like long tedious grinds. I am fine with this idea as long as they make rank ups for 81,82,83, etc greater than 1 million rank up points a rank. I don’t want to see rank 2114 in the scoreboard.

Why not? Since you say that rank points don’t mean anything, why do you care if you see 2114 or not? Makes zero difference to you does it not?

rank 80 and beyond

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Since all of you like long tedious grinds. I am fine with this idea as long as they make rank ups for 81,82,83, etc greater than 1 million rank up points a rank. I don’t want to see rank 2114 in the scoreboard.

Why not? Since you say that rank points don’t mean anything, why do you care if you see 2114 or not? Makes zero difference to you does it not?

It does make a difference, it looks ridiculous to finish a PvP match and see someone rank 2000. At that rate, the rank is so high new players will start to think its a leadboard listing rank.

They had the exact same discussion in alpha when they were deciding to make it possible to level beyond 80, but it wouldn’t provide stat bonuses. They determined it just seemed to odd to the playerbase to have level 500’s running around.