tPvP Help is a good one.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
firstly, i’d like to say that my #1 tip is to ignore the toxic community. (but pay attention to the people who actually want to use teamwork :P)
after that, I enjoyed watching this
i mean, aside from listening to sodapoppin ;P phantaram is a member of abjured (one of the better esports teams imo) and gives some pretty good advice (I even learnt a couple things and I’ve pvped for probably at least 300+ hours)
Team fights and rotations by Backpack.
The objective of tpvp is so simple yet many people can’t seem to fully grasp it. You and your friends need to capture and hold the points on the map for as long as you can..
That’s it, that’s the entire objective. Master map rotations and you guys will be better than 90% of all the PVPers.
If you keep the objective in mind, it’s favorable to play builds that offer good mobility and sustainability.
For guides there is qqmore for builds use metabattle
practice make perfection thats the answer, i dont believe any guide can help you, the only things that u can see is the builds.