(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
ranked horror story share time
Its not about tutorials, there’s no punishment for losing so there no incentive to actually win outside of the “elitist” which Anet and the GW2 community aren’t fond of. I think this will continue until there some kinda punishment for pvp loses.
Yes, implying that people either wait out games and just fight in middle because they just wanna get the pvp points on there pvp league chest. Yes i am generalizing a large amount of the community, i have had 5 games today and all 5 of them we have more the one capped home and stayed there for the entire cap. 3 Of them 2 people just sat around for a 2mins.
Also allow us to set language preferences to at least play with other English players so if i type ’Home" or “help” in chat they will know.
(edited by Genesis.5169)
This is how foefire work you know. It’s how it’s always worked.
If you see a large amount of people voting for it in the rotation, it’s probably going to be a blowout. Because they do that on purpose. Winning on foefire is incredibly easy if you get a team that know how to play it, you can completely steamroll the enemy team – which usually also mean they are very, very likely to have at least one guy giving up after a single mid wipe while spouting noobs gg bad team kittens etc, ensuring victory.
afk in spawn
double cap points
non meta builds
“im here for the reward track”
“im here for pips”
“im from pve”
MMR not working
I was almost t3 plat, one match away. The team was scattered, the necromancer was farming beasts and getting them stolen each time. Finally I said come on guys get it together you are plat ranked. To which two responded….what? No this is silver tier.
I was like omg anet matchmaker! lol
Windows 10
2 thieves, 2 mesmers, 1 necro. Foefire. Team still tries to contest mid.
[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]
Well, I actually have one true horror story as well. It was in Forest of Niflhel and at the start of the match, still during ready phase, our thief wrote in team chat: “Hey, I am just testing my Condi Staff build”
I don’t recall how did the match end cause I passed out
2 thieves, 2 mesmers, 1 necro. Foefire. Team still tries to contest mid.
I mean it’s not like you’re going to win 4v5 anyway
[Mada] Apocryfia
Oh where do I start? Most games are like horror stories for me this season, lol.
People dying 2v1
Playing trash builds (e.g. condi Druid, condi engi, p/p thief)
People going for boss all game in forest
Thieves who never +1 or decap and just die in teamfights all game.
People who die 6+ times in one game
People from gold getting in my teams in legend division.
People dying to boss in forest (this one I really don’t understand how this is possible)
People having no clue how to disengage or kite
And THE WORST one of all...
People who are actually useless acting like it was my/my duo’s fault that we lost the game, even though we are the ones carrying almost all the time.
This annoys me so much, and the people who do this will never improve because they can’t accept that they are bad.
I wish I could remember more specifics but this should give you an idea of what a lot of my games are like, hahaha.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I was almost t3 plat, one match away. The team was scattered, the necromancer was farming beasts and getting them stolen each time. Finally I said come on guys get it together you are plat ranked. To which two responded….what? No this is silver tier.
I was like omg anet matchmaker! lol
HAHAHA thats great, mine wasnt as bad.
S5 i was in a match and i said “guys come on lets not scatter to all 3 points”, i then said how is this gold 3/plat 1" level game play"? One person said “i just got to gold and now ill be back in silver 3”. I took at as them messing with me.
S7 after this game i didnt play again, i had a 1 vs 1 on mid and no one was gonna win. ( my team owned this cap point) My team won a 4 vs 4 at our home. The game is really close, 425- 440 (roughly) and 3 start to run far, i said " please dont feed far they are all coming off respawn". I was wrong since the 1 fighting me mid went to our home where 1 person stayed. The enemy team killed the 3 who ran far and then zerged home and took that from us.
1 Person said after we lost the match : yeah we probably should not have ran far" ………………………………………………………………. :I
And THE WORST one of all…
People who are actually useless acting like it was my/my duo’s fault that we lost the game, even though we are the ones carrying almost all the time.
Agreed, this is the worst. ^
When youre doing well, winning your fights ….having that random person on the team die and shout “this thief is useless”. Eventho youre steamrolling ppl and decapping every occasion.
And THE WORST one of all…
People who are actually useless acting like it was my/my duo’s fault that we lost the game, even though we are the ones carrying almost all the time.Agreed, this is the worst. ^
When youre doing well, winning your fights ….having that random person on the team die and shout “this thief is useless”. Eventho youre steamrolling ppl and decapping every occasion.
Every. Single. Time.
Thiefs fault now and always…..
This is plat 3, not silver, not gold, flipping plat. Disclaimer: i am not an amazing/pro/whatever player but this is what i see nearly every day and it makes me wonder what is ranking system for.
Going in match, see 2 duoqs of top 5 players on enemy team. Asked my teammate what division they are, they say “Gold”. Me: why am i playing this game?
Support eles farming beasts instead of helping our necro. They usually have chat off and map minimized by the looks of it.
Soloing Dhs and scrappers as thief, hoping i won’t get them in the next match…. nope, i got them on my team next match -_-’. Generally i noticed, we faceroll some team heavily (500-50 style), next match i am on the losing team and lose twice of points i gained last match -> usually makes me quit game for few days.
Watching my entire team chasing some guy on roads and ignoring mid point while i capped home and decapped far and…… hold it, capped mid at begin of the match…. map? what do you eat it with? Pings? We don’t need game sound! We are too pro for it!
Fun one: when we lose i get reported or flamed pretty frequently for being bad thief, using refuge, yada yada, i was even told not to play thief unless i am Sindrener kek (apparently i am supposed to win 1v4 while my team is chasing 1 guy off point). IT IS ALWAYS THIEF’S FAULT! When we win, people from my or enemy team ask me to duoq with them. I have permanent injury from all the facepalming.
And THE WORST one of all…
People who are actually useless acting like it was my/my duo’s fault that we lost the game, even though we are the ones carrying almost all the time.Agreed, this is the worst. ^
When youre doing well, winning your fights ….having that random person on the team die and shout “this thief is useless”. Eventho youre steamrolling ppl and decapping every occasion.
On the bright side, it feels good to know you barely won the match simply by chipping 5 pts here and there with decaps, micromanaging like interrupting multiple enemies from attacking your teammate capping tranq or stalling engi/dh on your point thus dragging more enemies in while gives your team huge advantage, saving teammates from stomps etc.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Another dreadful foefire story in platinum.
It was 410-346 in favor of my team, we have 3 cap, 2 people from enemy go lord. I tell my team to just stay and hold the 3cap and we’ll win. It’s no use. 3 of them go back to defend.
My team starts losing the map because I’m the only one trying to defend 3 points vs 3 enemies while our 5th can’t decide what to do and wanders aimlessly in the middle of nowhere.
They somehow kill our lord.
Still not enough score.
Then they kill our mes who went back to “defend”. +5 score, they win.
Told the mes it was a bad idea and should’ve let them have our lord.
He replies “XD”.
Haven’t played since then. Unenjoyable.
man you guys got some FUNNY stories. its all fun. so much of it, cant even express it all.
sometimes I get so mad at this game I feel like I might go super saiyan or something haha.
oh yeah about my OP (2nd match), when I started to tell ppl to get off of mid because its capped someone actually said he blocked me. that I think was the final straw that made me quit. I did say it in all caps, but… still.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
And THE WORST one of all…
People who are actually useless acting like it was my/my duo’s fault that we lost the game, even though we are the ones carrying almost all the time.Agreed, this is the worst. ^
When youre doing well, winning your fights ….having that random person on the team die and shout “this thief is useless”. Eventho youre steamrolling ppl and decapping every occasion.
Every. Single. Time.
Thiefs fault now and always…..
I loose most matches due to one player starting to flame on the first mistake or bad thing that happens. 4 fight mid, thief goes far after caping close… Thief dies in his 1:1.
One starts to rant about how bad thief is more then actually focusing on continue to fight hard … We loose 400 : 500 especially as after 5 minutes of flaming the thief, that actually showed hes not the worst (we don´t know why he died …) threw back some words … I got flames too for 1:2 ing 3 minutes on their far with my ele AFTER we won the mid fight and taking the lead, with the flamer AFK ing for typing and blaming me for loosing the game :-/.
Worst thing is thieves not understanding their role, e.g.
-spending most game fighting and dying at mid.
-never decaping far.
-full caping far while 2-3 enemy respawns are incoming.
-+1 bad matcups (e.g. engi) for more than 30 seconds, while the rest of the team is outnumbered elsewhere e.t.c.
It’s even worse that they refuse to learn and believe they are actually good if you point it out to them.
Worst thing is thieves not understanding their role, e.g.
-spending most game fighting and dying at mid.
-never decaping far.
-full caping far while 2-3 enemy respawns are incoming.
-+1 bad matcups (e.g. engi) for more than 30 seconds, while the rest of the team is outnumbered elsewhere e.t.c.It’s even worse that they refuse to learn and believe they are actually good if you point it out to them.
No, worst thing is teammates that force thieves into situations/positions where they shouldn’t be because team itself lacks map awareness, ignores pings, refuses to help etc.:
- as i said ele going to solo beasts instead of helping necro at mid thus forcing thief to actually help necro to defend point for example
- despite all pings nobody going to defend lord thus forcing thief to do which is probably worst class for it
- nobody going to defend points we have despite, once again, all pings but rather chasing some guy on road with 4 man while thief is desperately trying to defend points or at least keep points decapped vs 4 enemies that are not that dumb
- going to +1 teammate? That teammate just leaves you to 1v1 DH or scrapper on your point.
- stealthing teammate so he doesn’t get stomped and trying to rez him? Nah, let’s spam attacks, reveal themselves and feed enemy extra points which otherwise would be an easy rez.
- there is always this stupid DH or warrior on your team that keeps going far, thinking he does something useful, dies there thus feeding points and forces thief into big fights at mid which the class is not designed for instead of letting thief to run decaps all match. <<<i could sing about this one
THIS HAPPENS EVERY MATCH. And if we lose, guess who gets the blame? Yeah the thief. I can play like trash on my necro or scrapper – nobody says a word. I can play my best as thief in the match but if we lose it i get flamed. Reality is, a lot of people do not understand how play with a thief on team. They simply don’t let you roam because they think they can roam better than thief on their support ele or DH…… /facepalm.
I am not saying that thieves never make mistakes or always play perfectly but they usually end up being target of the unwarranted flame/hatred/blaming while on top of it majority of pug teams in my experience did their best to prevent thief from doing their job on first place. I even had situations where enemy team defended me vs flaming of my own team, this is how pathetic it can get.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
-I asked team to target the necro first because that necro would shred us. They did not target the necro. They did not target anyone. I (mesmer, absolutely roaming ofc) had to target the necro. That necro stayed alive and remained targetted the entire match.
-Niflhel. 2 guardian premade who stayed on temple most of the game (odd, but it worked to a point) finally collapsed. 400-300, favoring us. I (mes again) was on mine, 1v1 against necro became 2v2 involving an enemy thief and one of the respawned guardians.
I went down. Necro went down. Other guardian runs in. First guardian goes down. …Other guardian revives his friend with no pressure(thief was worthless) stopping stomp. I die. Necro rallies, destroys both of them before I respawn. 499-499… then 500-501. All because a dude prioritized his friend over a stomp.
-Thief somehow getting backcapped by a guardian for the entire game.
-Thief: “keep that thief off of me, i can’t fight them”
-“Your thief carried you” says the guy from the group of 3 i kited around colosseum (on mesmer) for half the match
-Not me, but I saw an unknown youtuber/streamer who was running pure wells on mesmer in ranked complain about being “forever silver”. He stuck to teamfights and never rotated independently.
-In my favor: Any time I switch to staff against a pure trap DH who runs out of ideas when I stay at range and let clones trigger everything.
-Exiting home with an engie with lethal bleed ticks. I go down. Engie proceeds to mid without even a gyro res as a courtesy…
-2 people rush lord at 0-0.
Me: “Lord rush is not a win condition”
Them: “Shut up”
(they do not succeed and all points fall to enemy for the entire game)
(edited by Kadj.6725)
I was playing Druid. At the beginning of the match I told my team that I’d help mid, but then I’d go far and to let me 1v2, and not to plus me at far. I My team was basically stalled at mid by the other team while each team’s thief went around capping/decapping. Eventually our ele went down mid and I had to go far when he got stomped.
I was successfully 1v2ing the other team’s DH and ranger when our DH plussed me. That allowed the other team to snowball our other 3 incompetent teammates 3v3 and ruined the game. I got these nice PMs from my helpful DH at the end of the game.
I was playing Druid. At the beginning of the match I told my team that I’d help mid, but then I’d go far and to let me 1v2, and not to plus me at far. I My team was basically stalled at mid by the other team while each team’s thief went around capping/decapping. Eventually our ele went down mid and I had to go far when he got stomped.
I was successfully 1v2ing the other team’s DH and ranger when our DH plussed me. That allowed the other team to snowball our other 3 incompetent teammates 3v3 and ruined the game. I got these nice PMs from my helpful DH at the end of the game.
I’m not great so these are sincere comments, trying to learn:
If Ele goes down, but they seem to have a DH/Necro really low, do we go for the spike & stomp, and try to carry on the teamfight, or leave for far immediately?
If your DH isn’t sure the Ranger doesn’t have Signet of Stone/enemy DH has used RF… why is he coming to plus? What is he trying to achieve? I don’t see him having the toolset for a rapid +1, even a Necro would be better here.
I think lose mid → push far is a valid stall tactic for Mender Druid, right? A lot of the time even having a worse overall team won’t matter (unless huge skill difference) because 4v3 is very winnable. While setting it up can take some luck, a solid 1v2 stall should buy a lot of room.
I’m not too comfortable with going mid at start with Druid, no Astral Force can make an easy focus.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
I queued up for ranked once… It was awful.
Im not the greatest player, but what happened last night was a horror story for me.
On Colisseum, during pre-match, I ask if the thief is taking home, “Yes”. I said ok, I’m going mid. Match starts, and I take off for the mid point….ONLY I take off for the mid point, the rest of the team go to our home. I stopped at the top of the stairs and stood there while the other team stood on the mid point. Most of them just stood there while one of them attacked me. My team was was hovering around home until it capped and then they went to mid, to which they got slaughtered. I was already bitter from a 2 game losing streak and thought “I don’t need this BS” and logged off and went to bed.
Im not the greatest player, but what happened last night was a horror story for me.
On Colisseum, during pre-match, I ask if the thief is taking home, “Yes”. I said ok, I’m going mid. Match starts, and I take off for the mid point….ONLY I take off for the mid point, the rest of the team go to our home. I stopped at the top of the stairs and stood there while the other team stood on the mid point. Most of them just stood there while one of them attacked me. My team was was hovering around home until it capped and then they went to mid, to which they got slaughtered. I was already bitter from a 2 game losing streak and thought “I don’t need this BS” and logged off and went to bed.
its a bot pattern seems in many matches. they almost have a nickname pattern. this is described here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Let-s-talk-about-the-spvp-bot-array/
How to spot them : There is a definite preference for asuras and “fish-derived” names ( sushi, sashimi, little sharkie, etc), but all races have been observed. Different guild tags observed. The bots will always hook up, and path together. They will always fight together ( and multi-condi spike). They have a tendency to get pulled ( thru rotation teleports/jumps/charges) off spots normal humans would fight ( aka in the middle of nowhere, you’ll see 2-3 people randomly fighting and chasing people instead of capping). They have low cap awareness. They will stack to fight, then leave….after 5 seconds you can usually get back and recap. The worst mistake you can do is feeding the array in middle fights. Backcap em.
(edited by ugrakarma.9416)
Im not the greatest player, but what happened last night was a horror story for me.
On Colisseum, during pre-match, I ask if the thief is taking home, “Yes”. I said ok, I’m going mid. Match starts, and I take off for the mid point….ONLY I take off for the mid point, the rest of the team go to our home. I stopped at the top of the stairs and stood there while the other team stood on the mid point. Most of them just stood there while one of them attacked me. My team was was hovering around home until it capped and then they went to mid, to which they got slaughtered. I was already bitter from a 2 game losing streak and thought “I don’t need this BS” and logged off and went to bed.its a bot pattern seems in many matches. they almost have a nickname pattern. this is described here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Let-s-talk-about-the-spvp-bot-array/
How to spot them : There is a definite preference for asuras and “fish-derived” names ( sushi, sashimi, little sharkie, etc), but all races have been observed. Different guild tags observed. The bots will always hook up, and path together. They will always fight together ( and multi-condi spike). They have a tendency to get pulled ( thru rotation teleports/jumps/charges) off spots normal humans would fight ( aka in the middle of nowhere, you’ll see 2-3 people randomly fighting and chasing people instead of capping). They have low cap awareness. They will stack to fight, then leave….after 5 seconds you can usually get back and recap. The worst mistake you can do is feeding the array in middle fights. Backcap em.
I don’t think they were bots as they didn’t follow the same path together.
I was playing Druid. At the beginning of the match I told my team that I’d help mid, but then I’d go far and to let me 1v2, and not to plus me at far. I My team was basically stalled at mid by the other team while each team’s thief went around capping/decapping. Eventually our ele went down mid and I had to go far when he got stomped.
I was successfully 1v2ing the other team’s DH and ranger when our DH plussed me. That allowed the other team to snowball our other 3 incompetent teammates 3v3 and ruined the game. I got these nice PMs from my helpful DH at the end of the game.
I’m not great so these are sincere comments, trying to learn:
If Ele goes down, but they seem to have a DH/Necro really low, do we go for the spike & stomp, and try to carry on the teamfight, or leave for far immediately?
If your DH isn’t sure the Ranger doesn’t have Signet of Stone/enemy DH has used RF… why is he coming to plus? What is he trying to achieve? I don’t see him having the toolset for a rapid +1, even a Necro would be better here.
I think lose mid -> push far is a valid stall tactic for Mender Druid, right? A lot of the time even having a worse overall team won’t matter (unless huge skill difference) because 4v3 is very winnable. While setting it up can take some luck, a solid 1v2 stall should buy a lot of room.
I’m not too comfortable with going mid at start with Druid, no Astral Force can make an easy focus.
When you go far as druid isn’t terribly important so long as the other team tries to 1v2 you. Some people go far at start instead of mid → far. It doesn’t work at Plat 2+ since the other team isn’t dumb enough to 2v1 you indefinitely, but I’m in Plat 1 atm and am stuck with and against people who will 2v1 me forever. Would’ve worked too but my teammate completely ignored what I explicitly said. Third time that’s happened in the past few days.
“- there is always this stupid DH or warrior on your team that keeps going far, thinking he does something useful, dies there thus feeding points and forces thief into big fights at mid which the class is not designed for instead of letting thief to run decaps all match. <<<i could sing about this one”
This one. . . .over and over
This match started like all my other matches, no one is reacting to my captcha “Human X up please”, in the midst of my despair, a thief responded, “I’ll home”, relief, a thief who wanted to claim home point, can’t all be bad. The gate opened, 3 players went to home point without swiftness except the thief…, thief who already were stading at the home base had to leave but were killed mid way to enemy base, meanwhile at mid point, me and one other player were overwhelmed by 4, at which time, I still was hoping the 2 who are still standing at home base would move and come help mid, they were intercepted by the enemy thief who already reach our home base…, our thief who had now been revived and has started to ran to enemy base was killed again mid way … at 45 (my team) vs 300 (enemy team) point, the elementalist on my team who tripple capped home base decided they want to cap Defensive Inspiration, success, they came towards mid point, Yay! finally, help arrive…, they ran through mid point, not stopping to help, maybe a littlke, I was healed a tiny bit as she was in a bubble sort of floating pass my down body, and they successfully capped Offensive inspiration, as they jumped out of Offensive Inspiration and landed outside, enemy thief finished them off…. …
“- there is always this stupid DH or warrior on your team that keeps going far, thinking he does something useful, dies there thus feeding points and forces thief into big fights at mid which the class is not designed for instead of letting thief to run decaps all match. <<<i could sing about this one”
This one. . . .over and over
i ask myself whats the hell lead many guardians think they are invencible bunkers.
Another dreadful foefire story in platinum.
It was 410-346 in favor of my team, we have 3 cap, 2 people from enemy go lord. I tell my team to just stay and hold the 3cap and we’ll win. It’s no use. 3 of them go back to defend.
My team starts losing the map because I’m the only one trying to defend 3 points vs 3 enemies while our 5th can’t decide what to do and wanders aimlessly in the middle of nowhere.
They somehow kill our lord.
Still not enough score.
Then they kill our mes who went back to “defend”. +5 score, they win.
Told the mes it was a bad idea and should’ve let them have our lord.
He replies “XD”.
Haven’t played since then. Unenjoyable.
If the match ended 474-500.. the mesmer was really bad.
Was stuck in mid silver for 50 games before managing to break out. I ran into several bots, one of which was someone I knew, and had entire teams not even bother capping points.
200 point leads thrown away cause enemy team paying people on my team to throw. Happened two matches in a row against the same people.
One team spent all its time fighting a bunker rev at far and kept asking me, specifically me, why we didn’t have mid or home. I dunno, probably because I’m 1v4.
Saw a bearbow ranger with hawk and blackwidow at mid plat two days ago.
I’m top 250 NA and I’m still seeing stupid things. What even is GW2 PvP?
Gold 1/2
-Thief going lord solo 2-3 times consecutively and dying…by the mobs… In the end we lost 470-500.
-Warrior charging into DH traps (2 DHs in the enemy team), and dying after 2-3 seconds. At mid. All game.
-Mesmer (me) going far to try 1v2 for a bit, then portal back mid. 3 people follow far and they stay there for 1-2 mins 3v1ing an engi. Portal was wasted and 2 people left to defend mid and close vs 4.
-Condi thief following mesmer (for a grudge?) around map, always dying 1v1, but never changing tactics. His team was constantly 2-3 capped.
Foefire, gold ranked; I jump out of the cage and head mid. My mini map shows all four teammates headed home. They wiped not long after.
I went and capped far.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
..I kitten myself.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
I had a guy tell me to go beasts on respawn on forest when I got rank1 last season: http://imgur.com/a/y8rC5 this is what he whispers me
We lost that game btw cus we had two guys in our team going for them all the time
There are classes. Then there is cancer. Not even chemo can vs this cancer. I am happy that I finished The Ascension and obtained the Ardent skins I wanted. Got the titles and rank desired. Other than that, I cannot stand burst dmg variation as such. This is NOT a common occurrence.
But when it does occur, I get chest pain and want to pull my hair out. I can lose 5 matches in a row and not get that upset. after 1300 matches, almost 300 this season, no much was fun. Got what I wanted out of it. Bouncing.
I wish you all the best with:
~wonky matchmaking
~bad rotations
~feeding mid-point
~not fighting on point
~fighting verbally to teammates, even if winning
~name calling/insults
~less gold gains than many of the other game modes per hour.
~people playing bad on purpose to keep a low rank on alt accounts
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension
There are classes. Then there is cancer. Not even chemo can vs this cancer. I am happy that I finished The Ascension and obtained the Ardent skins I wanted. Got the titles and rank desired. Other than that, I cannot stand burst dmg variation as such. This is NOT a common occurrence.
As much as the damage appeared in this screenshot looks ridiculous, but I’m afraid generally there’s just as much healing or damage mitigation cancer in this game as there is burst cancer!
When you see that in some situations 2 people have to spend an entire 2 minutes to kill one supposedly tanky opponent, at times I can’t help but accept that some builds should exist that can deal this much damage in a 2 second burst.
The huge difference between mins and maxes in gw2 is probably one of the reasons this game is so hard to balance. Lower the overall damage and you give rise to sluggish and boring fights of attrition. Increase it, and encounters get resolved more with luck than actual fighting skills.
There are classes. Then there is cancer. Not even chemo can vs this cancer. I am happy that I finished The Ascension and obtained the Ardent skins I wanted. Got the titles and rank desired. Other than that, I cannot stand burst dmg variation as such. This is NOT a common occurrence.
But when it does occur, I get chest pain and want to pull my hair out. I can lose 5 matches in a row and not get that upset. after 1300 matches, almost 300 this season, no much was fun. Got what I wanted out of it. Bouncing.
I wish you all the best with:
~wonky matchmaking
~bad rotations
~feeding mid-point
~not fighting on point
~fighting verbally to teammates, even if winning
~name calling/insults
~less gold gains than many of the other game modes per hour.
~people playing bad on purpose to keep a low rank on alt accounts
That’s a thief who banged on you for 36k damage without you dying…….yet the damage is the problem.
(edited by Azukas.1426)
lol crinners
da pewpew gotchu
> be me, doing some ranked, being in 250 (in numbers) but not having the title due to lack of max matches required on leaderboard
> play it nice, some duos, some solo during different times. Some blowouts, no biggie, happens
> "neat, I just need one more match won and I’ll have the title and a nice spot on 250"
> soloque, there is a guy who already is in 250
> trolls us after first lost mid fight that wasn’t even a roflstomp.
> he says he is done with our lack of skill because we let him die
> he is a necro
> match lost. Well okay, sometimes it happens I am on a roll anyway so 2 matches to win, I can do it.
> next soloque, the same guy on my team.
> we have no support, he gets focused to oblivion by 4 enemy players
> doesn’t even have a wurm to escape
> cries that nobody helps him while he goes alone to fight mid when the rest plays sides
> we lose again. He says that I suck very bad and he challanges me for 1v1
> I beat him 3 times in a row, not even popping elite
> he then feels sorry and explains that he had a bad day
> "well, now you made my day bad too, preventing me from getting to 250. Don’t you ever do it again on ranked" I said
> since that day I’ve experienced a losing streak on blowout matches that couldn’t be saved from the beginning. I fell to plat 1
> GG
4 players went to cap home base at the beginning of the match. true story happend yesterday.
Everyone here has just about covered a majority of my horror stories, so I’ll offer one with a happier’ish twist.
In a Foefire matchup, both teams locked in mirror comps and we had nothing but intense team fights for the first 100 points. Then, our druid disconnected. We played on until the druid came back, but the other team’s thief disconnected almost right after. This turned out to be the entire match as both teams traded disconnects with a total of 5 players, while staying within 50 points from each other. Our team pushed lord at 350, but lost the druid again right after starting the fight.
In the end, our team won by 12 points. I’d like to say it was a close match, but that’s a sore spot when the whole match was a roller coaster of anxiety with all the disconnects.
In the end, our team won by 12 points. I’d like to say it was a close match, but that’s a sore spot when the whole match was a roller coaster of anxiety with all the disconnects.
In terms of sheer in-the-moment horror, I think yours is pretty high on the list. Nobody expects the rolling disconnects.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
There are classes. Then there is cancer. Not even chemo can vs this cancer. I am happy that I finished The Ascension and obtained the Ardent skins I wanted. Got the titles and rank desired. Other than that, I cannot stand burst dmg variation as such. This is NOT a common occurrence.
But when it does occur, I get chest pain and want to pull my hair out. I can lose 5 matches in a row and not get that upset. after 1300 matches, almost 300 this season, no much was fun. Got what I wanted out of it. Bouncing.
I wish you all the best with:
~wonky matchmaking
~bad rotations
~feeding mid-point
~not fighting on point
~fighting verbally to teammates, even if winning
~name calling/insults
~less gold gains than many of the other game modes per hour.
~people playing bad on purpose to keep a low rank on alt accounts
Just after one look that screenie is a lot longer than 2 seconds(each AA chain on Dagger is over 1.6 seconds long you ate 3 in that Screen shot) just saying it would be approx 5 secs and the fact you survived that damage and didn’t negate any of it since no broken AA chains and so on……..
Maybe be a little more accurate with the info might help your case.
alrite a bit of cheer up
I hopped on burn guard, was niflhel
noticed another burn guard
jokingly said “burn the heretics” after we wiped enemy team
out of nowhere he says, in all caps ofc “PURGE THE UNCLEAN”
still makes me smile. burn guards just get it, man.
. . . But when it does occur, I get chest pain and want to pull my hair out. I can lose 5 matches in a row and not get that upset. after 1300 matches, almost 300 this season, no much was fun. Got what I wanted out of it. Bouncing. . .
Just after one look that screenie is a lot longer than 2 seconds(each AA chain on Dagger is over 1.6 seconds long you ate 3 in that Screen shot) just saying it would be approx 5 secs and the fact you survived that damage and didn’t negate any of it since no broken AA chains and so on……..
Maybe be a little more accurate with the info might help your case.
Just under 2 seconds to down state = death vs teef. Rest was somehow multiple cleave until I died. I do not know how down state had that much HP. Yes, it does look misleading as if I was counter healing. I wouldn’t have melted as fast on guard. That would be the mitigations cancer said in someone else’s post.
I’m not 100% bitter about thieves. I’m not new to PvP and i have fought many glass cannon opponents. Just appears that not all classes can equally burst as such. In a walgreens world, all should be equal.
Most get out of silver by thief burst/cap carry.
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension
. . . But when it does occur, I get chest pain and want to pull my hair out. I can lose 5 matches in a row and not get that upset. after 1300 matches, almost 300 this season, no much was fun. Got what I wanted out of it. Bouncing. . .
Just after one look that screenie is a lot longer than 2 seconds(each AA chain on Dagger is over 1.6 seconds long you ate 3 in that Screen shot) just saying it would be approx 5 secs and the fact you survived that damage and didn’t negate any of it since no broken AA chains and so on……..
Maybe be a little more accurate with the info might help your case.
Just under 2 seconds to down state = death vs teef. Rest was somehow multiple cleave until I died. I do not know how down state had that much HP. Yes, it does look misleading as if I was counter healing. I wouldn’t have melted as fast on guard. That would be the mitigations cancer said in someone else’s post.
I’m not 100% bitter about thieves. I’m not new to PvP and i have fought many glass cannon opponents. Just appears that not all classes can equally burst as such. In a walgreens world, all should be equal.
Most get out of silver by thief burst/cap carry.
If that was under two seconds to downstate the combat log would have reflected by showing broken AA cains and so on because you go invulns while in downstate there is nothing to show you ever went into downstate there.
Again that screenshot doesn’t show anything besides damage numbers, it doesn’t show if you died or not but based on the completely clean AA chains and the fact nonother damage sources or anything to indicate you went downstate, it looks like you never went down.
And lots of classes can do similar just depends on the build, Power Mes(which have been on the uprise in platinum+!lately), Druid, War and DH all can deal similar Burst just saying.
1. Foefire: we win mid, Mes dies 1v2 at close (a third one comes in after that for some reason so he can say it’s a 1v3). He gets mad we didn’t rotate back in time to help him and decides to afk after that. At least that was clean and early.
I’m fine with it as long as he’s losing rating with us, to be honest.
2. Forest: Gold/low plat players, we full wipe mid at the start. We didn’t say anything, it was like 75-100 point lead, but we kept playing. Don’t worry guys… we had a plan.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)