tPvP 500:500
If both teams are ending with 500:500 the points of each individual player are summarized and compared. The team with the highest points will win the match.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
oh ok then
Thanks for the info
So this happened to me twice now in SoloQ. Every time I had a draw I had won. I read this thread and was curious about the works behind it and did some researching with a friend. Here’s my results from two tests:
first: I killed my friend twice, she killed me once and I suicided in the map (skyhammer) both teams got 10 points but I got more personal points. My side won when the time ran out.
Second: After some effort with capping the points we both got the same personal points and PPT so the fight ended in a draw. Oddly enough only one team won, red. The screen is from the second match. So even in an absolute draw, there will always be a winner and a loser. I guess it’s either based on level or color, but I’m not sure because it’s only one test. Hope this clarifies and raises some questions at the same time