sPvP - things to come.
The absence of a monthly sub removes the incentive for them to string players along to prevent them from cancelling and it creates an option for us, the players, to come and go from the game freely if we are not happy with its current state, but later want to play again.
Since there is no real incentive for Arena Net to “ignore and lie” to the community, I would imagine that they are doing neither of those things and in fact may have jumped the gun on announcing the blog post a bit, which then got pushed back for whatever reason.
Knowing Arena Net, they probably decided that rolling out an actual feature would be more welcome to the community than words and are working their a** off to get Paid Tournaments up, so the blog post got pushed back. And maybe, they are more concerned about working on the game than babysitting our impatience — just maybe.
I’d bet money that the delay is because they are finalizing a new feature.
because it was totally impossible to write this post BEFORE the game got released?
-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-
While I’m sure Jonathan had long stretches of quiet time to write in the weeks before launch, perhaps he decided that his time was better spent elsewhere. Also, if the features were not ready to be discussed, then I suppose that it would not have been possible to discuss them before the game was released. Would you feel better if they over-promised a number of features BEFORE you bought the game? I expect not.
On one side I see your frustration. On the other, I see you being frustrated regardless. The alternative is they took the time to write the blog post, which basically said the GW2 motto of “Hey, we’re working on things and they’ll be ready when they’re ready” but hey – they took the time to write it out.
It honestly sucks that sPvP is being shown, from what I see, a fairly low level of love as of late, but I highly doubt they’ve forgotten about us. The alternative is they release something un-useable and archaic and we end up even more mad about that.
Totally agree with the poster above. Anet need to provide PVP feedback on what they see as a problem and plans for both WvW and Spvp. Everyday, there is huge Anet activitiy in PVE related forums… and yet nothing in the two PVP ones. Why are you sinking your own ship? Most your PVE focused players are gonna jump to other MMOs anyway.
now he is playing pve with mesmer… i guess he forgot
-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-
he just said in stream that the post is ready and editors are translating it to other languages
-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-
You guys are all raving mad. It’s a video game people, chill out. They have always delivered good content. The second someone from anet breathes a single word about an update that wasn’t delivered “on time” everyone loses their kitten like 4 year olds. Hopefully they won’t make the mistake of informing us of any further potential updates.
You guys are all raving mad. It’s a video game people, chill out. They have always delivered good content. The second someone from anet breathes a single word about an update that wasn’t delivered “on time” everyone loses their kitten like 4 year olds. Hopefully they won’t make the mistake of informing us of any further potential updates.
Hi i paid 60 bucks for this game, is it really too much to ask to read a puppy textfile blog post without a two week delay after giving them 60 bucks? Many of us most likely feel that they didnt get their money’s worth as far as pvp goes.
‘the second someone breaths a single word’ nice exaggeration man. Maybe i have a soapbox for you so that you can feel even more important and holier than thou.
he just said in stream that the post is ready and editors are translating it to other languages
You can also be like this guy. Thanks man. Good to see someone keeps us updated.
Hi i paid 60 bucks for this game, is it really too much to ask to read a puppy textfile blog post without a two week delay after giving them 60 bucks? Many of us most likely feel that they didnt get their money’s worth as far as pvp goes.
You’ve not bought permission to demand Jon to schedule communications around your whims. It’s done when it’s ready; not when you demand it because you feel it’s owed to you.
(edited by milo.6942)
Well see what u gona say when 80%players stop play sPvP ant tPvP. Its easy like hell, DO SMETHING to that weak PvP, or pvp players start sell out game- and after year only pve stay here.
still no infos ? wow this is takingkittenlong
In the meantime WvW queues are always full, you just can not join this mode and The poverty of spvp currently is beyond any words
I was really amazed by GW1 straigthly from the beginning but it’s not the case with GW2 at all. The competitive pvp has been so much forgot : o
Capturing points and killing mobs really ? It’s 2012 we are already past this kitten coming from wow.
I feel like the pvp content wasn’t ready at all when they released this game and they were in a hurry.
At this moment, this game is purely pve, you can not talk about pvp one second.
Love these fanboys who try to see a positive side in this, where there aint any.
Atlas.6901While I’m sure Jonathan had long stretches of quiet time to write in the weeks before launch, perhaps he decided that his time was better spent elsewhere. Also, if the features were not ready to be discussed, then I suppose that it would not have been possible to discuss them before the game was released. Would you feel better if they over-promised a number of features BEFORE you bought the game? I expect not.
Wasnt that just what happened? They sold you a pvp-game of esports quality and what you got was something closer to “Hello-Kitty goes zerging”-quality product.
Anlyon.8375el oh el
Keep it up, pretty soon we wont be given any inkling of anything coming up.
Feel free to QUOTE where they lied and ignored us and/or tell us why certain things havnt been deliver right when you want them.
Have you made any games before, or done any large scale projects with a short timeline and lots of people hounding you?
Thought not.
Oh where should i start
How do you QUOTE being ignored?:D is it like this " “?
Also if the only thing being done OR said conserning spvp is that there will be a blog about it”in few days", makes them 100% liars in theory.
I feel that they cheated the money from me and the fact that it will get better in a month or a year or 2, doesnt count for kitten as all of my friends allready quit gw2.
If you launch a game where there is nothing else to do than zerg zerg zerg, NO kind of competition and not even a word about its future anywhere. For how long do you think ppl are going to just keep logging to see if there has been any changes?
You’ve not bought permission to demand Jon to schedule communications around your whims. It’s done when it’s ready; not when you demand it because you feel it’s owed to you.
At my whim? He told us it’d be here 2 weeks ago. 4 weeks total since release where we were promised full pvp game. Why are you making it seem like we’re dragging him off work by asking him to, basically, write an essay? It IS his job if you havent noticed, and we have waited 2 weeks for it, after being promised multiple times. You’re just bending everything just so you can make a reply and feel you won an argument. I dont think its going to change as you’ve obviously already taken the role of forum police, so whatever.
Cant be babyanimal’d to discuss anything further with people like you, in part because the blog should be here after some translations..for real this time..i think.
Oh and please remember, we are only this vocal because we want this game to succeed really bad, not seeing our friends slowly trickle away. Maybe you have the patience, and apperantly we do as well as we are still here, but that doesnt go for everyone and that fact can directly affect our enjoyment of what we consider the most important part of the game and its main selling point.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
now he is playing pve with mesmer… i guess he forgot”
My quote button is missing, anyways, you can watch the saved video from that stream, he confirmed that it’s written, just waiting on editing and localization !! woot
its near 2 weeks but no any information we get….
something need to fix and improve more in PvP.. :P
Well, since yesterday it was stated that there’s nothing but translation left there’s no excuses not to launch the blog today. What other updates is there to translate atm?
Anyway, waiting 2 weeks for a blogpost just higher the expectations on it’s content. People want the blog of the lords and will be disappointed if it doesnt deliver. Even if it would deliver it’s still just a blog, not updates that are happening in reality. It can say everyone will be balanced to the ground, but it may still take 2 months or more to implement it. The pvp community do not only need that blog that show us you care, but also real updates that are happening in game.
You’ve not bought permission to demand Jon to schedule communications around your whims. It’s done when it’s ready; not when you demand it because you feel it’s owed to you.
At my whim? He told us it’d be here 2 weeks ago. 4 weeks total since release where we were promised full pvp game. Why are you making it seem like we’re dragging him off work by asking him to, basically, write an essay? It IS his job if you havent noticed, and we have waited 2 weeks for it, after being promised multiple times. You’re just bending everything just so you can make a reply and feel you won an argument. I dont think its going to change as you’ve obviously already taken the role of forum police, so whatever.
Cant be babyanimal’d to discuss anything further with people like you, in part because the blog should be here after some translations..for real this time..i think.
Oh and please remember, we are only this vocal because we want this game to succeed really bad, not seeing our friends slowly trickle away. Maybe you have the patience, and apperantly we do as well as we are still here, but that doesnt go for everyone and that fact can directly affect our enjoyment of what we consider the most important part of the game and its main selling point.
It’s true. Some of us are GW2 fans, but not all of us have friends that share same love. They want competitive pvp, and go where they can find it. If it doesn’t happen soon enough here many of us might lose friends to other games… and tbh GW2 is not half as fun if you have to play it alone.
Did jon announce too soon? Ya. So we should rage about it and demonstrate why sharing news too early can backfire, thus ensuring he will take his time to release the actual blog.
here’s whats going to be in the blog:
We’ll do this and that and all of this soon, and then some things later and we have even thought about stuff to do in the next year! Aren’t we great? It’s just a matter of months now.
Check out Dev Tracker and look at the long list of dev responses on PVE related matters within the past month. Look at the patches and see where PVP improvements have been implemented.
PVE in this game is not enough to keep PVErs satisfied (no gear treadmill, raids etc), imo they will be leaving anyway… so it baffles me why Anet are not giving the same level of attention to their core player crowd… PVPers.
Arena Net #1, Ignore any ETA requests on this blog. I’m expecting this blog to be 25 pages long or something.
www.getstomped.com (GandaraEU)
So we know the blog is coming very soon. fingers crossed for Friday
We know the 10/1 patch is going to be major, and the blog might come with it. It’s not even unreasonable for us to hope that a major tPvP wishlist item or two made it in fingers crossed for arranged matches or outright ranked match making
Can we save the hyperbolic flames at least until after that date has come and gone?
So we know the blog is coming very soon. fingers crossed for Friday
We know the 10/1 patch is going to be major, and the blog might come with it. It’s not even unreasonable for us to hope that a major tPvP wishlist item or two made it in fingers crossed for arranged matches or outright ranked match making
Can we save the hyperbolic flames at least until after that date has come and gone?
Waiiitt, the 10/1 patch is supposed to be major? Now you’ve got me all excited
Hoping for some good things ^^
why should 10/1 patch be a major one? any source to this info?
why should 10/1 patch be a major one? any source to this info?
Last week someone wrote that 24 of september had a superduperpatch inc, I asked for source and no reply and we all knew what happened that day :P
Also i somehow feel like this guy is becoming the guildwars own Leeroy and “in few days” becoming a popular quote like “working as intended” was in wow
No no no, WoW had Soon™, which could mean anything from 3 days to 3 years
Likewise, information regarding the future of sPvP will be presented In A Few Days™
I don’t think you guys understand how awesome it is we have automated tournaments on release.
Do you know how cool that is? Its a dream for competitive games.
Sure you can’t host your own games/custom servers, but the game has barely been out so be a bit more patient and enjoy the fact we have automated tournies.
You are acting as if actually having a finished game on release is an amazing accomplishment, Not that this is anywhere near a finished game.
Unfortunately these days, it is an amazing accomplishment. Game development has gone down a steep hill in the past 5+ years.
I really just want hotjoin to be 5v5. You can still have 8v8s just give us 5v5 hotjoin servers too. It will also better prepare people for the size and scale of tourny matches before they go in and be more competitive. Im sure tons of servers have empty hotjoins… just make 1/2 5v5 and 1/2 8v8
I don’t think you guys understand how awesome it is we have automated tournaments on release.
Do you know how cool that is? Its a dream for competitive games.
Sure you can’t host your own games/custom servers, but the game has barely been out so be a bit more patient and enjoy the fact we have automated tournies.
You are acting as if actually having a finished game on release is an amazing accomplishment, Not that this is anywhere near a finished game.
Unfortunately these days, it is an amazing accomplishment. Game development has gone down a steep hill in the past 5+ years.
You’ve got it wrong, player expectations have gone up significantly in the past 5+ years, and with it development budgets to try and maintain the quality level gamer’s have come to expect. Its easy to say game development has gone downhill, but its more fair to say that the mountain they are climbing is growing underneath them, so no matter how fast they climb, they will have a hard time reaching the top of whats expected of them by players, and still maintain profitability, because at the end of the day its a business. MMOs are even worse, in that the amount of content, number of features, and sheer size of these games makes them monsters to develop, and there are so many things that can go wrong with a project scoped this large.
This is a trend that is unsustainable, but its the way of things at the moment.
@Atlas – Thank you for the shining beacon of a post you created in the midst of this sea of disappointing community. My faith in the gaming humanity has been restored somewhat by your demonstration of patience and understanding.
@ryston – Please don’t advertise any unsupported “insider” information about things like patches. People are already reacting excitedly and getting their hopes up about it, and if it doesn’t fit their expectations, they’ll get angry at ANet for something you said and posts with reactions like this one will continue to sprout.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
I really just want hotjoin to be 5v5. You can still have 8v8s just give us 5v5 hotjoin servers too. It will also better prepare people for the size and scale of tourny matches before they go in and be more competitive. Im sure tons of servers have empty hotjoins… just make 1/2 5v5 and 1/2 8v8
Agreed, at minimum two hot join options… one 8v8 for total noobs, one 5v5 for tournament practice. 8v8 on 5v5 maps is silly.
How about just copy league of legends and have a que system that knows the difference between premades and solo que. Yes, even for browser matches.
The matches need to be longer….lot longer and the que needs to be done between every match.
How about just copy league of legends and have a que system that knows the difference between premades and solo que. Yes, even for browser matches.
The matches need to be longer….lot longer and the que needs to be done between every match.
Aye, this would be the best system. Just to further explain it to those who are unfamiliar with the LoL system. If this form of queue was implemented it would allow groups of friends (2, 3, or 4 rather than a full group) to play together without being matched up against PuGs. Instead they’re matched up against other people that queue as a party. Thus everyone is happy, people can play together, and pugs don’t get steamrolled. Oh and the option is still available to play non-grouped solo queue sPvP games if you’re not in a party.
You’ve got it wrong, player expectations have gone up significantly in the past 5+ years,
Yeah and funny stuff is that players are gettin a lot more agressive, a lot less competent (the amount of noobs is insane, really) but they are all screamin for everything, how cute
Fair enough, i probably shouldnt say we can hope for a spvp update on 10/2. In my defense i am saying hope, and didnt say there is a source on that.
The 10/1 patch is going to be pretty big though, there are a number of dev posts commenting that this or that has been fixed and is still in internal testing scheduled for the 10/1 patch. A lot of those remarks have been pve environment fixes, but i think i recall a skill bug or two mentioned in such a way.
One false anticipation i can clear up: the 10/1 patch will probably release on 10/2. Anet labels patches with the day they worked on them.
Still, my honest guess is that some small bone will be thrown our way. Likely something simple like no more gear switching during a match.
I fail to see how a patch fixing a few bugs is “Huge”.
I fail to see how a patch fixing a few bugs is “Huge”.
The ‘Huge’ patch supposedly is to hit on 10/1. It’s 3 days from now.
Looking for a good guild for PoF
- 5v5 hot join,
- private games to play 1v1 or 2v2 3v3 etc with mates or arena to 1v1 2v2 private if you want !!
- duels in mist
- normal and rated arena
- spectator mode to watch tournaments like in dota 2
8v8 its too much and we can’t make custom lobby like 5v5 or private games !!
Ok, so GW2 sPvP is still in the same state than in BWE2. What does this tell us? Anet does not care about the sPvP-Players. But they do not have to anyway because the huge majority of players already quit.
I used to have high hopes and faith in this game. Anet promised good PvP and gave us 8on8 zergfest and random “tournaments”.
Get Ready Save Glory Boost [GrDy] RiP
TIL: A few days now means 2 weeks.
www.getstomped.com (GandaraEU)
Is this guy Milo trying hard to be John’s new best friend or what?
It is just NORMAL to expect your rights as a customer being respected. They asked for 60$/150$ for the game. It was either that or nothing. We didn’t have an option to pay 20$, just like the developers don’t have the option to sell us a half finished, poor with game play product instead of the advertised one.
“The game is only a month old”?! It was in development FOR YEARS. God’s sake.
You’re all thinking that your $60/$150 went towards exactly what you are playing huh?
Well actually it probably went to the salaries of everyone who was working on the game, not just to Jon to work on the one aspect you FEEL is lacking.
Also right now they are working on bugs which affect people FAR MORE than zergs or what have you.
They are working on crashes, things that block progress, and blatent missing audio files etc.
Now im not saying that they are perfect, no game company ever is.
But lets put this in perspective.
If they gave everyone everything they wanted (like alot you guys seem to want) this game would be utter trash.
ALSO – i bet the blog is going to be much more than “we’re working on stuff”, given the time its taking to release.
Seriously chill out. The game isnt half as bad as many of you are making it out to be, and the blog isnt as important as bugs that need attention.
If you’re really unhappy, go play kung fu panda online, and come back when they have fixed it. You’re not paying monthlies.
My god where’s this kittening blog?
this game has a great potential but atm from an objective pvp viewer, it’s really bad
time will tell (let’s hope it won’t take long because modern players aren’t as patient as you think)
This is getting pretty ridiculous. A simple “Hey, yeah, we screwed up, sorry. It’ll be posted on <insert date>” would do wonders to defuse frustrations. Rather than just ignoring player frustrations entirely and keeping up the “Trust me, it’ll be Soon™” gag.
I think that explains everything quite well.
and same as the game “when it’s ready” means half done
i think the only reason they’re delaying the blog post now is because people will get really mad when they read all the “soons” and “when it’s readys”