so tired of 5v4
So tired of topics about 5v4… srsly, haven’t been in a 5v4 situation for months, and gw2 does the best job about eliminating this issue, making it impossible to leave the game after match started.
Only way you can be in a 5v4 is alt+f4, and I don’t think anyone could do anything about that.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Really? I see matches end 5v4 and 5v3 on a regular basis. There’s plenty of Rage-quitters out there that bail once the score becomes insurmountable.
The short-term solution is a deserter debuff.
The long term solution would be proper Solo-queuing, and quite frankly more incentive to play together as a team.
So tired of topics about 5v4… srsly, haven’t been in a 5v4 situation for months, and gw2 does the best job about eliminating this issue, making it impossible to leave the game after match started.
Only way you can be in a 5v4 is alt+f4, and I don’t think anyone could do anything about that.
right because the system keeps people from logging out or going afk? lol
It happens a lot, sometimes even in minute 0. Someone says “Oh, premade X, bye”. 5 vs 4, then somebody else leaves, 5 vs 3 , one time i managed to get into a 5 vs 1 game xD .
5v4 happens all the time, every day. It needs to be fixed
It happens a lot, sometimes even in minute 0. Someone says “Oh, premade X, bye”. 5 vs 4, then somebody else leaves, 5 vs 3
, one time i managed to get into a 5 vs 1 game xD .
I’ve been in more than enough 1v5 games. If you look at chat it was 4v5 then it escalated quickly to 1v5 with plenty of time left, and the score wasn’t 200 pts ahead like that when it was 4v5, but regardless a man down makes it much much more difficult to win.
Normally it starts with 4v5 because 1 guy never showed, then it gets worse from there.
But I know some games I see major lagspike and someone or two will dc, so there is a issue with the server side as well. Unless there is one lagger, creating so much lag it dc’s people with him, I remember some starcraft games the title would be must have good connection because the lag would affect others.
Mixed ques for any game always have this problem. GW1 arena had it, yet GW1 HoH que didn’t since it was pre-made only que. Also the /resign let a team gracefully leave and not suffer through the match timer if they were being crushed.
Now for the fun circle jerk. Due to the low PvP population it’s a mixed que, and one of the many reasons the population is so low, is from the mixed que.
Really needs to be a abandon match penalty of some kind. Someone either afks or just quits almost every match… if not on my team, then the other. Sux either way. Would be funny if the players with history of afking or abandoning were just matched against each other!! lol
Really needs to be a abandon match penalty of some kind. Someone either afks or just quits almost every match… if not on my team, then the other. Sux either way. Would be funny if the players with history of afking or abandoning were just matched against each other!! lol
Yeah, I think if they showed on the leaderboards the disconnects, it would be very affective at getting people to not leave games, because to me having a lot of disconnects makes you look real bad.
Its hard to implement a Deserter buff cause i’ve had tournies where I dc’d and rejoined in <2min. I’d hate to have a deserter buff just because my game crapped out. I do agree something needs to be done about it though. I rarely ever get 5v4’s on either of my accounts that I tpvp in. I find that leavers are much more prominent in lower rated matches as compared to playing in top 1000. Same way how LoL worked, all the trash/leavers/afkers/trolls were in what they called “elo hell” and anyone that lost enough matches that fell in there would have a hard time getting out. People are able to climb out, and there are some people that deserve to be there due to various reasons; afking/leaving/ragequitting/trolling/ or just plain unskilled, whether they think they should or shouldnt. I think that if anyone thinks they are as good as they think they are, they will climb out of those lower brackets.