soldier vs celestial, durability vs strengh
Marauder durability because the meta hive mind dictates all choices in life, and if you don’t conform you don’t exist.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
:P nice one but still someone can help as bonus mu lat game
The meta right now is maurader.
But I have a lot of non meta builds I run as well including core engie and scrapper. One scrapper build I run uses viper ammy with incendiary powder and replaced elixir gun with FT. Durability rune for the nice vitality and boon duration. I use supply crate for the 2.5 sec aoe stun and med pack tool belt.
Lots of variations to run!
EU Scrub
i know meta but i dont wanna meta, i just ask wich one give me better result considering my build
If you’re running non-meta stuff anyway, you might as well try both, experiment, see what gets you better results given how you tend to play.
To be more constructive I’d probably run celestial so that incendiary ammo and napalm can see some use. It’d probably be similar burn uptime to no-FT kit with incendiary powder.
As for runes durability runes are overpowered so those are your best bet. Plus they also extend the duration of stability/protection etc. and their extra tankiness means you’re not as hurt by not running rapid regen. Maybe consider running backpack regen if you spend a lot of time in FT kit.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
(edited by nearlight.3064)