switching before lock in is it insta loss

switching before lock in is it insta loss

in PvP

Posted by: tenklo.6104


like title said im not clear on it also my friends dont know…but why im asking this i was on pewpew ranger… but then i saw i was going against 3 pew pew ranger… im like nope and jumped right on reflect gaurd…..mind what i say we had 2 gaurd now with wall of refection…. we had an easy win with like 500-200

switching before lock in is it insta loss

in PvP

Posted by: tenklo.6104


okay the leaderboard updated it did count as a win… but i would like to know also what happen if u switch mid fight… because i have done it when we where losing real bad and i just wanted to kick some ones but by countering them

switching before lock in is it insta loss

in PvP

Posted by: Mister TaCo.8135

Mister TaCo.8135

I can’t remember where, but I remember a dev stating that Switching in pregame/during the game is an auto forfeit. could have been in the patch notes a while back or that PvP news blogpost. I guess since it counted that the system isnt in place.

Also if one player disconnects for a minute(?), that the game is also a forfeit, but the match result doesn’t change your leaderboard score (No -/+).

(edited by Mister TaCo.8135)

switching before lock in is it insta loss

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


The rules are not clear. Really confusing

switching before lock in is it insta loss

in PvP

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

My understanding is that there is a 30 second (cumulative) grace period for disconnecting players to reconnect without being given a forced loss. During this 30 second grace period, you can swap characters and come back on a different class without punishment.

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switching before lock in is it insta loss

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I think its more like a minute. It is not clearly outlined anywhere officially in a patch note or website but you could probably find one of the pvp devs posts in this forum if you did a lot of digging that says what it is but that is the only place you will find it.

(edited by brannigan.9831)