returning player trying to understand changes
You need HoT elite specialization to be remotely competitive.
How do I get the elite specialization unlocked if I just got HoT, and what happened to the armor and runes vendors , etc that used to be in heart of the mist?
They are gone now, all rune and sigil options are in the character build button at the top of the screen. To get the elite specialization unlocked go to your bottom trait line and select the elite spec. Have a nice day!
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
You need HoT elite specialization to be remotely competitive.
Could be true but I do prerfectly fine with my ordenary Guardian, well I am no ESL gamer but I see myself as good PvP player and I can beat all Elite Specs 1vs1.
Anyway, that wasn’t what the OP was asking about so without telling Lies and dearail this thread anymore.
What has changed since you played last seems to be:
Wardrobe system
Now PvE and PvP do not have seperate looks, what you use PvE is used in PvP cosmeticly speaking. You should if you have any Transmugation stones or crystals change them in to Transmugation charges. The charges are now used in wardrobe wich you reach from your character sheet and it costs 1 Transmugation charge per piece of gear you change. Dyes are now Account bound so if you have any alts log in to them and get all dyes they had and get 1 unidetified dye per duplicate dye. There is also something called Outfits now and they are a full suit of cosmetic that you can wear above your real gear, but most of the outfits are found in the gem store so be carefull when you buy cosmetics in gemstore, an outfit is an outfit and does not have body pieces.
Reward track
This can be found on the crossed swords where you enter sPvP on the 2nd selection. For each mach you compleate you will gain “experience” or reward points that will take you closer to a neat reward. If you win a match you gain more but you will still gain reward points even if you loose. You can choose reward tracks and some reward tracks needs some special condition to be unlocked.
Hot Join, Unranked and Ranked
At the moment Ranked is disabled but in Unranked you will be teamed with and against players that fits your MMR (Sometimes it feels like it doesn’t work).
To play hot join you just go to the crossed swords and in the 3rd selection you press “Play now”, this mode is totally broken and I usually only try out some new build there.
… I got to go now, there are alot more new stuff but this is a small portion of it.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]