so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


so is it true… spirit rangers won’t be getting nerfed

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


what leaked patch notes did i miss this time ?

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


What leads you to ask that? I have heard nothing one way or another and I’ve been avidly looking for leaks.


so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Spirit rangers aren’t that op..
Ranger spirit Elite however is.

Where was this confirmed? Are you talking about the fact that they won’t make any balance changes till pax is over?.. old news there.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: physxcore.9074


I don’t know , the only problem I see is targeting them, but when their pets die, bad things happen, also the cast of a single spirit is easely countered or interrupted. The only thing that makes them tanky are the bonuses that the spirit gives, a little nerf should fix the problem, because you can be spirit ranger and do like 20k dps with the longbow 2 ability. Jsut saying. But anyways if you have lots of aoe they aren’t really that big of a problem.

I guess this brings it down to this thing -> rangers counter profession builds with less powerful aoe attacks

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


people are saying a dev mentioned during the ESL stream… just wanan confirm

and spirit rangers/necro push condi meta over the top, terrible meta leads people away.. and with school/college starting soon… pvp is in a horrible state, teams barely Q anymore and the community feels the smallest it has ever been…

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


Inb4 a spirit ranger manages to land his spirit immobilize on you and burst you with dagger 5 axe 2 torch 5 sigil of geomancy

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Fubar.8413


Can’t wait to see more spirit ranger teams full of kitten heads!


so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Oolune.4357


Rangers suddenly have a build that isn’t mediocre = everyone whines. This is amusing.

Tarnished Coast
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Rangers suddenly have a build that isn’t mediocre = everyone whines. This is amusing.

Just forget how next to no one plays a spirit ranger because its a fun spec… then sure…
Your spot on.

I quit playing when I realized Anet didn’t give a kitten whether a spec was actually engaging to play, just whether or not it was balanced.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Rangers suddenly have a build that isn’t mediocre = everyone whines. This is amusing.

Played ranger for like 2-3 days, used a trap build with shortbow/sword-warhorn..I was able to kill s/d thieves that I found much harder on my ele, and generally that short-bow was quite amazing as 900 range weapon
There is a list with like 10+ available builds for ranger, of course none of them is as faceroll as the spirit ranger one.

Some you win and some you lose, that should be true for all professions..but hey don’t you find strange that all sudden you win fights against more skilled opponents that before you couldn’t beat?

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


No matter how you build rangers, they will always be a low skill floor low skill cap high reward class that’s easy to play. People who get attached to things like these CAN NOT do well on classes that do take skill.

Why? Simple answer. Protection on dodge = high effective HP, PLUS indefinite evade frames. Don’t even get me started on how they can attack while evading because ranger DPS is no joke either for the amount of survivability that they have. Try counting a rangers frames in a real match, its anti-fun and borderline nightmare mode to deal with.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Oolune.4357


Obviously just anger about the status quo being upended temporarily.

Tarnished Coast
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


Rangers suddenly have a build that isn’t mediocre = everyone whines. This is amusing.

It isn’t mediocre sure. But it’s definitely broken.

I don’t get that sense of accomplishment when I win just because Artificial Intelligence and passive play helped me win.

What’s the risk/reward aspect in playing the current fotm builds?

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Rangers suddenly have a build that isn’t mediocre = everyone whines. This is amusing.

Because Trap Rangers and Beast Masters weren’t borderline OP the past 8 months.


so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Are kids still complaining about spirit rangers?

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


Are kids still complaining about spirit rangers?

It’s the only thing we can do right now. We don’t want to L2P unless the targetting system of this game gets some serious serious major rework.

I want to play Guild Wars 2, not Where’s Waldo everytime a kittening ranger and his stupid cat together with their happy tree friends are having a party with necro minions, mesmer clones, and engie turrets. Try to picture that one happening inside the Skyhammer room.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Sidina.8704


It’s the only thing we can do right now. We don’t want to L2P unless the targetting system of this game gets some serious serious major rework.

I want to play Guild Wars 2, not Where’s Waldo everytime a kittening ranger and his stupid cat together with their happy tree friends are having a party with necro minions, mesmer clones, and engie turrets. Try to picture that one happening inside the Skyhammer room.

Thanks now I have nightmares :|

Inside Your Head (Mesmer), Elegy Of Existence (Warrior)
A New Chapter [anc] Ruins of Surmia

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Even if they didn’t do much with spirit rangers, I’d love to see glass ele viable..

I originally did all that theorycrafting with hammer builds because I had a friend working out fresh air ele bulds. Would be great seeing that duo in the meta.

Phaatonn, London UK

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


The longer Spirit Rangers stick around, the more appealing having a Warrior on your team will look, hopefully. Never find myself having much problem with them because they lack stability and only have 1 auto stun break.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


what makes spirit rangers OP is definitly the elite being able to self res urself… no class should be able to do that besides warrior 3 downed state. And aswell having burst and condi damage AND more tankyness than a kitten bunker necro well.. thats just utterly rediculous lol. no class should have that all in one. every other class pretty much sacrifices.. in that category to go condi and be tanky or to go burst and be glassy.. but not all 3. thats why people say spirit rangers are OP.

They may lack stun breakers and stability but it doesnt matter they are kitten hard to take down.. i mean even on my mesmer. i have to throw out. 2 iduelist and 1 izerker just to take them down.. plus my cooldowns.. imagine how long that takes -_-

Now when u get a teammatchup. against 5 or 4 spirit rangers on one team. well.. i say GL to you sir. you better try harder than you ever. have before.. cuz that like facing the devil himself. keep ur distance for sure.. or your dead as hell

(edited by Lordryux.9785)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


It’s not balanced. Why? Because it gives a powerful passive effect in a decent radius with an extremely high probability of occurring, and on no CD. That’s ridiculous. Passive effects are supposed to give you a small advantage, and only occurring for either an individual or within an extremely small radius. Look at thief venoms. They’re active skills in that they require conscious activation to be useful (the same could technically be argued for spirits, but since they last for 60 seconds and their passive effects can be used infinitely many times within that margin of time, and because of the number of times these effects can potentially be used within the margin of time they’re usable, spirits are difficult to define as being “passive”). Thief venoms also have an extremely small radius of effect in being granted to allies, and they only even give them venom buffs if you grab 30 in SA. And yet, in spite of the fact that they’re active skills, venoms are still far, far worse than spirits.

Do you see the problem yet?


so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


All AI mechanics and builds should be deliberately nerfed to the point where they are worse than active builds, but where the casuals/pve ers can still enjoy it. Minions are fine in this regard. Nobody good ever thinks a minions necro is powerful. But the lower level players can enjoy playing it in pve and pvp.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


All AI mechanics and builds should be deliberately nerfed to the point where they are worse than active builds, but where the casuals/pve ers can still enjoy it. Minions are fine in this regard. Nobody good ever thinks a minions necro is powerful. But the lower level players can enjoy playing it in pve and pvp.

lxl Super lxl banned soldier amulet from 1v1 king of hill, before that minionmancers rocked duels with the majority of classes due to their ability to facetank 4 hundredblades in a row.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Are kids still complaining about spirit rangers?

It’s the only thing we can do right now. We don’t want to L2P unless the targetting system of this game gets some serious serious major rework.

I want to play Guild Wars 2, not Where’s Waldo everytime a kittening ranger and his stupid cat together with their happy tree friends are having a party with necro minions, mesmer clones, and engie turrets. Try to picture that one happening inside the Skyhammer room.

What high level pvp are you playing where there are any necro minions and mesmer clones?

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


It’s not balanced. Why? Because it gives a powerful passive effect in a decent radius with an extremely high probability of occurring, and on no CD. That’s ridiculous. Passive effects are supposed to give you a small advantage, and only occurring for either an individual or within an extremely small radius. Look at thief venoms. They’re active skills in that they require conscious activation to be useful (the same could technically be argued for spirits, but since they last for 60 seconds and their passive effects can be used infinitely many times within that margin of time, and because of the number of times these effects can potentially be used within the margin of time they’re usable, spirits are difficult to define as being “passive”). Thief venoms also have an extremely small radius of effect in being granted to allies, and they only even give them venom buffs if you grab 30 in SA. And yet, in spite of the fact that they’re active skills, venoms are still far, far worse than spirits.

Do you see the problem yet?

There’s a 10 second internal cooldown.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483


You can interupt the Spirit of Nature’s rez cast.

AoE fear is useful as the ranger goes down.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I noticed that daze shatter interrupts spirits quite well :O
Still OP.. needs to be 210 seconds atleast..
2 Spirit rangers rotating for team fights is lol

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Reikou.7068


Here is what Jon Peters thinks of spirit rangers. Take it for what you will.

Mod jon_peters: you have to actively react to all the passive things going on

Mod jon_peters: so its still very reactionary and there is still a LOT of skill in spirit ranger


so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Jon peters probably tried playing spirit ranger with the legendary 0/0/0/0/0 build…
SO MUCH skill guys, every win felt like a crucible I had to overcome.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


The longer Spirit Rangers stick around, the more appealing having a Warrior on your team will look, hopefully. Never find myself having much problem with them because they lack stability and only have 1 auto stun break.

Well regardless warrior is going to be in the comp because of the fact that warrior is so strong right now. Its just not a lot of people realize it.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: quadrartl.9867


Spirits are among those things that are just not well designed. Banners are of the same category. That stuff is either crap or overpowered, but either way: you just cast them once in a while and then you’re done with it.

I thought Arenanet had enough experience to recognize that. It’s all been there in Gw1..
Fire & forget-skills and passive skills were quite a problem back then. The list begins with Aegis, Wards and Passive-Protmonks and ends with numerous Paragon shouts. Not to forget Spirit-Ritualists. Anet corrected most of that stuff after quite some time, but they corrected it! And now they forgot everything they’ve learned?

In my opinion, Anet should greatly reduce the spirits recharge, their cast time and duration, nerf their passive effects and significantly improve/change the active effects. Same with the banners.

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


In my opinion, Anet should greatly reduce the spirits recharge, their cast time and duration, nerf their passive effects and significantly improve/change the active effects. Same with the banners.

I wanted to make this point a while ago; Spirits should be low cd/ Low hp (Like phantasms) or low passive abilities.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


I love when they block all of my attacks

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


It’s not balanced. Why? Because it gives a powerful passive effect in a decent radius with an extremely high probability of occurring, and on no CD. That’s ridiculous. Passive effects are supposed to give you a small advantage, and only occurring for either an individual or within an extremely small radius. Look at thief venoms. They’re active skills in that they require conscious activation to be useful (the same could technically be argued for spirits, but since they last for 60 seconds and their passive effects can be used infinitely many times within that margin of time, and because of the number of times these effects can potentially be used within the margin of time they’re usable, spirits are difficult to define as being “passive”). Thief venoms also have an extremely small radius of effect in being granted to allies, and they only even give them venom buffs if you grab 30 in SA. And yet, in spite of the fact that they’re active skills, venoms are still far, far worse than spirits.

Do you see the problem yet?

There’s a 10 second internal cooldown.

Just checked it out, didn’t appear on the GW2 wiki. Well that definitely balances it out a bit.

Still, they are fairly powerful, and they’re on a very wide radius.


so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


There is plenty of passive things in this game, But for some reason whenever a Ranger is doing it people are annoyed.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


There is plenty of passive things in this game, But for some reason whenever a Ranger is doing it people are annoyed.

Because passively applying a 33% damage reduction and passivity applying the most damaging condition (next to high confusion stacks) is a bit much, when you are already dodging and stacking bleeding and poison and reneging health.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


There is plenty of passive things in this game, But for some reason whenever a Ranger is doing it people are annoyed.

Because passively applying a 33% damage reduction and passivity applying the most damaging condition (next to high confusion stacks) is a bit much, when you are already dodging and stacking bleeding and poison and reneging health.

and lets nor forget passive cc form pets, and the fact that on top of the 33% damage reduction, most rangers are running shammans with around 3k armor

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.8367


“Because passively applying a 33% damage reduction and passivity applying the most damaging condition (next to high confusion stacks) is a bit much, when you are already dodging and stacking bleeding and poison and reneging health.”

4second stun every 7 seconds , broken kitten healing signet (passive) , broken kitten zerker stance and this kitten is crying about us. – wait until conditions get overhauled and more attention is brought toward power build play, you’re going to kittening freak out at how many warriors will destroy in that meta as well.

Is it ranger’s faults that we have literally no power builds and our most important kitten is stacked into the same tree that also gives us condition dmg / toughness as the tree stat, while also being the very defensive tree that we need to actually survive in a battle and our only means (on the ENTIRE trait spectrum) for condition removal except removing poison and blind on dodge (10 second ICD btw) which isn’t even full condition removal it just transfers to our pet? I guess so

Do I , as a ranger, want more active condition removal? Yes , I don’t think people realize how god awful Empathic bond is (one of our only condition removals in the game) , it destroys our pet and anyone with any internal timing (any good player) and knows the ranger class can easily kill your pet with conditions + burst dmg.

Do , I as a ranger, want more active NON-TELEGRAPHED bullkitten that will allow me to do powerful play setups and be more surprising in battle? Yes, I hate passive kitten.

Do, I as a ranger, want bunker conditions to be toned down for us as a whole BUT with the option of handing us good power or power/condition hybrid viable builds that can be effectively utilized without having to sacrifice literally everything to get just a fraction of what other people can get in their power burst builds? Yes, I do.

Will any of this be given to us, yet we’ll still receive nerfs for spirit ranger? No.

Don’t you guys understand? It’s not our problem our class trait system is totally kitten to everything except a condition bunker spec, and even then there’s two very effective builds. Spirits and BM, which all can be destroyed by a good player. Two builds literally out of the entire trait spectrum and our most used trait line (Wilderness Survival) has literally everything we HAVE to have in a fight to even survive/be competitive.

To think too, entangling roots is confirmed broken as well, imagine when that gets fixed how much crying there will be from the masses.

Passives in the game will always be here, get the kitten over it. Besides, once bunker condition meta gets overhauled and it will, then rangers will become irrelevant, completely irrelevant since we have virtually no good team power builds because everybody knows power scales like kitten for a ranger. So we’ll be shafted yet again, nerfed to epic proportions with nothing in return to give us build options elsewhere.

You want ranger to change, you’re going to have to quite literally change the entire way our trait system is laid out because as of right now, it does nothing but glorify bunker condition builds. Once conditions become more irrelevant (which like I said above , will happen because everyone is crying about them way too much) it’ll do nothing but hurt the ranger. Just give it time, you’ll be able to faceroll rangers again very soon. Trust me on this one.

Until then, keep sucking your thumbs and holding anet developer’s hands and simply wait for it and quit being a kitten about it.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921



Im so sorry for QQing. Please forgive me

Anyway, you’re argument about rangers having no choice in how to setup traits because other builds are crap also applies to most if not all other classes so it’s basically mother of kittens (for a lack of better word).

And yes balance patches tend to dictate the meta more rather than the community having the initiative in countering the dominant gameplay however one cannot argue that if it’s easier winning with faceroll classes and builds handed out to you in every balance patch on a shiny silver platter, why on earth would you try to go against the flow only to find out you’re only gimping yourself or your team because as you have stated, other builds are not viable? So the only option is to qq in forums to nerf the latest fotm and hope for the best in the next balance patch because L2P ain’t gonna cut it if you’re against a build that does not require L2P to be very effective with to begin with.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I’m not arguing for the build here…

But I am curious if people really know how hard warriors actually counter spirit rangers. Specifically, the mace/shield and greatsword variant absolutely wrecks spirit rangers that get caught by Skull Crack, even more so if the warrior has zerker stance. Oh, and you can use shield 4 to eat up the rangers stun absorb trait, meaning that for the next 90 seconds, they have no way to deal with stuns.

I mean, for the lols, couple Warrior with Signet of Stamina AND Lyssa Runes with Signet of Rage, and there is no way the ranger should be the one that comes out of that fight.

Just saying. It doesn’t hurt to counter comp a little.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Here is what Jon Peters thinks of spirit rangers. Take it for what you will.

Mod jon_peters: you have to actively react to all the passive things going on

Mod jon_peters: so its still very reactionary and there is still a LOT of skill in spirit ranger

This almost makes me want to quit the game altogether, they think this is fine?????


(edited by Knote.2904)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


its not as simple as countering them.. the problem is way bigger

spirit rangers and necros are pushing condi meta over the top…

  • people hate condi meta
  • people hate fighting pets.. its not enjoyable to play against/watch

the meta is sooo terrible ever since these classes became fotm. most teams started “taking a break”, the PvP community has greatly died out and like myself i thought that this would change with the next big patch and that just had to endure the struggle until PAX was over…

But if they are really not gonna fix it… i doubt most people/teams would wanna come back and with school/college starting soon, gw2 pvp might just die out for a couple of months… until Anet starts making rational decisions

(edited by google.3709)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


More of that embellishing I see.


This almost makes me want to quit the game altogether, they think every think this is fine?????


Big lol.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


its not as simple as countering them.. the problem is way bigger

spirit rangers and necros are pushing condi meta over the top…

  • people hate condi meta
  • people hate fighting pets.. its not enjoyable to play against/watch

the meta is sooo terrible ever since these classes became fotm. most teams started “taking a break”, the PvP community has greatly died out and like myself i thought that this would change with the next big patch and that just had to endure the struggle until PAX was over…

But if they are really not gonna fix it… i doubt most people/teams would wanna come back and with school/college starting soon, gw2 pvp might just die out for a couple of months… until Anet starts making rational decisions

I’m not disagreeing at all.

When I made my “counter” post, I just meant that in a meta where Rangers and Necros are running rampant, the least teams can do is take something to counter it, which warriors seem to do pretty darn well, albeit, not necessarily in a teamfight setting.

I’m not going to say I have a multitude of experience here, but from observations alone, it looks like classes that take the responsibility of maintaining home point lack stability, and are overall fighting an uphill battle against a mace/shield greatsword warrior (or similar stun variants). So in the current meta, it seems like sending a warrior far point could be extremely advantageous, given that they should be able to 1v1 the “meta” defender builds and win most of the time, especially with cooldowns.

I mean, it sure beats ragequitting the game, but I guess not everybody shares that optimism, which I can totally sympathize with.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


its not as simple as countering them.. the problem is way bigger

spirit rangers and necros are pushing condi meta over the top…

  • people hate condi meta
  • people hate fighting pets.. its not enjoyable to play against/watch

the meta is sooo terrible ever since these classes became fotm. most teams started “taking a break”, the PvP community has greatly died out and like myself i thought that this would change with the next big patch and that just had to endure the struggle until PAX was over…

But if they are really not gonna fix it… i doubt most people/teams would wanna come back and with school/college starting soon, gw2 pvp might just die out for a couple of months… until Anet starts making rational decisions

I’m not disagreeing at all.

When I made my “counter” post, I just meant that in a meta where Rangers and Necros are running rampant, the least teams can do is take something to counter it, which warriors seem to do pretty darn well, albeit, not necessarily in a teamfight setting.

I’m not going to say I have a multitude of experience here, but from observations alone, it looks like classes that take the responsibility of maintaining home point lack stability, and are overall fighting an uphill battle against a mace/shield greatsword warrior (or similar stun variants). So in the current meta, it seems like sending a warrior far point could be extremely advantageous, given that they should be able to 1v1 the “meta” defender builds and win most of the time, especially with cooldowns.

I mean, it sure beats ragequitting the game, but I guess not everybody shares that optimism, which I can totally sympathize with.

But teams won’t send a warrior home point because their are better options. This apparently “God Mode” insane op wqrrqir build can be easily stopped.
1. Dodge.
2. Predict for christs sake you know what he is going to try to do it is your own kitten fault if you get caught with the stun.

Although i will say that healing signet combined with cleansing ire is pretty ridiculous. Use poison to counter the sig but it will just get cleansed right off.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Check this out for some ranger game play.

Now picture GW2 with this type of game play….

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Check this out for some ranger game play.

Now picture GW2 with this type of game play….

I played the kitten out of that game in beta might have to check it out again

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


But teams won’t send a warrior home point because their are better options. This apparently “God Mode” insane op wqrrqir build can be easily stopped.
1. Dodge.
2. Predict for christs sake you know what he is going to try to do it is your own kitten fault if you get caught with the stun.

Although i will say that healing signet combined with cleansing ire is pretty ridiculous. Use poison to counter the sig but it will just get cleansed right off.

Warrior/Engineer can counter Spirit Ranger.

Warrior can counter Engineer/Spirit Ranger.

BM Ranger can counter Warrior/Engi.

I’ve spent countless hour’s trying to find that OP backpoint build, but you just can’t, there are to many ways to counter play. There is currently 2 warrior builds that go head to head with Spirit Ranger and this is at top tier level.

E.g. take Engineer with the correct build you can push a Spirit Ranger off the point cap it and kill him all at same time, but the problem with this build is it has much harder time vs warrior’s due to lack of protection/toughness.

E.g. you take a solid Beastmaster build up against this Engineer build and the chance of beating the Engineer goes up.

E.g. same again take solid Beastmaster build up against the current 2 warrior builds I’ve seen beating Spirit Ranger’s and the tables turn in the favor of the ranger.

The only useful place for Spirit Ranger is in the team fight’s. So doesn’t that mean your better off finding way’s to add counter play to his Spirit’s there rather easy to kill. You could complain there just to many target’s but sad part is it’s apart of the game. Move on and learn how to counter.

E.g. someone on your team could reroll Alt setup for murdering Spirit Ranger’s in team fight’s it’s not that hard.

I’d like to say more but you gotta learn on your own. Like I’m not trying to have go at you, just my team found ways to counter the current meta rather hard and we finding teams who faced us using this condition meta have changed there comps completely knowing it doesn’t work anymore running the stupid Necro/Spirit Ranger crap.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

so... is it true ? spirit rangers...

in PvP

Posted by: Zach.3264


Personally I don’t think the Spirits are that bad. Nothing my hammer Warrior cannot handle, the elite on the other hand.. has high health pool and regens health pretty kitten fast.