rank requirement for rated matches
Hotjoin is a horrible place to learn anything unless they were to completely restructure it. But then it would just be another Unranked, which we already have. No reason for a rank requirement to be placed on Unranked matches. As for Ranked matches, if players are bad they get a low rating and play with other bads. If they are good they get a better rating and play with better players. No reason for restrictions in Ranked either, at least nothing so high.
make ranked matches required rank 200+ to join xD
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Please, add a level 20 rank requirement for unranked arenas and rise the rank requirement for ranked arenas to level 40 or 60. Rated arenas should be off limit for completely new players. New players should learn, how to play their professions and how to play structured PvP in hotjoin first, like we veterans had to do in the old days, then there were Tournament Tickets.
I am not willing to carry newbees in rated matches the whole time.
I think this would’ve been an effective change to sPVP but considering population; after watching S6 leaderboards which consisted of everyone in platinum and a couple players in high gold at a few points, the situation is dire.
I think as much as we all want to see restrictions to ranked to improve the gameplay, it won’t happen now. I think the fears are losing what remaining active population is left.
The easier thing to do would be to remove daily achievements from ranked and also to give unranked the same rewards as ranked on season.
Right now I think Anet needs to work on improving the population of sPVP before even thinking about adding restrictions and separate ques.
They need to throw a big spanner in the works, more maps, and at least one new game mode and a 1v1 arena. But again as above, I think the fears lie with losing what remaining population there is.
I only joined in s5 but to find out the game is 5 years old and there is still only one game mode, and people are playing the same maps, it’s really sad.
On another thought you could consider raising the rank requirement for ranked, but you would then need to give unranked the same rewards as ranked and also give unranked it’s own leaderboard to counteract the risk of losing population over time. So instead of having unranked/ranked you have normal/experienced.
I agree, the rank is way too low. population isn’t an excuse for a very slightly higher bar.
Or limit ranked play to minimum MMR number.
Equalize the rewards between the two and then force everyone over a certain MMR to only use the higher ranked queue (not the same number as the lower ranked players need to queue in the higher MMR arenas).
For example, the minimum MMR to queue in upper rank is 1250. Then make everyone over 1400 have to queue in the higher ranked arenas. People 1250-1399 can queue in either. People below 1250 have to queue in the lower ranks. People 1400+ have to queue in the higher MMR arenas only.
Hotjoin is a horrible place to learn anything unless they were to completely restructure it. But then it would just be another Unranked, which we already have. No reason for a rank requirement to be placed on Unranked matches. As for Ranked matches, if players are bad they get a low rating and play with other bads. If they are good they get a better rating and play with better players. No reason for restrictions in Ranked either, at least nothing so high.
there is a reason for a greater level limit to ranked, and this reason is not purely bad or clueless players, the reason is alt acounts and their match manipulation nature, a bigger level limit discourages creating miriads of alt acounts to ensure your duo gets lower skill adversaries
the level req structure have to be similar to :
1-10/20 play a tutorial against bots (farmeable for daily hunters)
20-60 play unranked(but unranked with equilibrated mmnot a frustrating newbies vs team of pros )
60+ ranked
(edited by megilandil.7506)
This should’ve been done like over a year ago. Like all of the other competitive PvP games do. This is the single biggest reason Smurf vs Smurf is bigger then Player vs Player like in other PvP games.
It’s just too easy to troll with a smurf in GW2’s ranked compared to other sPvP games ranked matches that I have or is playing. However it’s far too late for this change. Barely anyone is interested in playing GW2’s PvP in it current iteration. Smurf match manipulation accounts in GW2 is more META then the metabattle builds. IMO that is wrong and does not promote PvP at all, nor will ever.
However ANet allowed the smurf account, to throw match after match after match unhindered till only a select few want to continue playing.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys