s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Nosfe.4062


should be priority #1


s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: RedBartender.5730


A lot of people in this thread have been arguing that it’s perfectly reasonable that Anet’s main priority is on PvE, and that we should not be upset that we have to wait for updates on sPvP.

Is it unreasonable though, to expect the developers of the game to at least give us some sort of update or timeline on when these vital features are coming? We as a community were told that ArenaNet wanted GW2 to be an esport, and that they were dedicated to supporting their PvP community. We were also told that the game would not be released until “it [was] finished”, but at this point, weeks after launch, PvP is clearly not “finished” if it’s intended to be an esport. Even more frustrating, is that the developers of the game were quite slow to acknowledge and fix the problems with tournaments in PvP, and have been absolutely silent on when we can expect the features that the game needs to be even remotely competitive with other titles.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

Private servers and spectator mode are what I want to see added first.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Kargion.6352


best pvp in an MMO, but i would like to join sPvP with a pre-made instead of only being able to in tourneys.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Dallas.2536


these things are coming but the important question is when? its kind of like SWTOR taking 8 months to put out a rated system for PvP. who is going to play sPvP as it is now for 8 months? I’ve noticed that the competition level in tourney has dropped off already in the last week as more randoms start solo queuing. The only ‘competitive’ format we have right now is going to turn into random arenas pretty soon without matchmaking.

since BWE1 and now its been a good 4 months. there’s hardly been any sPvP update except for 2 maps and changing variables around on skills. based on this, I don’t think it is reasonable to expect things as big as an ELO system or monthly tournies to be implemented any time soon. It took over 2 weeks to even get chests to be given correctly upon tourney completion, so thats the kind of development speed we’re dealing with here.

from an esport perspective this game was totally not ready for release. right now sPvP just feel like a tacked on last minute feature of the game and not something that is supposed to be a focus

not to be pessimistic, but thats the reality of it from my perspective

Lysander – Anvil Rock

(edited by Dallas.2536)

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyd.4352


these things are coming but i dont think they’ll come before people get bored and leave. its kind of like SWTOR taking 8 months to put out a rated system for PvP. who is going to play sPvP as it is for 8 months?

No one, if they want this game to be an eSport some day, they need to implement Custom Matchs/Tournaments and a ELO/MMR system, most of the people that is trying to play competitive is getting tired of the sPvP, there’s no way to make tournaments or to play against people of the same level and that’s really not good for any game that wants to be an eSport.

Zyd – Zydness – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Spaghetti.3862


these things are coming but i dont think they’ll come before people get bored and leave. its kind of like SWTOR taking 8 months to put out a rated system for PvP. who is going to play sPvP as it is for 8 months?

No one, if they want this game to be an eSport some day, they need to implement Custom Matchs/Tournaments and a ELO/MMR system, most of the people that is trying to play competitive is getting tired of the sPvP, there’s no way to make tournaments or to play against people of the same level and that’s really not good for any game that wants to be an eSport.

I’d say farther than “if they want it to be an Esport.” If they still want people to care about sPvP at all, they need to add these features, or at least say something, and they need to do it soon.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Constantino.9571


swtor is now a free game, why? lack of competitive play and response from bioware.

i hope i didnt make a bad choice by buying this game.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Dallas.2536


I’d say farther than “if they want it to be an Esport.” If they still want people to care about sPvP at all, they need to add these features, or at least say something, and they need to do it soon.

I agree. At this point its more like if they want anyone who wants to mainly pvp to still play the game after a month.

I think if they were really hell bent on releasing Aug 28th, they should have just made it PvE only, and then put out a free expansion later introducing PvP once its actually able to hold the attention of players.

The first week of sPvP was pretty fun. The organized teams were mostly the only ones queueing and you’d get good games and Kyhlo was usually a challenge.

Now people have realized 8v8 is a worthless garbage format and they get more stuff from losing most of the time in 5v5, so more and more people are queuing tourney, completely diluting the competitive level. Now the whole 3 maps is likely to be a series of randoms of about the same skill level and its just a faceroll.

Lysander – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyd.4352


I’d say farther than “if they want it to be an Esport.” If they still want people to care about sPvP at all, they need to add these features, or at least say something, and they need to do it soon.

I agree. At this point its more like if they want anyone who wants to mainly pvp to still play the game after a month.

I think if they were really hell bent on releasing Aug 28th, they should have just made it PvE only, and then put out a free expansion later introducing PvP once its actually able to hold the attention of players.

The first week of sPvP was pretty fun. The organized teams were mostly the only ones queueing and you’d get good games and Kyhlo was usually a challenge.

Now people have realized 8v8 is a worthless garbage format and they get more stuff from losing most of the time in 5v5, so more and more people are queuing tourney, completely diluting the competitive level. Now the whole 3 maps is likely to be a series of randoms of about the same skill level and its just a faceroll.

^ pretty much this, its impossible to get matched against good teams unless you make a sync with them and cross some fingers to get matched with that people.

Zyd – Zydness – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyd.4352


bump – would love an Anet response.

We all would.

I like how they are ignoring us and replying to useless stuff

Zyd – Zydness – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: fiesta.3964


Yeah, i wish they would stop ignoring us and gave us some news!

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Spaghetti.3862


bump – would love an Anet response.

We all would.

I like how they are ignoring us and replying to useless stuff

They’re making it pretty clear that the pvp is their side project.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Daxios.1620


Devs must be working around the clock right now.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127


I crave this. Badly.


s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Jadda.1753


Weird that they are answering other posts but not this one :/

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyd.4352


bump – would love an Anet response.

We all would.

I like how they are ignoring us and replying to useless stuff

They’re making it pretty clear that the pvp is their side project.

“Guys good news, you have to wait for our next expansion to see all the pvp features!”

Zyd – Zydness – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Intangible.1467


Weird that they are answering other posts but not this one :/

its not entirely weird – frustrating? sure, but not abnormal. Generally most Comm managers are told to jump into "low risk’ or ‘positive’ convos – hence u see a lot of the “Thanks for the feedback!” “Hope your enjoying the game!” responses by Comm managers.

With something like PVP and the negative/frustration threads – the response has to be pretty measured or it will flame the issue..

saying that, i would love a response of course =)

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: demonstrative.9176


Wouldn’t say this thread is a negative/frustration thread. It’s turning into one perhaps. Most people here just want some reassurance or some semblance of a timeline or show of progress.

Hot Boyz
Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Dallas.2536


Wouldn’t say this thread is a negative/frustration thread. It’s turning into one perhaps. Most people here just want some reassurance or some semblance of a timeline or show of progress.

well i guess i was more negative than I had to be when I said this is not anywhere close to competitive sPvP ready, but really that is the state of the game. at a minimum GW2 needs a rating/matchmaking system so that people can play people of their skill level. that’s pretty much the definition of fair competition, and without it people of all skill levels will be put off long-term by continuously getting theirkitten kicked/handing other people theirkitten

on a positive note, i think the game is quite balanced for release, and they do have the talent there to make a great pvp game based on their work in gw1, so they just need to identify that this is an area the game is lacking in and do something about it.

Lysander – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Intangible.1467


Wouldn’t say this thread is a negative/frustration thread. It’s turning into one perhaps. Most people here just want some reassurance or some semblance of a timeline or show of progress.

oh yeah, sorry – didnt mean this WAS a negative thread, i actually 100% agree with your OP.

just saying, from experience in comm management for a sensitive industry – i can see why they are avoiding the topic/thread right now – they clearly havent shut the thread down so that is a good sign (like some other threads).

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.

GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.

Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !

But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.

Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.

Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !

Just my thoughts …

(edited by predi.4803)

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Intangible.1467


They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.

GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.

Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !

But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.

Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.

Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !

Just my thoughts …

i def hear u on this – one really disheartening thing i came across today was all the GW1 PVP Modes. I barely played PVP in Gw1 – but was excited about the multiple modes, hoping those are coming ASAP to gw2.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.

GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.

Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !

But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.

Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.

Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !

Just my thoughts …

i def hear u on this – one really disheartening thing i came across today was all the GW1 PVP Modes. I barely played PVP in Gw1 – but was excited about the multiple modes, hoping those are coming ASAP to gw2.

I dont think we need other PvP Modes “now”. If there are rankings and rentable servers to pick your opponent by yourself the “domination-mode” will be enough for a time. Because if there are rankings, many teams/players are going to think about tactics/their play style to get a higher ranking. Leagues like ESL or Dragon-Arena can start their tourneys and so on.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Melony Songbringer.3864

Melony Songbringer.3864

I don’t understand how you people can take these issues so calmly. I mean come on. WTF is Arenanet doing. At least address the issues at hand and make up some push over response to keep the masses happy.

It would be different if the entire section of the game known as S-PvP was fully working to begin with, without these additions that should of came stock but it is just adding insult to injury when S-PvP in it’s current form does not even work as intended.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyd.4352


I don’t understand how you people can take these issues so calmly. I mean come on. WTF is Arenanet doing. At least address the issues at hand and make up some push over response to keep the masses happy.

It would be different if the entire section of the game known as S-PvP was fully working to begin with, without these additions that should of came stock but it is just adding insult to injury when S-PvP in it’s current form does not even work as intended.

We can’t do more than this, if we take an aggressive stance our threads are going to get deleted/locked and it’s not the purpose of this thread, we need answers and we need this features implemented, asap.

Zyd – Zydness – Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Spaghetti.3862


I don’t understand how you people can take these issues so calmly. I mean come on. WTF is Arenanet doing. At least address the issues at hand and make up some push over response to keep the masses happy.

It would be different if the entire section of the game known as S-PvP was fully working to begin with, without these additions that should of came stock but it is just adding insult to injury when S-PvP in it’s current form does not even work as intended.

We can’t do more than this, if we take an aggressive stance our threads are going to get deleted/locked and it’s not the purpose of this thread, we need answers and we need this features implemented, asap.

This. Devs are like timid little bunnies. If we get loud or aggressive, they’ll run away and never come back.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Haku.5068


They must realize that a HUGE amount of the GW2 players only bought the game because they said “we are want to get into the esports-szene”.

GW is known for its awesome PVP. There are many promisses like spectator-mode, self creation of tourneys and rankings.

Nothing is in the game yet, only free tourneys … and its getting boring !

But GW2 is not going to be an esports-tile even if there is no one working on it !
And for me there is nobody working on GW2-PVP (esports side) until they give us feedback like “we are working on it”, “specmode and esports support is coming”, or something like that.

Best example: Free tournament chest rewards = fail. It takes to long bros.

Sorry arenanet, this is not the right way and please communicate with your community !

Just my thoughts …

i def hear u on this – one really disheartening thing i came across today was all the GW1 PVP Modes. I barely played PVP in Gw1 – but was excited about the multiple modes, hoping those are coming ASAP to gw2.

Yea I’d like to see a mode like Random Arenas for TPvP. So premades could fight each other and randoms could just butt heads with other randoms. It’s disappointing when the other team is full of people who just met each other. It has to be extremely disheartening for them.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Ranking system – YES PLEASE.

Also, it sucks being rewarded for a loss. Only those who are winning should be rewarded for it, otherwise what’s the point? We’ll all get to the highest rank eventually, some sooner than the others – but we will still be on the same ground eventually.

We need a recognition for people who are dominating the PvP, and we need people who have never went past the Deer rank.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Krilce.7864


Ranking system – YES PLEASE.

Also, it sucks being rewarded for a loss. Only those who are winning should be rewarded for it, otherwise what’s the point? We’ll all get to the highest rank eventually, some sooner than the others – but we will still be on the same ground eventually.

We need a recognition for people who are dominating the PvP, and we need people who have never went past the Deer rank.

Well, rewarding a loosing player is part of every sport, coming from copper and silver medals, to high amounts of money, etc.

Anyway, I still can’t believe we didn’t get a single reply regarding this topic, and not only in this thread, as there are tens of others asking for same thing. I, for one, bought this game because of promised e-sport premise, through spectator mode, private servers, and so on. We got nothing of this, and it feels like they took our money on something they lied about, and now who cares. It may not be true, but it feels like it. I’m sorry, but once you base your marketing on e-sports thing, you better do it, otherwise, most of PvP players will just turn away, and probably never come back, even though it’s no subscription fee game. Even one – “we are working on it, and it will come soon” could save the situation. Didn’t someone from ANet said that they got separated PvP, PvE and whatnot department. If this is true, I’m sorry, but your PvP department is doing nothing, as we didn’t get any skill and trait bugs fixed, we had only one balancing patch, which covered like 2 guardian spells, we didn’t get any weapon spells reworked, as a lot of them just don’t make any sense, compared to other spells coming from same weapon, not to mention topics posted above. It really feels like you guys are doing nothing to support your PvP community.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


The game just released 3 weeks ago. Let them get the HUGE bugs out of the way first. PvP takes a lot more skill/development resources than PvE.
I personally will give them 3 months to get private tourny and ELO/Team ELO features implemented before I start thinking about quitting.
Although some official words would do wonders to ease everyones minds.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: allart.3746


Actually there has been improvement. Do you remember in what tragic state was PvP at launch? nearly nothing worked, the structured servers were crashing every 2 or 3 hours. Now at least they work. But I agree it’s not enough and all the promised features need to be be online very soon.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Migo.2154


Bought the game purely for competitive PvP as Anet mentioned in their pre-release events. Very disappointed at the moment and feels sorry to my friends as well.

Told friends gw2 is a highly skill based, competitive PvP game (with bonus PvE and WvW content), however, we can not see any cue of it atm as mentioned in this thread. Friends already blamed me of wasting their money although I know they are joking but really feels a bit sorry for them.

Don’t want to mention this, but Anet really behaved the same as Blizzard after launch. I WAS a Blizzard until Diabo 3. Thought Anet would treat players better as they did in BWE and those pre-release events. But apparently they are not, at least for the PvP community side:
1. not deliver their promises (you call this competitive PvP? real?)

2. totally ignore the player community (any feedback or reply from Anet so far? I meant the real reply not the ‘when its ready’. Respect your player and customers!! If this is not gaming industry, Anet will be stomped by this customer service quality)

3. transparency/track of development (where is the monthly delivery goals as mention in one of the interviews? for one time, I thought the entire company just took our money and gone. The PvP team, SPEAK and LET us know you are still alive!!)

Sad Anet is going the same root as Blizzard, thought you are different but seems all companies are the same – making money is your primary goal.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: link.7906


bump would like an anet reply!

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Spaghetti.3862


Actually there has been improvement. Do you remember in what tragic state was PvP at launch? nearly nothing worked, the structured servers were crashing every 2 or 3 hours. Now at least they work. But I agree it’s not enough and all the promised features need to be be online very soon.

There’s a big difference between launch day problems caused by server load, and in-game bugs. mechanics, lack of required features, and balance issues. We are concerned with the latter, which has not been touched, and has not been mentioned.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: demonstrative.9176


More PvE news in a huge blog post, no PvP news. Shocking.

Hot Boyz
Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Krilce.7864


More PvE news in a huge blog post, no PvP news. Shocking.

Not really surprising me anymore, since we still haven’t got one single reply on this topic….

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead


I’m gonna be posting about this soon. I’m working on a blog post right now to outline the features that are coming, the big picture, what we’re working on now, etc.

If you don’t hear from us for a while, it’s not because you’re being neglected or forgotten, it’s actually the opposite – we’re in meetings with our teams to get you guys the stuff you need.

Stay tuned, I’ll post more info as soon as I can.


IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


A higher up: “When are the features ready?” The coder: “Oh, in half a day.” The higher up: “Oh, then we will surprise them positively and respond to them when we actually have results!” Half a day later the coder tells how there was a “little” bump in the road and that he needs “only half day more”. Rinse and repeat.

edit: Oh the irony, we had a reply while I was writing my post ;P

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Carrot Nebula.5984

Carrot Nebula.5984

we’re in meetings with our teams to get you guys the stuff you need.


What I need is to be able to play tournaments in general. I have been stuck in a bugged out tournament roster for two days now and as I am part of a competitive focused guild this is incredibly frustrating. It’s nice that you guys are working on tournament stuff that you said you would work on but please fix this horrendous bug that seriously hampers the pvp experience for myself and others.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094



Game Design Lead


we’re in meetings with our teams to get you guys the stuff you need.


What I need is to be able to play tournaments in general. I have been stuck in a bugged out tournament roster for two days now and as I am part of a competitive focused guild this is incredibly frustrating. It’s nice that you guys are working on tournament stuff that you said you would work on but please fix this horrendous bug that seriously hampers the pvp experience for myself and others.

Fix for this is already incoming.

Speaking of meetings, I’m off to one now – will write more when I can.


IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Nosfe.4062


I’m gonna be posting about this soon. I’m working on a blog post right now to outline the features that are coming, the big picture, what we’re working on now, etc.

If you don’t hear from us for a while, it’s not because you’re being neglected or forgotten, it’s actually the opposite – we’re in meetings with our teams to get you guys the stuff you need.

Stay tuned, I’ll post more info as soon as I can.


thanks for answering =)


s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Haku.5068


Much respect to you for answering our cries. Just posting in this thread without closing it drastically improves your image.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Intangible.1467


Thanks for the response! much appreciated Jonathan sharp.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Krilce.7864


I’m gonna be posting about this soon. I’m working on a blog post right now to outline the features that are coming, the big picture, what we’re working on now, etc.

If you don’t hear from us for a while, it’s not because you’re being neglected or forgotten, it’s actually the opposite – we’re in meetings with our teams to get you guys the stuff you need.

Stay tuned, I’ll post more info as soon as I can.


Thanks for your response, it really came in the right moment! Now I can go off to bed, knowing that there may be bright future for PvP aspect of this game.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Fosco.1948


100% agree with OP. Definitely want gw2 to be an esport. Looking forward to hear more details.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: demonstrative.9176


Huzzah, somewhat of an answer!

Hot Boyz
Anvil Rock

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094



Game Design Lead


we’re in meetings with our teams to get you guys the stuff you need.


What I need is to be able to play tournaments in general. I have been stuck in a bugged out tournament roster for two days now and as I am part of a competitive focused guild this is incredibly frustrating. It’s nice that you guys are working on tournament stuff that you said you would work on but please fix this horrendous bug that seriously hampers the pvp experience for myself and others.

I’ve been told by Steve (our server programmer) that a fix just rolled out that should cover this.

Let me know if your issue is resolved in the next live build.


IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

(edited by JonathanSharp.7094)

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


I’m definitely happy with the Dev response, I just hope that we see the follow through that everyone wants to see. I think ArenaNet has a great game on their hands but showing continual, tangible progress over the next couple months I think will be key to building on the great PvP community that has established.

I was talked into playing Rift after a long MMO hiatus and their dev team were masters of public relations and kept feeding the PvP players bs month after month and never delivered. I have faith that ArenaNet will come through, especially when I have seen devs playing in tournament pvp (actually got in a match against Chaplain!) but the community can be only held up by words for so long.

s/tPvP Support - Is it coming?

in PvP

Posted by: predi.4803


Yeah nice to hear something from a Dev ! Lets hope we are see our wishes in the blogpost very soon ! Im bored of waiting :-/.