spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Candiru.5279


Is it just me or do you get bored after one or two pvp matches too? always the same gamemode…!

Spvp is all about pointless zerg – most of the time with 100 mesmer or thieves

In free tournament premade grps farm randoms

So where is the fun? Since release I don´t see any progress in spvp!

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Khalifahaze.6045


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


QT Khalifa [Cute] – Necromancer

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


couldn´t explain it better

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile: http://play.eslgaming.com/player/7930634/

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

and then when u get a group and u start winning or loosing u get bored after a while cuz its always the same lol.

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


This is true, but it’s why PvP isn’t attracting new players. Seriously, who jumps into their first PvP match and thinks, “this is great! If I just find friends who are good players, form a guild with them, use voip, and theorycraft/practice with my friends, I won’t be affected by the lack of meaningful casual vs casual PvP!”

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


And after that u are the pro Guy farming that Random Bobs.

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Khalifahaze.6045


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


This is true, but it’s why PvP isn’t attracting new players. Seriously, who jumps into their first PvP match and thinks, “this is great! If I just find friends who are good players, form a guild with them, use voip, and theorycraft/practice with my friends, I won’t be affected by the lack of meaningful casual vs casual PvP!”

This game isn’t set up for the random casual player, its anet’s terrible design. That being said, you can’t expect them to hold your hand. If you like this game use your brain form a team and get better. Stop all the crying and progress like the rest of the player base.

QT Khalifa [Cute] – Necromancer

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


This is true, but it’s why PvP isn’t attracting new players. Seriously, who jumps into their first PvP match and thinks, “this is great! If I just find friends who are good players, form a guild with them, use voip, and theorycraft/practice with my friends, I won’t be affected by the lack of meaningful casual vs casual PvP!”

This game isn’t set up for the random casual player, its anet’s terrible design. That being said, you can’t expect them to hold your hand. If you like this game use your brain form a team and get better. Stop all the crying and progress like the rest of the player base.

LOL, the other way to look at it is that the real MMO pvpers have moved on because there is no way to progress just pointless farming. With no rated games GW2 is years behind whats already out there.

Stop being bad fanbois, very good chance if GW2 ever gets a real pvp population most the current farmers will be below average rated anyway.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


This game isn’t set up for the random casual player, its anet’s terrible design. That being said, you can’t expect them to hold your hand. If you like this game use your brain form a team and get better. Stop all the crying and progress like the rest of the player base.

I’ve done all that. I’m concerned about the lack of casual playerbase. I like PvP but farming pugs isn’t my idea of fun, so it would be great if we could increase the playerbase over a few dozen good PvPers and a few hundred casuals.

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Khalifahaze.6045


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


This is true, but it’s why PvP isn’t attracting new players. Seriously, who jumps into their first PvP match and thinks, “this is great! If I just find friends who are good players, form a guild with them, use voip, and theorycraft/practice with my friends, I won’t be affected by the lack of meaningful casual vs casual PvP!”

This game isn’t set up for the random casual player, its anet’s terrible design. That being said, you can’t expect them to hold your hand. If you like this game use your brain form a team and get better. Stop all the crying and progress like the rest of the player base.

LOL, the other way to look at it is that the real MMO pvpers have moved on because there is no way to progress just pointless farming. With no rated games GW2 is years behind whats already out there.

Stop being bad fanbois, very good chance if GW2 ever gets a real pvp population most the current farmers will be below average rated anyway.

You can always get better at the class you play that is what progression is. Even if the so called “real mmo pvpers” you believe exist aren’t playing this game. How you can make a claim that some of the best players currently playing this game would be below average if your “pvp gods” returned is just an invalid statement. You should go follow them so you can continue to suck their kitten in other games.

QT Khalifa [Cute] – Necromancer

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Aspen Tie.5084

Aspen Tie.5084

I’ve been playing pvp, and only pvp, since open beta weekends, and for essentially every day since release. I have not become even slightly bored with the pvp offered in gw2.

Back Door Beauty [MUF]

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


u for 7) play a different game as pvp in this game is boring

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I love the spvp in this game and can play for hours on end if I get the chance, plus I’m just a casual player. I would say this is actually the best game for casual pvp because:
1) I don’t need to farm gear (in pvp or pve) to be competative,
2) I don’t need to lvl up to max in pve to get to play,
3) there are no wait/queue times so I can log on for a quick game at any time,
4) likewise I can leave with no penalty at anytime,
5) there are no premades farming pugs (in hotjoin spvp-all of these points are about hotjoin)
6) I can quickly play a game with any class once past the short starting zone
7) there are no botters

Basically all the bad stuff in every other mmo I’ve played has been taken out, the main thing that is lacking from my point of view is a variety of game types.

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I’ve been playing pvp, and only pvp, since open beta weekends, and for essentially every day since release. I have not become even slightly bored with the pvp offered in gw2.

ah so it’s your first MMO? nice.

downed state is bad for PVP

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Candiru.5279


and then when u get a group and u start winning or loosing u get bored after a while cuz its always the same lol.

exactly! So basically I have two options in Free tournament:
-get farmed from premade
-farm randoms in a premade

In paid tournament you have to wait very long and then get matched up with a top team to get farmed again

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


It’s bad because it’s very unfriendly to progress. Everyone start as newbie at some point. The problem is there is no way in GW2 to allow newbies develop skill in a fun way .. hint hint skill ladder. Right now you have to be willing to get facerolled over and over to get good. Let’s say you are hardcore enough to stand that but what are the chances of you finding 4 other people who are willing to get beat over and over for weeks before you get good?

With no new teams the guys at top also get bored even if you win all the time there is only so much fun beating up the same kid for the 1000th time.

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Fuzion.7613


This thread again?

Necro – Team U S A [USA]