sPvP is Ruining my Marriage :(
Play tPvP. Problem solved.
Er… I’m no therapist, but it sounds like sPvP might not be the problem.
Ya, I would really recommend playing free tournaments together. That’s why they’re there – so people who want to play together can play together on the same team.
If it’s just you 2, that’s fine, you will be matched up with 3 others.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
@ Sezu
Were a bit too casual for tPvP and we get crushed by premades.
@ nldixon
Being able to play sPvP with my wife would make this game a lot more enjoyable.
@ JonathanSharp
But we sync well together when we play in tPvP. The problem is we do not sync well with the other 3. In sPvP if us two were paired it’s not enough to decide the outcome of the battle. Also, the othe.r team is just as out of sync as my team since it’s random.
@ JonathanSharp
But we sync well together when we play in tPvP. The problem is we do not sync well with the other 3. In sPvP if us two were paired it’s not enough to decide the outcome of the battle. Also, the othe.r team is just as out of sync as my team since it’s random.
You can always just swap teams once you join a map together. Granted, there may be autobalance sometimes, but you can still play on the same team a lot of the time (that’s been the case for me when I PUG w/ a friend).
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
Kinda funny but sad. This feature needs to be implemented. I don’t want to pvp against my friends. Some friends just get so insecure when they lose against me and start throwing up excuses and stuff.
“Aww I would’ve killed you if you didn’t luckily randomly dodge my good skill”
“Aww dangit would’ve killed you if that guy didn’t show up” (Team mate shows up when he’s down at 20% HP and i’m at 70% HP).
And if I lose they shove it in my face and say “You got a long way to go xD.” I’m like.. okay.
The wife and I sPvP a lot and for the most part are on different teams. Auto-balance is not a reliable way of getting on the same team as my wife in sPvP. I’ll try running more tPvP matches, since it does not sound like I’ll be able to reliably teamed with my wife. In fact, if you’re married, (or anyone else who is married who has come across this thread and wants to play with your spouse) you’re welcome to fill out 2 of the slots on my soon to be created tPvP husband/wife squad. Named, “Until death do us part.”
I love PvPing against my friends!!!
Also, stop picking on your wife Petey! There’s way too much potential fallout from that. Unless you have a comfortable couch and satellite TV with some of those “adult” channels I suppose…
on a serious note though, I’d say tPvP is worth another try. You’ve gotta learn to hedge your expectations a bit with it. You never know who you’ll be matched up. Sometimes it’s just a bunch of knuckle heads who think it’s played just like the HotJoins (those are the ones that make you not want to try again) and sometimes you get paired up with a bunch of solid players and before you know it you’re beating the crap out of some “pre made” in Khylo and getting a gold chest.
TL;DR – start letting your wife win and give tPvP another try
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Hey Jon, as long as you’re (hopefully) watching this thread, quick question: A lot of advocates for team hot-join have suggested separate servers for hot join to split full random from groups. Do you feel this would have more detrimental than beneficial effects (in terms of team quantity balance, team matching, match consistency, and so forth)?
Disclaimer that we understand your answer doesn’t mean you advocate the system or that we’re getting it at some point. And that you might not be able to talk about it anyway.
@ Duckzor
Someone agrees with me, hoorah! At least you’re not playing against you’re wife. If you think your friends are trouble, just wait until you get a wife and defeat her. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially a wife.
The best way to be on the team of your friend is to join a PvP server with an odd number of players in it (9,11,13) THat way you will probably be able to be on the same team. When the map switches, you can hit B immediately and probably switch teams before others join as well.
I may be stating the obvious, but you know you can switch teams in sPvP, right? Hit B to open the scoreboard, and if there’s room on the opposite team, there’s a + icon you can click to join that team. If one team has more players than the other, then the one of you that’s on the bigger team can switch to the smaller team.
Even if you can’t do it right at the start, just check the scoreboard occasionally during the game to see if anyone has left or joined the game, then one of you can switch. My roommate and I play together in sPvP and end up on the same team about 95% of the time this way.
One thing to note: at the very beginning of the match, check the scoreboard and try to switch onto the same team as quickly as possible. If the teams are even, you need to close the scoreboard and re-open it for it to update with new players as they join. It doesn’t update as long as you have it open. Just keep closing and opening it until the teams are uneven, and use that opportunity to switch as quickly as possible.
Even if you can’t do it right at the start, just check the scoreboard occasionally during the game to see if anyone has left or joined the game, then one of you can switch. My roommate and I play together in sPvP and end up on the same team about 95% of the time this way.
Well doesn’t that largely defeat the purpose of refusing to guarantee 2 players a spot on the same team?
@PeteyPen: Ya…was gonna say. Just wanted to be sure you know you can MANUALLY swap teams in a random sPvP game. Mouse explained how this is done so I won’t repeat it.
@Pinder: This will already naturally happen once we have both free and paid tournaments online. The problem right now is that everyone is in the same “pool”, so the randoms are getting matched up against the really good organized teams. Eventually, the really good teams will gravitate towards the paid tournaments, which will create a more casual feel (which is more PUG friendly) in the free tournaments.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
@Pinder: This will already naturally happen once we have both free and paid tournaments online. The problem right now is that everyone is in the same “pool”, so the randoms are getting matched up against the really good organized teams. Eventually, the really good teams will gravitate towards the paid tournaments, which will create a more casual feel (which is more PUG friendly) in the free tournaments.
That would be really nice. I hope it works out as well as the plan suggests.
I actually lol’d in real. I’d rather consider your marriage as very enviable. At least you can throw up all your stresses by killing each other… or killing her one sidedly. Let her own you sometimes. That would keep your marriage long enough and happy
It sounds like your wife has anger issues or something. :/
I don’t think GW2 is the problem, but I do understand the situation.
I can’t believe we have a dev that has replied so much to this thread.
Don’t worry Anet the pvp comunity don’t actually want information on when things will be implimented, comments on class balence etc. but could you tell me if my kitten looks big in these please?
Much <3 and hugs and I’d send cupcakes but I keep forgetting which jar I put the sugar in and which I put the anthrax in, it messes with the baking process you see…
A Random Arena style game type pitting four teams of two partied people against one another would be interesting. Just, you know… no Conquest.
you should be able to enjoy both cooperating and competing with your partner
Be happy your wife even plays it…it is ruining my marriage precisely because she does NOT…
“Now I admit, I do single her out sometimes, but that’s mainly because she always accuses me of singling her out and killing her”
Just get her to roll a mesmer, then it probably won’t be a problem anymore.
Thanks for the handy solution. Sounds like what I need.
@Mouse and @ JonathanSharp
Didn’t know I could do that. Thanks for stating the obvious, and for reiterating the obvious! Going to manually swap now to join my wife in holy matrimony.
You know. The problem probably would be solved if I just let her kill me sometimes. I’ll be sure to do that.
Outside of GW2 I think my marriage is pretty great. It’s not perfect but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You can’t believe that the developer cares about the community?
That’s actually a great suggestion.
I would prefer to not attack my wife if I had the choice.
@ pimpslapper
I never even though about it like that. You’ve opened my eyes.
@ Tomahorc
Good suggestion, finding the real her would be 3 times as hard.