"rolling blackouts", disonnections and login server issues.

"rolling blackouts", disonnections and login server issues.

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


It seems almost every single SPvP match i enter goes black screen on me or says a login server has failed and some weird error code as well. i’ve tried lowering my visual settings to lowest and this has occured many, many times still over the course of 2 months. I kind of shrugged it off when i played just to test builds but now that i actually find a build that i greatly enjoy after 2 months of searching, i can barely play it because im always kicked off from these weird kitten bugs.

Another thing that annoys me but i feel less blame to GW2 is that some random events during SPVP can I think flag me for filesharing or something like that and my dorm internet clicks off for a split second.

Please GW2 i want you to fix this, i think more than I have this issue and its really beginning to piss me off.