so many kiten bugs

so many kiten bugs

in PvP

Posted by: brazenchick.4891


so i was playing gurdian and out of nowhere my keybindds for skills wouldnt work. i didnt have caps lock or anything. it happened half of the match and out of nowhere i started to be able to use skills after resetting twice. this shouldntg count as a loss and i demand a pip…iknow we would hav e won since we were 5 points from winning and that was with me clicking abilities with the mouse since the number buttons were not assingned to the 1234qwerasd buttons. i want my 2 point win or ill quit the game.

so many kiten bugs

in PvP

Posted by: Father Busho.2796

Father Busho.2796

I think its clearly a server issue, server commands were not properly key-bound to your keys. They need to do a full database rollback to clear the key binding tables they have.
…How about you stop complaining about something that is CLEARLY your issue. Also i’m happy that you think caps lock has any effect on what you press in game what-so-ever.

Band Of Royal Daggers [BORD]
Aurora Glade

so many kiten bugs

in PvP

Posted by: Zero.6592


This was worth reading hahaha