tPvP is ruined and there's no hope.
A lot can be said about the players crying about the current meta. Instead of creating post after post, you should be in-game testing builds to counter said ‘super’ builds.
(edited by Hopeless.8195)
there is no counter to bunker builds unless you play it yourself … and what the hack is this that you always have to create builds just to counter the named things?
The game was designed about having no “Holy Trinity” … but as it stands right now we’ve got a hardcore one.
Just always look the teams that will reach the last round … it’s what the OP said.
mostly 2x Bunker Guardian + Necro + Bunker Ele + Engineer or another Bunker Ele
Your post is borderline useful feedback. Instead of coming at this from a negative “it’s so horrible wah wah” perspective, why don’t you detail the builds this proposed team of 5 is using.
That’s right… do the research, and list the builds for all 5.
THEN we can all have a theory crafting discussion, and see what we can come up with as a counter team… or at least a team that can deal with the synergy you claim is “faceroll”.
And if in that discussion we can see that this 5 man team you propose really is that awesome… then, maybe ANet will pay attention.
As it stands, this is just more QQ.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
If you think an optimal team comp involves a necro, your team isn’t good.
That comp would do well on niflhel / foefire, but I highly doubt it would do well on khylo against a competent team.
I will write in depth as my first post might not be clear but will not post a wall of text either trying to clarify things i think don’t work.
Bunker builds are becoming excesively popular, you can’t kill alone a bunker nor they can’t kill you if this was a deathmatch would be just boring but you won’t take benefits from it so since this is not exactly funny people would neglect this playstyle.
There’s no effective counter as the 2 sources of damage you have on this game (Direct damage and condition damage) can be dealt with by them. Let’s consider them healers, in other games against healers you have tools like Drain Mana or % healing reduction so that if a player chooses to last indefinitely sooner or later he must stop doing it because he runs out of mana or has to flee because he is taking more damage than he can heal due to this % healing reduced stacked on him.
In Gw2 there’s no mana and there’s no such healing reduction but there is gear to increase endurance and gear to increase healing so?¿ We have a proper healer and there are no ways to counter him. In fact this game attracted me because it stated “no trinity, no healers, no tanks, just dps” surprisingly call it tank , call it healer or a mix of both you have something like this.
My suggestion is to remove the healing on Spvp.
All the mmos killed their pvp scene when people started to use the same setups, as i said rock,scissors,paper only 3 setups viable out of potentially 50, A wins B wins C and C wins A. Eventual D,F,G… setups lose to this 3 in a different degree. In games like WoW this became such a problem that instead of wasting time in a match they will be always behind they left the arena and waited for more suitable teams. On the other hand you had fights against mirror teams (Druid/warrior,Rogue/Priest,Pala/Lock) or between teams that were not a counter from each other that after more than an hour ended by throwing the dices. How sad, isn’t it? This is where gw2 is going to.
There’s no need to theorycraft about this builds i doubt every single bunker guardian or ele is using the same traits, although probably there is a coincidence in the 80% of them but clearly the way to achieve this is stacking as much thoughness, vitality and healing through traits,gear and runes. It’s very simple you don’t depend on a hard to execute combo to make you immune to damage and careful heal timing. There are no silences, there are no casting bars so best thing you can do with your heal is cast it as soon as you can. There is no crowd control, just a necro fear and some minor stuns/snares/roots that don’t count as that and that are dispelleable.
This builds can surely be found on a wiki or in this forums though.
I said necro but this last spot can be filled by every offensive class, necro in my opinion works best due to his heavy aoe damage , mesmer is good too. Keep in mind that necro has been buffed a lot since the 27th august, i find it competitive enough right now.
Edit seeing last post while i was writing this: Since khylo is the last map this kind of setups are worthy since you guarantee a chest.
(edited by Xaximbo.2763)
Quote isn’t working, but this is for Xaximbo:
“Deals damage every second; heal potency decreased by 33%; stacks duration.”
And nobody can remove all conditions, all the time.
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.
I will write in depth as my first post might not be clear but will not post a wall of text either trying to clarify things i think don’t work.
Bunker builds are becoming excesively popular, you can’t kill alone a bunker nor they can’t kill you if this was a deathmatch would be just boring but you won’t take benefits from it so since this is not exactly funny people would neglect this playstyle.
There’s no effective counter as the 2 sources of damage you have on this game (Direct damage and condition damage) can be dealt with by them. Let’s consider them healers, in other games against healers you have tools like Drain Mana or % healing reduction so that if a player chooses to last indefinitely sooner or later he must stop doing it because he runs out of mana or has to flee because he is taking more damage than he can heal due to this % healing reduced stacked on him.
In Gw2 there’s no mana and there’s no such healing reduction but there is gear to increase endurance and gear to increase healing so?¿ We have a proper healer and there are no ways to counter him. In fact this game attracted me because it stated “no trinity, no healers, no tanks, just dps” surprisingly call it tank , call it healer or a mix of both you have something like this.
My suggestion is to remove the healing on Spvp.
All the mmos killed their pvp scene when people started to use the same setups, as i said rock,scissors,paper only 3 setups viable out of potentially 50, A wins B wins C and C wins A. Eventual D,F,G… setups lose to this 3 in a different degree. In games like WoW this became such a problem that instead of wasting time in a match they will be always behind they left the arena and waited for more suitable teams. On the other hand you had fights against mirror teams (Druid/warrior,Rogue/Priest,Pala/Lock) or between teams that were not a counter from each other that after more than an hour ended by throwing the dices. How sad, isn’t it? This is where gw2 is going to.
There’s no need to theorycraft about this builds i doubt every single bunker guardian or ele is using the same traits, although probably there is a coincidence in the 80% of them but clearly the way to achieve this is stacking as much thoughness, vitality and healing through traits,gear and runes. It’s very simple you don’t depend on a hard to execute combo to make you immune to damage and careful heal timing. There are no silences, there are no casting bars so best thing you can do with your heal is cast it as soon as you can. There is no crowd control, just a necro fear and some minor stuns/snares/roots that don’t count as that and that are dispelleable.
This builds can surely be found on a wiki or in this forums though.
I said necro but this last spot can be filled by every offensive class, necro in my opinion works best due to his heavy aoe damage , mesmer is good too. Keep in mind that necro has been buffed a lot since the 27th august, i find it competitive enough right now.
Edit seeing last post while i was writing this: Since khylo is the last map this kind of setups are worthy since you guarantee a chest.
LOL how where necro’s Buffed? You mean they had some bug fixes?
Necros were actually nerfed haha. Because they mainly fixed the Necros bugs that helped them more than putting them at a disadvantage. It is now harder to build up life force with the nerf to BoP.
And no, bunkers aren’t a very smart idea atm. High tier teams now zerg with high damage/condition and put constant pressure on points. So bunker are already being pushed out. Only bad teams run 2 bunkers and lucky for you most teams are bad.
And what is wrong with Rock, Paper, Scissors? There should be no perfect build and no perfect team comp. Some playstyles should be able to beat others.
LvL80 Condi Necromancer
LvL35 Engineer
People aren’t using all the exact same setups OP. But please keep crying about how you can’t kill bunkers. L2P, you have already spent enough time learning to cry.
Did anyone laugh at where he said necro? I couldn’t read the rest.
Bunkers are a problem, but a team of bunkers is a joke, you must be talking about just a single team that stomped you. Only once have I seen a team run bunkers and a necro together. It’s usually 1 bunker, and never a necro.