sPvP: Banned for Trolling... what?
“Dailies” means “stand around giving each other points without actually playing PvP.”
This is an annoying side effect of PvP rewards actually being pretty good now.
Just avoid those servers like the plague. I recommend Unranked.
Yes, that means you where trolling. Those kinds of servers is effectivly cheating servers officially allowed by Anet for reasons beyond me. Its like a dev said “hey on this particular server, aimbots is allowed! Go nuts!”. Players make their own rules just to farm more easy sPvP ranks and points. If you dont follow the rules, you are trolling. Its similar to knife only servers in Battlefield except without the fun.
those custom servers are created by pve purist for pve purists.
them pve purists down right refuses to participate in pvp, despise pvp, disgusted by pvp, but somehow they wanted a few pieces of the pvp daily achievements pie as well.
maybe they are just lazy to do the pve daily achievements.
among all 3 daily achievements, pve, pvp, wvw.
the pvp daily achievements are the easiest to complete.
you can complete all 3 or 4 pvp daily achievements just by sitting in the heart of the mist (pvp lobby) without having to travel around tyria.
i think pve daily achievements require them to travel around.
wvw daily achievements involve pvp so they would like to avoid that.
hence, those who can afford it, bought a custom arena for themselves and made daily servers.
Keep in mind, you were banned from the room by the owner. You can still PvP in other rooms that actually PvP. But, in those rooms, cooperation is desired more than competition.
In most cases, the players in those rooms will warn or ask you to stop and give the reasons why. Also, most state their intent in the room description.
If you go against the room’s rules, and the requests of the players in said room, well . . . yes, you will be banned from them.
Again, if you desire actual PvP, there are still plenty of rooms for that.
As someone else pointed out, it was a custom arena for PvP dailies, not serious matches. If you ever wanted back in to that server you could talk with the owner, but for all intents and purposes you were violating their rules, which is why you were kicked.
People trying to get their dailies done like that don’t want others capping and killing and disrupting the flow.
I do those servers because i dont like playing all classes in SPvP. But i cant do dailies all the time with the classes i enjoy playing.
What is the deal with servers that list dailies?
This started when ANet added that double daily fractal nonsense. Since most PvErs can’t stand dungeons, WvW, or PvP, a few added rooms like the one you found to help finish their daily achievements.
And then the floodgates open.
I’ll be honest. Most PvErs would never have stepped into PvP if not for that situation. And then they saw how effective and easy it was to get rewards and achievement points very quickly with cooperation. Also, it’s more effective than fighting to gain rank. Way more. Rooms like that allowed me to complete all the tracks within a few months.
Yes, players hated the Double Fractal daily that much. And the cooperative PvP rooms are the result.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
It all started when a little boy named Jimmy decided that he wanted to have his cake and eat it too… and Mommy? Well, Mommy said yes.
“Dailies” means “stand around giving each other points without actually playing PvP.”
This is an annoying side effect of PvP rewards actually being pretty good now.
Just avoid those servers like the plague. I recommend Unranked.
Yup, just do unranked, these are actually the best matches. Ranked has wayyyyyyyyyyy too many kitten bags in it. As does apparently the server you joined.
In most cases, the players in those rooms will warn or ask you to stop and give the reasons why. Also, most state their intent in the room description.
The room description was unclear, only had the title listed as “Dailies”, and unfortunately I was not given a warning.
Thanks for the explanations everyone. Just wish I could find a real sPvP server that is 10v10, i really miss those as the chaos would make it for a really fun game :\
Anybody know of any?
I’m a PvE person who does those PvP dailies now. Why? Because ANet ruined the PvE event dailies by having everyone go to the same map and zerg to do events that in no way can handle such a crowd of people. I stopped doing the PvE event dailies because it’s now so unpleasant and then I needed something to take its place. Thus the PvP daily room.
Thank you ANet. (Not really).
ANet may give it to you.
Yes, that means you where trolling. Those kinds of servers is effectivly cheating servers officially allowed by Anet for reasons beyond me. Its like a dev said “hey on this particular server, aimbots is allowed! Go nuts!”. Players make their own rules just to farm more easy sPvP ranks and points. If you dont follow the rules, you are trolling. Its similar to knife only servers in Battlefield except without the fun.
Anything to sell their custom arenas I guess :/
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
And that’s one of the reasons why sometimes you see a Rank 80 Legendary Champion warrior with 3 legendaries equipped running around trying to kill people with banners in ranked/unranked.
And you wonder… “why God why?”
But then again you’re meddling with the private rooms which Anet also designed to be partially controlled by the token owners. You were asking for it so don’t complain now.