sPvP can generate income

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: dan.2098


First of all I couldn’t be bothered to use search and add my 3 cents to someone’s topic. Hate me, love me, I don’t care.

Now back to the topic.

Lately I started to play more sPvP than WvW and I enjoy it more and more every time I join a tournament (especially those paids 1v1 – great job, leave them there!). Ofc there are some ballance issues, but I’m not going to talk about it. I thing which bugs me recently is that since armours and weapons for characters are all about cosmetics (good!) getting something you like is weird. Cool, I play the game, I gain glory and chests, craft stuff from salvage etc. etc. But… yeah but, in order to get some fancy stuff I need to play a lot and basically win a lot since glory boosters gives only currency not so called RANK and from what I saw in streams of high ranked players you don’t really need glory booster because you have tons of it (glory) anyway when you play a lot (rank 50+).
Back to the point. Things which are only sold (for gems) for sPvP (correct me if I’m wrong) are glory boosters, dyes (which are universal for sPvP and PvE/WvW) and tournament tickets. When for WvW/PvE there are cosmetics (like armour skins), boosters (more than 1 kind) and some other stuff like minipets etc.
My suggesting is to introduce lines of special (fancy) skins (armour, weapon and maybe even skill animations too) for sPvP. So players would have an oportunity to spend their gems Look at DotA 2, LoL and probably tons of other f2p (semi-free2play) games. They have skins for characters (new skins or revamp every now and then), weapons (DotA 2) and other stuff. LoL has exp boosters (we don’t have rank booster), IP boost (we have glory booster).
Also (probably others will hate me for that) stuff like runes, sigils and gems are free (0 glory cost) and you can put them into the bank and pull out and use infinite amounts of it anytime (why when the cost in glory is 0 ?) etc.

Introduce more gem sink in sPvP (thing worth buying ie.: new skins/animations, rank booster). Take LoL and/or DotA 2 as an example.
Add glory sink (ie.: runes/sigils/jeweles/weapons cost something) to make glory boosters worth using in the LONG run.

I’m not going to spellcheck it so I’m sorry for any mistakes I’ve made.

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

There are a few topics about the same problem. Smn mentioned recently to introduce legendary weapons for pvp, which could be bought by glory. Let’s say you make 500.000 for a legendary weapon. You have a goal where you can spend your glory to. For e.g. from Rank 50 to Rank 60 you will make 825.000 Rank-Points. With glory boosters it would be about 1.200.000. So you can buy 2 legendary weapons (or whatever you want) with it. So there’s the sense of farming the tons of glory you have to, for emote-up

Read It Backwards [BooN]

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


You can use the skins from the gem store in sPvP now. Just double click the skin while in the mists.

Actually, this works with every skin in the game, even weapons. My warrior is in full Primeval and carrying around a Greatsaw right now. :P

It’s a start.

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: Rolyate.6753


Are you being paid by anet to produce ideas? No? Then it doesn’t really matter who is saying it. If they are very similar, allow the moderators to merge the threads.

How do you pronounce your name?

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: Niujin.7429


“paids 1v1 – great job, leave them there!”

Wut? When? How? You mean there are one vs. one paid tournaments now?

Also, how kittening big is this new patch??? I feel like I am downloading a whole new game. 700MB so far and im only at 30% Oo.

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: Art.9367


I don’t mind sPvP being a source of income for ArenaNet by means of the cash shop and gems. However, I do not believe that we should have Paid Tournaments as it is just another barrier into an already near-empty portion of the game. Once rated teams are live, I see no reason to have paids. Skins, boosts, cosmetic features, ect. are all fine, but being allowed access to part of the game through buying something with real money should stay out of the equation.

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Make Heart of the Mists free to play. The end. Profit for everyone.

sPvP can generate income

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


No thanks to F2P that would just create an influx of gold sellers.

Mists just need to reward pvers for participating, maybe with laurels..
These people play for pixels so just give them some..

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?