sad and disapointed with anet and pvp
Oki i’be been a big fan…a really big fan of this game, love the books, the lore, the combat system, I’ve been around since gw1…
And i always believed in you anet…i also tried to help as much as a causal gamer could.
But i can´t simply continue…the decision to remove solo queue was too much for me…I tried to support u guys, tried to give this a chance but pvp is now in a state were a solo player simply has a really low chance to have fun.
yeah i know learn to play and yadda yadda…but casual players should have a place in pvp too and at this moment the place we have is being farmed…and I’ve waited for some response from anet…I even believed u guys were doing this because u needed to and i kept playing even being farmed…but It just isn’t fun and this is a game that should bring joy.
And I´m so disapointed i can’t keep on…this really makes me sad cause i suffered from a deep depression and gw 1 helped me greatly … so i feel like leaving a place i called home…
wish you guys all the best (and remember pvp isn’t just e.sports it’s a place were some of us go to have fun a place were everyone should be welcome and not used to fulfill a pre made need to win)
Oki i’be been a big fan…a really big fan of this game, love the books, the lore, the combat system, I’ve been around since gw1…
And i always believed in you anet…i also tried to help as much as a causal gamer could.
But i can´t simply continue…the decision to remove solo queue was too much for me…I tried to support u guys, tried to give this a chance but pvp is now in a state were a solo player simply has a really low chance to have fun.
yeah i know learn to play and yadda yadda…but casual players should have a place in pvp too and at this moment the place we have is being farmed…and I’ve waited for some response from anet…I even believed u guys were doing this because u needed to and i kept playing even being farmed…but It just isn’t fun and this is a game that should bring joy.
And I´m so disapointed i can’t keep on…this really makes me sad cause i suffered from a deep depression and gw 1 helped me greatly … so i feel like leaving a place i called home…
wish you guys all the best (and remember pvp isn’t just e.sports it’s a place were some of us go to have fun a place were everyone should be welcome and not used to fulfill a pre made need to win)
Talyn Sneider, there are many game companies who care about challenge: fun, risk-reward, hard-work and effort). So do not feel too bad because as a customer: you accomplish your responsibility and duty.
I am sorry you waste your time to believe in false hope and only words with no serious action
It is ok because now you believe words mean nothing without serious action.
So good luck to you and have fun.
" Words mean nothing when actions are the complete opposite "
“ Believing is not enough, Sang Ly. If you want to resurrect hope, doing is the most important "
Camron Wrigh
“ Harsh reality is always better than false hope ”
Downton Abbey
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Go play PvE dude, I’m sorry if that sounds bad. Nobody is going to get worse at this game the more they play and the longer the game is out! I have a guild outside of my PvP one that keeps in touch in FB, does a lot of fun events, even does PvP but for fun as well. Find people. I solo queued for 47 ranks, got my butt kicked a lot of those times. By the time I hit rank 50 I proactively sought a PvP guild and learned a lot, improved and had fun. But not once did I feel like the game or the players were out to make my life miserable, I solo queued because I enjoyed just playing. And I know we’re not talking about actual solo queues haha. If you want, and want to give this game another go, just add me. I just enjoy the company
You know they are working on making a ladder system right? Right?
Sure it sucks now, but alteast they are working on it.
This will filter the trash from the pros and the other way around. And hopefully make premades face higher ranked players.
Played a decent amount of solo matches myself and I have been having fun.
I honestly have no idea what Anet was thinking. Allowing team ups to play against soloers…what nonsense.
Merge this thread? It is now a duplicate since OP posted in two forums.
Delete this post if you want to.
You know they are working on making a ladder system right? Right?
Sure it sucks now, but alteast they are working on it.
This will filter the trash from the pros and the other way around. And hopefully make premades face higher ranked players.
Played a decent amount of solo matches myself and I have been having fun.
Without a soloq, you will always have situations where pre-mades face soloers. Unless you explicitly have an internal rule “No team ups will ever be allowed to face a PUG group”.
It doesn´t sound bad, and I thank you for the invite. It’s just my way of saying that solo queue was my home, i have a hard time in socializing ( depressions tend to make us a bit of introverts ) this means me and players like me will be facing premades…I’ve been checking enemy comps and almost every game I face a premade that varies from 2 to 3 or even 4 players…
This leads to frustating games were I´m facing teams that are comunicating and strategizing…this isn´t fun, it´s not even fair…and to see anet supports this makes me feel they are treating us players injustly…this made me slowly lose faith in the game.
So I decided to leave and hope this words touch anyone at anet so perhaps more players like me won’t end up losing a place they felt was home.
I feel a little better knowing at least ladders are being worked at…but haven´t seen any oficial info on this? do you have any? but I agree with hagwad…there will always be teams farming and abusing this system…would love to know what anet thinks on all this…at least know if they care about players like me
Match ups definitely can suck, I feel you. Also I know about that whole life, I dealt with it heavily for 5 years, for me it was DAoC that helped me through it I’m actually a very quiet person, I’ve never spoken on TS or Vent, just listened in – which can still make all the difference. It’s hard though when some of the people in TS get frustrated over nothing at all, that has no consequence for them in real life.
in theory it works but in practice it doesn’t. especially not with the low amount of pvp players currently.
Yeah, pretty much everyone but the PvP developer knows that removing solo queue was a bad idea. Unfortunately, ANET tends to be stubborn with bad decisions.
I honestly have no idea what Anet was thinking. Allowing team ups to play against soloers…what nonsense.
the more laughable part is the leaderboards are mixed with solo players and teams
Match ups definitely can suck, I feel you. Also I know about that whole life, I dealt with it heavily for 5 years, for me it was DAoC that helped me through it
I’m actually a very quiet person, I’ve never spoken on TS or Vent, just listened in – which can still make all the difference. It’s hard though when some of the people in TS get frustrated over nothing at all, that has no consequence for them in real life.
I’ve tried to play with guildies…but can´t make myself go with them regularly…sometimes i just need my own space to think things through…glad to hear there are more players like me out there
Yeah, pretty much everyone but the PvP developer knows that removing solo queue was a bad idea. Unfortunately, ANET tends to be stubborn with bad decisions.
The even sadder part is I´m such a fan that If i knew anet knew this was a bad idea i would stay and wait it out…but they don´t even take position about this issue…that for me is what makes me sadder…they remove solo queue making turning players like me into farmed commodities and won´t even say anything about it…this silence is deafening to me
You know, it’s ok it’s to play alone. You deserve to be catered to as well. Listening to some people here on the forums, you’d think that we solo players don’t deserve a good game experience.
You’ll hear them say “Well, if it’s an MMO. Play in a team!”. To hell with that.
People are more than likely over-exaggerating the ultimate point of the OP’s post, which feels very dramatic during the read.
Judging from my own feelings, this is how I interpreted his post:
- I’ve stuck with this company since GW1 “I am a dedicated customer”
- I am no longer satisfied after solo que was removed “I like old GW1 RA style play”
- I am dissatisfied because the game no longer has casual solo play for pvp
- I am dissatisfied because I do not want to play in or against organized TS3 teams
- I just want to casual play like in GW1 RA, against other teams who are also casual playing like in GW1 RA “solo ques”
It is unfortunate that arena-net is losing customers “which for us means we lose players within the community”. I have already made two very well written posts on this same exact topic. The OP here, is a great supported statement. Hopefully a-net pays attention:
You know they are working on making a ladder system right? Right?
The thing is everything takes eternity when it comes to gw2. Remember when we had dishonored? Yeah, that was half a year ago. Did they turn on yet? Nope. How long will we wait for them to turn it back on? Who knows, maybe a year, two…It does effect pvp quite a lot. They seriously take forever fixing things. Immob mid air is still in game and it will be for god knows how long.
Does being sad help arena net?
i met 4 premades in a row and now i stand in LA doing nothing
tbh joining solo makes you feel that you are something negative
you are just there to get farmed by premades
and when you feel so negative why play at all?
(edited by jihm.2315)
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
in theory it works but in practice it doesn’t. especially not with the low amount of pvp players currently.
Which is ironic, because i know that me and a lot of people i know pvp’d regularly before this exact change. Not anymore.
The whole pvp change back in december looked really good in theory and then it went live and it was bad and is still bad.
As bad as it was sometimes, solo queue was still better than this what we have now.
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
You know, it’s ok it’s to play alone. You deserve to be catered to as well. Listening to some people here on the forums, you’d think that we solo players don’t deserve a good game experience.
You’ll hear them say “Well, if it’s an MMO. Play in a team!”. To hell with that.
i never thought i’d agree w/ bhagwad… clearly the impossible can happen…
which means theres even a chance solo players will have a place in pvp again someday
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
Orrr, orrrr, they could be practicing together, before hitting ranked! Orrrr, orrrr, they could be friends, and 1 is teaching the other how to play! Orrr, orrrrr, this game encourages a social experience in a team fight! So what you’re telling me is that 2 friends can’t get together and have fun in unranked matches because it’s a burden to the solo player? Get outta here. I’m social, I’m here for fun, and to enjoy it with my friends who may feel uncomfortable doing ranked matches. To say that 2 people shouldn’t even be allowed is a biased standpoint from a solo player.
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
Orrr, orrrr, they could be practicing together, before hitting ranked! Orrrr, orrrr, they could be friends, and 1 is teaching the other how to play! Orrr, orrrrr, this game encourages a social experience in a team fight! So what you’re telling me is that 2 friends can’t get together and have fun in unranked matches because it’s a burden to the solo player? Get outta here. I’m social, I’m here for fun, and to enjoy it with my friends who may feel uncomfortable doing ranked matches. To say that 2 people shouldn’t even be allowed is a biased standpoint from a solo player.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. “Practicing together” is a pretty serious time commitment and if that’s what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be in unranked. Remember that it’s not just about skill – merely having two people working together is a tremendous advantage. The whole is more than the sum of its parts, as my previous link about 2-man teams showed.
Yes, friends shouldn’t be able to “get together” and “have fun” in unranked. Because guess what? It’s not “fun” for the rest of us. Pre arranged coordination is something that people can choose to do only in ranked arenas thank you very much.
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
Orrr, orrrr, they could be practicing together, before hitting ranked! Orrrr, orrrr, they could be friends, and 1 is teaching the other how to play! Orrr, orrrrr, this game encourages a social experience in a team fight! So what you’re telling me is that 2 friends can’t get together and have fun in unranked matches because it’s a burden to the solo player? Get outta here. I’m social, I’m here for fun, and to enjoy it with my friends who may feel uncomfortable doing ranked matches. To say that 2 people shouldn’t even be allowed is a biased standpoint from a solo player.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. “Practicing together” is a pretty serious time commitment and if that’s what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be in unranked. Remember that it’s not just about skill – merely having two people working together is a tremendous advantage. The whole is more than the sum of its parts, as my previous link about 2-man teams showed.
Yes, friends shouldn’t be able to “get together” and “have fun” in unranked. Because guess what? It’s not “fun” for the rest of us. Pre arranged coordination is something that people can choose to do only in ranked arenas thank you very much.
Welp, obviously speaking to a wall, since apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences of risking playing solo and not the gist of a fun, social, online experience.
Edit – I’ll do ranked when I want to be serious, I’ll do unranked with my friends when we want to run around off of TS and have fun and laugh at stupid things
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
Orrr, orrrr, they could be practicing together, before hitting ranked! Orrrr, orrrr, they could be friends, and 1 is teaching the other how to play! Orrr, orrrrr, this game encourages a social experience in a team fight! So what you’re telling me is that 2 friends can’t get together and have fun in unranked matches because it’s a burden to the solo player? Get outta here. I’m social, I’m here for fun, and to enjoy it with my friends who may feel uncomfortable doing ranked matches. To say that 2 people shouldn’t even be allowed is a biased standpoint from a solo player.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. “Practicing together” is a pretty serious time commitment and if that’s what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be in unranked. Remember that it’s not just about skill – merely having two people working together is a tremendous advantage. The whole is more than the sum of its parts, as my previous link about 2-man teams showed.
Yes, friends shouldn’t be able to “get together” and “have fun” in unranked. Because guess what? It’s not “fun” for the rest of us. Pre arranged coordination is something that people can choose to do only in ranked arenas thank you very much.
Welp, obviously speaking to a wall, since apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences of risking playing solo and not the gist of a fun, social, online experience.
Edit – I’ll do ranked when I want to be serious, I’ll do unranked with my friends when we want to run around off of TS and have fun and laugh at stupid things
So instead of a place for team play and a place for solo play you want two places for team play and NO place for solo play just so that you can “practice” against a bunch of pugs. How exactly does that train you for competitive team play? And you complain that “apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences” when you essentially want to completely disregard at the very least half of the pvp playerbase just so that you can have two different team arenas to choose from when you get bored. The irony is palpable to say the least. Are you even remotely capable of logically thinking about this?
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
Orrr, orrrr, they could be practicing together, before hitting ranked! Orrrr, orrrr, they could be friends, and 1 is teaching the other how to play! Orrr, orrrrr, this game encourages a social experience in a team fight! So what you’re telling me is that 2 friends can’t get together and have fun in unranked matches because it’s a burden to the solo player? Get outta here. I’m social, I’m here for fun, and to enjoy it with my friends who may feel uncomfortable doing ranked matches. To say that 2 people shouldn’t even be allowed is a biased standpoint from a solo player.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. “Practicing together” is a pretty serious time commitment and if that’s what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be in unranked. Remember that it’s not just about skill – merely having two people working together is a tremendous advantage. The whole is more than the sum of its parts, as my previous link about 2-man teams showed.
Yes, friends shouldn’t be able to “get together” and “have fun” in unranked. Because guess what? It’s not “fun” for the rest of us. Pre arranged coordination is something that people can choose to do only in ranked arenas thank you very much.
Welp, obviously speaking to a wall, since apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences of risking playing solo and not the gist of a fun, social, online experience.
Edit – I’ll do ranked when I want to be serious, I’ll do unranked with my friends when we want to run around off of TS and have fun and laugh at stupid things
So instead of a place for team play and a place for solo play you want two places for team play and NO place for solo play just so that you can “practice” against a bunch of pugs. How exactly does that train you for competitive team play? And you complain that “apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences” when you essentially want to completely disregard at the very least half of the pvp playerbase just so that you can have two different team arenas to choose from when you get bored. The irony is palpable to say the least. Are you even remotely capable of logically thinking about this?
Let’s think logically for a second!
1 – Never did I say there shouldn’t be a solo play option for all solo players
2 – Instead of suggesting that feature come back, you’re all here kittening on players who like to queue for fun together as friends, because it’s unfair for you.
3 – I think they should bring back solo queue, but as of now there isn’t. And hindering others having fun in UNRANKED (FOR FUN), because they took away solo queueing is dumb!
4 – Saying RANKED is the only way friends should have fun is stupid.
There was a solo option, but it got turned into unranked and they let premades in. Team queuers already had Team Queue, but Anet in their infinite wisdom decided it was more important to separate the queues from pug vs pug and team vs team to pug vs team and team vs team just so that team queuers had an optional arena to kitten around in. Apparently that’s more important than ever getting a decent solo queue match. Tell me what’s more important, your option to kitten around in unranked or half of the playerbase’s right to ever get a balanced match?
Ranked is just a word anyway. Leaderboards mean absolutely nothing in this game. The only difference between ranked and unranked is the amount of maps so crying that you need a casual queue outside of ranked makes literally no sense, because they’re essentially the same exact thing. They decided to merge solo and team queues to make queue times better for teams (hmm wonder why they were so awful to begin with…) and then they just ended up splitting the queues again for no reason, just to pretend that there’s a “casual” queue. It’s beyond kittened.
2 players grouped up =/= ‘A Premade’. That’s just completely silly. 5 people running complimenting, synergetic builds, who cover each others’ weaknesses through weaponsets, gear choices, utility selections and trait layouts, in order to accomplish maximum efficiency/synergy/output, while covering each others shortcomings…THAT is the very definition of a ‘PREMADE’. This word (premade), not only demands that, by definition of the word, but has NO RELEVANCE without meeting that criteria. A couple of buddies queueing together does not constitute ‘a premade’.
Even a 2-man team is a huge unfair advantage. If you’re teaming up, it’s serious enough to join the ranked q. Unranked should only be for soloers playing by themselves.
Orrr, orrrr, they could be practicing together, before hitting ranked! Orrrr, orrrr, they could be friends, and 1 is teaching the other how to play! Orrr, orrrrr, this game encourages a social experience in a team fight! So what you’re telling me is that 2 friends can’t get together and have fun in unranked matches because it’s a burden to the solo player? Get outta here. I’m social, I’m here for fun, and to enjoy it with my friends who may feel uncomfortable doing ranked matches. To say that 2 people shouldn’t even be allowed is a biased standpoint from a solo player.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. “Practicing together” is a pretty serious time commitment and if that’s what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be in unranked. Remember that it’s not just about skill – merely having two people working together is a tremendous advantage. The whole is more than the sum of its parts, as my previous link about 2-man teams showed.
Yes, friends shouldn’t be able to “get together” and “have fun” in unranked. Because guess what? It’s not “fun” for the rest of us. Pre arranged coordination is something that people can choose to do only in ranked arenas thank you very much.
Welp, obviously speaking to a wall, since apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences of risking playing solo and not the gist of a fun, social, online experience.
Edit – I’ll do ranked when I want to be serious, I’ll do unranked with my friends when we want to run around off of TS and have fun and laugh at stupid things
So instead of a place for team play and a place for solo play you want two places for team play and NO place for solo play just so that you can “practice” against a bunch of pugs. How exactly does that train you for competitive team play? And you complain that “apparently the only version of having fun around here must be dictated by this guy’s personal preferences” when you essentially want to completely disregard at the very least half of the pvp playerbase just so that you can have two different team arenas to choose from when you get bored. The irony is palpable to say the least. Are you even remotely capable of logically thinking about this?
Let’s think logically for a second!
1 – Never did I say there shouldn’t be a solo play option for all solo players
2 – Instead of suggesting that feature come back, you’re all here kittening on players who like to queue for fun together as friends, because it’s unfair for you.
3 – I think they should bring back solo queue, but as of now there isn’t. And hindering others having fun in UNRANKED (FOR FUN), because they took away solo queueing is dumb!
4 – Saying RANKED is the only way friends should have fun is stupid.
Or you could show regard for other people’s feelings and not “have fun” at the cost of others. If you’re serious about your preference, you could always create or join a custom server to “have fun” simply because you have the numbers to create one, which soloers do not.
Obviously no one can stop you from teaming up even a full 5-member team in unranked if you want. It’s just incredibly bad manners and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
As for wanting a solo queue, that’s a pretty big demand already if you’ve been reading the forums. Since Anet hasn’t listened yet, the only other thing we can do is to create a culture where teams are simply not welcome in unranked. We can’t stop you, but the community can make you feel bad about it.
(edited by bhagwad.4281)
My friends feel more comfortable doing unranked. Ranked people tend to still scream at you if you don’t do things right and the environment is completely different. Contrary to popular belief, I see more premades in Ranked and any premade I’ve ever been a part of has only done ranked because they hate the other maps haha. The system is definitely beyond kittened, it’s bad. They need to re-do the ranking systems, as well as bring back the solo queue so I don’t feel like me enjoying myself and the game I payed for feels like a witch hunt because I want to have fun with people.
“Or you could show regard for other people’s feelings and not “have fun” at the cost of others. If you’re serious about your preference, you could always create or join a custom server to “have fun” simply because you have the numbers to create one, which soloers do not.
Obviously no one can stop you from teaming up even a full 5-member team in unranked if you want. It’s just incredibly bad manners and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
As for wanting a solo queue, that’s a pretty big demand already if you’ve been reading the forums. Since Anet hasn’t listened yet, the only other thing we can do is to create a culture where teams are simply not welcome in unranked. We can’t stop you, but the community can make you feel bad about it."
A community of soloers? Oh my sweet lanta what will I do?! You misunderstand, which is common of you. I don’t have fun at the cost of others, I have fun playing PvP, win or lose. But thanks for putting words into my mouth and trying to make me out to be a bad guy. I also appreciate how you must have skimmed over what I have said before, which is I SOLO PLAYED 47 RANKS. I know about that solo life. Me sticking up for grouping isn’t just about me. Why should I be ashamed of enjoying the game? Because you can’t reciprocate the same amount of fun I’m having, both solo and grouped? Haha.
The player base is so small that everything they do doesn’t work like it should be!
They hope it will change with Stronghold because it is more PVE oriented and more ppl will play but as i see ST now after 2 betas it is so bad that i cant think myself playing it,well that is my opinion probably lots of ppl like it !
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “my being able to have the option to kitten around is greater than solo queuers right to a fair match up. YOU DONT DECIDE WHATS FUN. STOP PERSECUTING ME!!!” Aaaaand repeat. Real genius here folks. No wonder Anet’s catering to that crowd and pvp is absolutely booming as a result.
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well
So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
Like I said, no one can stop you from being ill-mannered. Our job is only to make you aware of the fact. The rest is up to you. And your friends (who may not want to be ill-mannered once they’ve been informed.).
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well
So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
Like I said, no one can stop you from being ill-mannered. Our job is only to make you aware of the fact. The rest is up to you. And your friends (who may not want to be ill-mannered once they’ve been informed.).
Lol, my friends won’t care. They’re childhood friends as well as my brother. This is one of the few ways we can all keep in touch and many of them way more casual than I am. So I think they’ll take having a decent time with some old super casual buddies over catering to a bunch of whiny flower children. I won’t stop them if they want to do any of those crappy maps, I’ll value my time with my friends over some moot crusade for bringing back single player queues.
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “my being able to have the option to kitten around is greater than solo queuers right to a fair match up. YOU DONT DECIDE WHATS FUN. STOP PERSECUTING ME!!!” Aaaaand repeat. Real genius here folks. No wonder Anet’s catering to that crowd and pvp is absolutely booming as a result.
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “The fact that I can’t queue solo and enjoy my time playing PvP means nobody else should queue grouped and enjoy PvP, by my own self-stacked moral high ground” You see how this goes both ways? Nice semantics, making me look like a redneck fighting for his gun rights haha.
This a sad thread. I feel for you Tayln. I regard myself as fairly competent in pvp but even i find solo queue just a nightmare now.
90% of the time you come up against a premade of some sorts. Now for someone who usually queues with a team, i leave often thinking; “if i was with my team we would have won that, or at the very least given them a game”.
Buffing or nerfing MMR’s just so you get a queue pop is ridiculous. I cannot believe ANET actually thought that would be a good idea. If you asked people, i bet 99% would say they would rather wait in a queue another 3-5 mins than get a quicker queue pop, with an inflated mmr only to face a tryhard premade, who clearly have a strategic/coordination advantage regardless of individual skill. This is before we get onto the 6 min queues with NOTHING TO DO!!!!!!!
And from the other angle, i HATE queueing as a part-premade….eg 3-4. The pug you get, ends up not being on the same wave length/ skill level and it’s just frustrating for both parties. None of us asked for this.
You simply cannot have premades v pugs and still expect a competitive environment.
You are not the only one and sure wont be the last to cry over the state of pvp queueing right now.
THIS IS WHY YOU NEED A 2v2/ 3V3 mode. So people who want to play with a buddy or do not have their full team online, can still play in a competitive environment, where you know the only thing that will matter is skill, not whether the team has been together for 2 years, and using ts, fighting a bunch of randomers who have 0 synergy. Keep conquest 5/5, but dont force smaller groups to play it if it means they will face a premade.
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
(edited by Liam McColgan.7689)
This a sad thread
. I feel for you Tayln. I regard myself as fairly competent in pvp but even i find solo queue just a nightmare now.
90% of the time you come up against a premade of some sorts. Now for someone who usually queues with a team, i leave often thinking; “if i was with my team we would have won that, or at the very least given them a game”.
Buffing or nerfing MMR’s just so you get a queue pop is ridiculous. I cannot believe ANET actually thought that would b a good idea. If you asked people, i let 99% would say they would rather wait in a queue another 3-5 mins than get a quicker quue pop, with an inflated mmr only to face a tryhard premade, who clearly have a strategic/coordination advantage regardless of individual skill.
And from the other angle, i HATE queueing as a part-premade….eg 3-4. The pug you get, ends up not being on the same wave length/ skill level and it’s just frustrating for both parties. None of us asked for this.
You simply cannot have premades v pugs and still expect a competitive environment.
You are not the only one and sure wont be the last to cry over the state of pvp queueing right now.
THIS IS WHY YOU NEED A 2v2/ 3V3 mode. So people who want to play with a buddy or do not have their full team online, can still play in a competitive environment, where you know the only thing that will matter is skill, not whether the team has been together for 2 years, and using ts, fighting a bunch of randomers who have 0 synergy.
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well
So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
Like I said, no one can stop you from being ill-mannered. Our job is only to make you aware of the fact. The rest is up to you. And your friends (who may not want to be ill-mannered once they’ve been informed.).
Lol, my friends won’t care. They’re childhood friends as well as my brother. This is one of the few ways we can all keep in touch and many of them way more casual than I am. So I think they’ll take having a decent time with some old super casual buddies over catering to a bunch of whiny flower children. I won’t stop them if they want to do any of those crappy maps, I’ll value my time with my friends over some moot crusade for bringing back single player queues.
Well at least you admit you have no actual argument. Sorry, but your inability to text, or use Facebook, or have a friendship that doesn’t fall to pieces if you can’t farm pugs in GW2 is not a valid reason to shaft the entire solo queue playerbase. Or God forbid you actually just have to use freaking hotjoin for its original, casual purpose in the future. Stop being a selfish child and think objectively for 30 seconds before posting next time, you look like a complete fool that can’t think of anything but themself.
This a sad thread
. I feel for you Tayln. I regard myself as fairly competent in pvp but even i find solo queue just a nightmare now.
90% of the time you come up against a premade of some sorts. Now for someone who usually queues with a team, i leave often thinking; “if i was with my team we would have won that, or at the very least given them a game”.
Buffing or nerfing MMR’s just so you get a queue pop is ridiculous. I cannot believe ANET actually thought that would be a good idea. If you asked people, i bet 99% would say they would rather wait in a queue another 3-5 mins than get a quicker queue pop, with an inflated mmr only to face a tryhard premade, who clearly have a strategic/coordination advantage regardless of individual skill. This is before we get onto the 6 min queues with NOTHING TO DO!!!!!!!
And from the other angle, i HATE queueing as a part-premade….eg 3-4. The pug you get, ends up not being on the same wave length/ skill level and it’s just frustrating for both parties. None of us asked for this.
You simply cannot have premades v pugs and still expect a competitive environment.
You are not the only one and sure wont be the last to cry over the state of pvp queueing right now.
THIS IS WHY YOU NEED A 2v2/ 3V3 mode. So people who want to play with a buddy or do not have their full team online, can still play in a competitive environment, where you know the only thing that will matter is skill, not whether the team has been together for 2 years, and using ts, fighting a bunch of randomers who have 0 synergy. Keep conquest 5/5, but dont force smaller groups to play it if it means they will face a premade.
Yes, I don’t find fighting pugs fun, it’s just not my choice. Even in Ranked. Matchups need to be friendlier for people
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “my being able to have the option to kitten around is greater than solo queuers right to a fair match up. YOU DONT DECIDE WHATS FUN. STOP PERSECUTING ME!!!” Aaaaand repeat. Real genius here folks. No wonder Anet’s catering to that crowd and pvp is absolutely booming as a result.
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “The fact that I can’t queue solo and enjoy my time playing PvP means nobody else should queue grouped and enjoy PvP, by my own self-stacked moral high ground” You see how this goes both ways? Nice semantics, making me look like a redneck fighting for his gun rights haha.
You can queue grouped in TEAM queue and we can queue solo in SOLO queue so that there are options for EVERYONE and not just you. Seriously how is this a hard concept? Did you fail kindergarten and never learn to share or something?
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “my being able to have the option to kitten around is greater than solo queuers right to a fair match up. YOU DONT DECIDE WHATS FUN. STOP PERSECUTING ME!!!” Aaaaand repeat. Real genius here folks. No wonder Anet’s catering to that crowd and pvp is absolutely booming as a result.
So basically we’ve just come full circle to: “The fact that I can’t queue solo and enjoy my time playing PvP means nobody else should queue grouped and enjoy PvP, by my own self-stacked moral high ground” You see how this goes both ways? Nice semantics, making me look like a redneck fighting for his gun rights haha.
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well
So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
Like I said, no one can stop you from being ill-mannered. Our job is only to make you aware of the fact. The rest is up to you. And your friends (who may not want to be ill-mannered once they’ve been informed.).
Lol, my friends won’t care. They’re childhood friends as well as my brother. This is one of the few ways we can all keep in touch and many of them way more casual than I am. So I think they’ll take having a decent time with some old super casual buddies over catering to a bunch of whiny flower children. I won’t stop them if they want to do any of those crappy maps, I’ll value my time with my friends over some moot crusade for bringing back single player queues.
Well at least you admit you have no actual argument. Sorry, but your inability to text, or use Facebook, or have a friendship that doesn’t fall to pieces if you can’t farm pugs in GW2 is not a valid reason to shaft the entire solo queue playerbase. Or God forbid you actually just have to use freaking hotjoin for its original, casual purpose in the future. Stop being a selfish child and think objectively for 30 seconds before posting next time, you look like a complete fool that can’t think of anything but themself.
slams head on desk – I’m done. I would like to find a nice common ground, but it won’t happen. I hope one day, you can stop being so angry and enjoy a nice solo PvP experience without trying to hamper those around you who also like to group. G’day
Edit – And I don’t know man, maybe I just come from a different time. Solo in any other game ran such a greater risk, that maybe I just don’t understand what’s going on here. I’m dumb that way I guess! DAoC solo play was extreme if you were a visi, EQ solo play was near impossible, WoW solo play, you still get matched against premades all of the time, but they never saw it as a big deal, etc. S0rry for making no sense to anybody but myself apparently.
(edited by Murmaider.1805)
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well
So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
Like I said, no one can stop you from being ill-mannered. Our job is only to make you aware of the fact. The rest is up to you. And your friends (who may not want to be ill-mannered once they’ve been informed.).
Lol, my friends won’t care. They’re childhood friends as well as my brother. This is one of the few ways we can all keep in touch and many of them way more casual than I am. So I think they’ll take having a decent time with some old super casual buddies over catering to a bunch of whiny flower children. I won’t stop them if they want to do any of those crappy maps, I’ll value my time with my friends over some moot crusade for bringing back single player queues.
Well at least you admit you have no actual argument. Sorry, but your inability to text, or use Facebook, or have a friendship that doesn’t fall to pieces if you can’t farm pugs in GW2 is not a valid reason to shaft the entire solo queue playerbase. Or God forbid you actually just have to use freaking hotjoin for its original, casual purpose in the future. Stop being a selfish child and think objectively for 30 seconds before posting next time, you look like a complete fool that can’t think of anything but themself.
slams head on desk – I’m done. I would like to find a nice common ground, but it won’t happen. I hope one day, you can stop being so angry and enjoy a nice solo PvP experience without trying to hamper those around you who also like to group. G’day
Edit – And I don’t know man, maybe I just come from a different time. Solo in any other game ran such a greater risk, that maybe I just don’t understand what’s going on here. I’m dumb that way I guess! DAoC solo play was extreme if you were a visi, EQ solo play was near impossible, WoW solo play, you still get matched against premades all of the time, but they never saw it as a big deal, etc. S0rry for making no sense to anybody but myself apparently.
Solo as in everyone in the match on both sides queues solo. This isn’t exactly rocket surgery here. Solo players just want their venue to fight other solo players on even ground back. Right now all we have is solo vs premades or premades vs premades. I am beyond baffled at how this makes no sense to you or how solo queuers getting their own queue in anyway infringes on your ability to queue as a group. If Ranked queue isn’t kids gloves enough for your team then there’s always hotjoin for casual play. Why are you even arguing in here if you can’t grasp such a simple concept? Are you that self entitled that even when you have no idea what’s going on you have to enforce your kitten illogical opinion that you haven’t thought out even remotely? After that anecdotal “this is how I stay in touch with my friends” post I’m definitely leaning towards yes.
Then go have fun in a ranked team queue if it doesn’t matter where you do it.
I could… hmm yes indeed. Oh wait I do! With my casual friends, they prefer unranked, they like the other maps as well
So I guess we’ll agree to disagree and I’ll just keep stomping the field.
Like I said, no one can stop you from being ill-mannered. Our job is only to make you aware of the fact. The rest is up to you. And your friends (who may not want to be ill-mannered once they’ve been informed.).
Lol, my friends won’t care. They’re childhood friends as well as my brother. This is one of the few ways we can all keep in touch and many of them way more casual than I am. So I think they’ll take having a decent time with some old super casual buddies over catering to a bunch of whiny flower children. I won’t stop them if they want to do any of those crappy maps, I’ll value my time with my friends over some moot crusade for bringing back single player queues.
Well at least you admit you have no actual argument. Sorry, but your inability to text, or use Facebook, or have a friendship that doesn’t fall to pieces if you can’t farm pugs in GW2 is not a valid reason to shaft the entire solo queue playerbase. Or God forbid you actually just have to use freaking hotjoin for its original, casual purpose in the future. Stop being a selfish child and think objectively for 30 seconds before posting next time, you look like a complete fool that can’t think of anything but themself.
slams head on desk – I’m done. I would like to find a nice common ground, but it won’t happen. I hope one day, you can stop being so angry and enjoy a nice solo PvP experience without trying to hamper those around you who also like to group. G’day
Edit – And I don’t know man, maybe I just come from a different time. Solo in any other game ran such a greater risk, that maybe I just don’t understand what’s going on here. I’m dumb that way I guess! DAoC solo play was extreme if you were a visi, EQ solo play was near impossible, WoW solo play, you still get matched against premades all of the time, but they never saw it as a big deal, etc. S0rry for making no sense to anybody but myself apparently.
Solo as in everyone in the match on both sides queues solo. This isn’t exactly rocket surgery here. Solo players just want their venue to fight other solo players on even ground back. Right now all we have is solo vs premades or premades vs premades. I am beyond baffled at how this makes no sense to you or how solo queuers getting their own queue in anyway infringes on your ability to queue as a group. If Ranked queue isn’t kids gloves enough for your team then there’s always hotjoin for casual play. Why are you even arguing in here if you can’t grasp such a simple concept? Are you that self entitled that even when you have no idea what’s going on you have to enforce your kitten illogical opinion that you haven’t thought out even remotely? After that anecdotal “this is how I stay in touch with my friends” post I’m definitely leaning towards yes.
.. and I’ve said there should be a solo vs solo option brought back. I’ve also said matching up solos with premades isn’t fair for soloers, but you ignore that too. The only thing you said back about adding a solo vs solo queue was “Uh well like A-Net u kno how they r”. So you’re arguing nothing with me..Just that you want the unranked to be solo only. Which I would agree with, if I knew other people out there wouldn’t like to group up for the maps in unranked.