tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


that’s because people in tpvp don’t have to put up with stuff like this.

I’m a tpvper and I regularly run into 5 man thief teams and 5 man guardian teams. Not fun.

(im a girl btw)

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


My experience with PVP has always been “Once the QQ nerfs begin the game starts dieing.” There are several classes that hit just as hard as a thief and some with better survivability.

I am all for justified balance, but balance means ALL classes not just one or two.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Division.9618


My experience with PVP has always been “Once the QQ nerfs begin the game starts dieing.” There are several classes that hit just as hard as a thief and some with better survivability.

I am all for justified balance, but balance means ALL classes not just one or two.

Name one that can hit as hard as thief and keep the same amount of surviveability.

No, let’s start slow. name one class that match thief burst.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: dal.2410


tPvPer here, thief is slightly op (instagibbing most classes aren’t okay).

//20QP, 100% thief player.

Just fixing the air runes and invisible bug would do a huge difference though. 9k+ damage with air runes is just hilarious.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Just an observation:

Thieves are undoubtedly the most hated profession in the game currently receiving hate from numerous sources.

Yet the only source not complaining about Thieves are people who actually play PvP competitively (aka. tPvPers). Now you might say it’s because they’re busy complaining about Guardians.

But maybe there’s more to this observation. Maybe Thieves are only the bane of bad players or maybe they’re ability to pray on the unsuspecting is what makes them seem OP.

Just a thought.

In sPVP/tPVP there’s no culling issue.
There’s no capping while in stealth issue.

The 2 main sources of WvW frustration are not present in xPVP !
and even if you get jumped by a thief in xPVP help is always a couple of seconds away.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


My experience with PVP has always been “Once the QQ nerfs begin the game starts dieing.” There are several classes that hit just as hard as a thief and some with better survivability.

I am all for justified balance, but balance means ALL classes not just one or two.

It must start somewhere though, and thief is first in line. It’s not like they weren’t given plenty of time to exploit their imbalance while others had to suffer the grief. So, even if they were overnerfed for a time, it wouldn’t really be that unfair.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I don’t know where people get the idea that there’s no culling issue with thieves in spvp. It still takes a good two seconds before they show up after they start attacking.

Also, the only people who think nerfs kill games are the people who play overpowered kitten nonstop and are affected by them. Everyone else loves it when overpowered classes get nerfed.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


My experience with PVP has always been “Once the QQ nerfs begin the game starts dieing.” There are several classes that hit just as hard as a thief and some with better survivability.

I am all for justified balance, but balance means ALL classes not just one or two.

There will always be whining, it’s about how the developer handles this “information” that will potentially make or break a game.

Btw. There is no class that hits as hard as the Thief and is as hard to kill… AND, the Thief has very high mobility and is good in teamfights. As a rule of thumb, most classes can be good at maybe 2 or 3 out of those 4 core aspects (DPS, Survivability, Mobility, Teamfight), the Thief is the only one that is incredibly strong in all 4 and thats a problem.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Just an observation:

Thieves are undoubtedly the most hated profession in the game currently receiving hate from numerous sources.

Yet the only source not complaining about Thieves are people who actually play PvP competitively (aka. tPvPers). Now you might say it’s because they’re busy complaining about Guardians.

But maybe there’s more to this observation. Maybe Thieves are only the bane of bad players or maybe they’re ability to pray on the unsuspecting is what makes them seem OP.

Just a thought.

Yes, some of us do complain. Don’t speak on behalf of others.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


tPvPer here, thief is slightly op (instagibbing most classes aren’t okay).

//20QP, 100% thief player.

Just fixing the air runes and invisible bug would do a huge difference though. 9k+ damage with air runes is just hilarious.

couple that with entire team having them and any1 dropping aoe on them instant gib:D

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


If you get killed in pvp in 2 secs by a glass cannon thief with full hp and everything not on CD (Considering this way only a fair and true 1vs1) there are 3 options:

1 – You are bad
2 – Your build is bad
3 – That thief is much much much more better than you…but you have also to consider options 1 and 2

Notice that options are cumulable for faster and more painful spikes. Anyway i hope they nerf BS and stuff…so people can’t complain about my dazelock/cond saying it’s a BS build with S/D (You switched weapons!!! I saw you!!!!! Yes now i’m actually playing with S/D, SBow AND D/D…rofl)…sure…or some others who also said i was PW (And…where is the pistol? Probably even more stupid than those who saw my 3 weapon sets/ 2 builds switchable gear)…..just to point out the average complainer’s level of experience..

(edited by Archaon.6245)

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


I always love it when threads defending Thieves don’t get deleted, like we need them. Lol.

No, Thieves are OP, and the only ones defending Thieves are Thief players.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


I always love it when threads defending Thieves don’t get deleted, like we need them. Lol.

No, Thieves are OP, and the only ones defending Thieves are Thief players.

And good players running everything but full glass cannon specs…so hard to find…i think i can defend glass cannon thieves because they bring me so many free points, on this point i don’t want to lose them….but to get rid of nabs QQs i guess i’ll finally vote for nerf…it won’t affect me and i’m actually much more deadly than burst thieves, so no problems at all

(edited by Archaon.6245)

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


…I’m a tPvPer, an ele at 100% and I’ve got simply one thing to say : “stop whining and l2p”

I’ve seen countless videos of people getting owned by thieves and in every instance all I see are clueless players which simply try to stay there and tank dmg, many people got no concept of active dodging at all.

My best defense tactic is: DODGE, with that I can live way longer than people who rely on “Lol mist form” and similar skills.

When a battle start, you may want to check the amount of thieves present in the enemy team, their style and how long you spend trying to kill somebody including the resources used

….if you see a fight is taking too long, realize that a thief is on his way to backstab you, so have your defenses ready

…..dmg is increased while the thief is behind you, so if he goes stealth where do you think he’ll try to go?…exactly

…stop fighting inside caltrips..pls just stop it

…just go and have fun, if you get killed, chances are you’ve been outclassed.

…if you get constantly killed by the same tactic over and over again, well that’s your problem stop complaining.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


…I’m a tPvPer, an ele at 100% and I’ve got simply one thing to say : “stop whining and l2p”

I’ve seen countless videos of people getting owned by thieves and in every instance all I see are clueless players which simply try to stay there and tank dmg, many people got no concept of active dodging at all.

My best defense tactic is: DODGE, with that I can live way longer than people who rely on “Lol mist form” and similar skills.

When a battle start, you may want to check the amount of thieves present in the enemy team, their style and how long you spend trying to kill somebody including the resources used

….if you see a fight is taking too long, realize that a thief is on his way to backstab you, so have your defenses ready

…..dmg is increased while the thief is behind you, so if he goes stealth where do you think he’ll try to go?…exactly

…stop fighting inside caltrips..pls just stop it

…just go and have fun, if you get killed, chances are you’ve been outclassed.

…if you get constantly killed by the same tactic over and over again, well that’s your problem stop complaining.

umad bro? Don’t talk about personal skill or tactic here….it’s a QQ topic, brace youself…you’re going to be flamed soon

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I always love it when threads defending Thieves don’t get deleted, like we need them. Lol.

No, Thieves are OP, and the only ones defending Thieves are Thief players.

I’m an ele player and I find thieves fun to go against, they make me stay on my toes and make the fight excting and interesting.

I love this game for the active and gast paced combat, hell I can’t move away from d/d set because I love rolling around like a madman, laying destruction in the meanwhile.

If I get killed by the same tactic over and over, I simply change my approach….

Simply to me it seems as people are looking to change this game into a korean style manga MMO, where bulking characters smash each other out with impossibly big greatswords in the middle of an arena surrounded by fire and dragons swimming in it

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


I always love it when threads defending Thieves don’t get deleted, like we need them. Lol.

No, Thieves are OP, and the only ones defending Thieves are Thief players.

Not true. Most Guardians, Engineers, and Mesmers don’t have too many problems handling Thieves, even if they think they are OP or not. Bunker Ele’s aren’t scared of anything, really. There have also been several posts by Necros saying that the majority of Thieves are laughable, so I have to assume it’s mostly Berzerker amulet/gem Warriors and Rangers doing the majority of the complaining.

I have played over 600 games as Guardian when I started, and my new “main” is Engineer, in which I’ve played around 320 games thusfar, and 1v1 Thieves are usually the easiest kill that I get. A lot of that, mind you, is due to so many of them being bad, but the backstab thieves are the easiest to kill, so long as it’s 1v1 and I’m not already half dead.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


The following people who have posted in this thread (up to ) are on the QP leaderboards as of 11/12/12 10:30AM PST:

Prince.3682: 11 QPs
nurt.5401: 5 QPs
Cyrkle.5814: 19 QPs
Vayyy.5420: 76 QPs
Fourth.1567: 5 QPs

In other words, the tPvPers in this thread have all said that thieves are too strong.

Why has this thread continued after this post?


feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: enjoyincubus.4207


i love fighting thieves in sPvP, i rarely get downed and if i do, it’s because that thief actually happened to be good. i guess maybe i got used to playing thieves because when this game launched there was a 10 to 1 ratio for thieves to any other class? lol

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Division.9618


…I’m a tPvPer, an ele at 100% and I’ve got simply one thing to say : “stop whining and l2p”

I’ve seen countless videos of people getting owned by thieves and in every instance all I see are clueless players which simply try to stay there and tank dmg, many people got no concept of active dodging at all.

My best defense tactic is: DODGE, with that I can live way longer than people who rely on “Lol mist form” and similar skills.

When a battle start, you may want to check the amount of thieves present in the enemy team, their style and how long you spend trying to kill somebody including the resources used

….if you see a fight is taking too long, realize that a thief is on his way to backstab you, so have your defenses ready

…..dmg is increased while the thief is behind you, so if he goes stealth where do you think he’ll try to go?…exactly

…stop fighting inside caltrips..pls just stop it

…just go and have fun, if you get killed, chances are you’ve been outclassed.

…if you get constantly killed by the same tactic over and over again, well that’s your problem stop complaining.

First of all having one class that’s much harder to beat than others isn’t a good thing. It means people who are new to the game will be overly intimidated and most people will play thief because they want to easily faceroll everybody.

Second, i can dodge. I dodge thieves all the time. Of course if i run out of stamina they usually have enough initiative to do large damage, especially if i’m in a large battle and a thief tries to surprise me with heartseeker spam when i’m at 50% HP. Two dodges isn’t enough to avoid a constant barrage of 4k damage.

Third, if any decent thief thinks that he can’t win against me, he will just run away. Missed backstab? C&D the enemy (or use some other stealth skill) , switch to shortbow, and teleport way. Low HP? run away. another enemy comes? Run away.

This isn’t street fighter. You can’t win by pure skill. This game is based more on stats, luck, and class balance than it is on skill. Just because you get a dodge with a high cooldown doesn’t mean balance doesn’t matter anymore.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


p.s. they have already stated they are adjusting thief burst.

well if they will adjust thief burst less than expectations everyone will continue with QQ….

well that’s up to ANet to find the balance between casuals and elite. But if you choose to balance around pros instead of casuals the game will die very fast. No casuals = no viewers = no e-sport.

no matter how many casuals GW2 has it’s still boring to watch

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Xaximbo.2763


that’s because people in tpvp don’t have to put up with stuff like this.

I’m a tpvper and I regularly run into 5 man thief teams and 5 man guardian teams. Not fun.

Never ever happened this to me. And it’s not competitive. Against 5 thief—> Release all your aoe damage, have someone with a mouse with macros to mark the target and you should bring 2-3 down in seconds while they only kitten a maximum of 2.

Against guardians is simple get 2 points abusing 3v1,4v1 on a target and placing a bunker and they won’t be able to remove your bunker from there. (Asuming your bunker has knockback too and uses it wisely)

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


I’m fine with thief burst if we remove the stealth mechanic. Having both is just bad design.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”