the TRUE problem with pvp.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Eric.1672


There is no diminishing return on CC. it should be blatantly obvious that pvp needs it.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Luke.4562


It’s because of Stability.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


stability need DR too

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Conditions need more mitigation options.Without cc necros,engies and every condi spammer will be unkillable in pvp.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Lescansy.6174


Stability and DR is bullkitten. One of them, not both.

Just my 2 cents

(If I could choose: DR!)

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


There is no diminishing return on CC. it should be blatantly obvious that pvp needs it.

Genius. Add DR and Esports here we come.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: miklo.3610


Why is the true in caps?

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Adding DR would be like a bandaid for internal bleeding

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Eric.1672


A necessary band-aid nonetheless, IMO.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


- nerf condi tanks
- remove skyhammer
- make spirit watch orb remove all your spells from bars while carrying it
- nerf AI doh
- allow to do soloq with 1 friend, team pvp can only be done with 5 ppl
- add pvp skins like zenith weapon usable in pve but obtainable in pvp only
- give karma or allow glory conversion to karma

etc etc etc

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Panhauramix.2784


Real, understandable combat log is all I ask. For new people to come in pvp and improve instead of running away, they need to be able to understand what killed them.

Having a incomplete combat log and a death toll showing skills in a top damage order just confuse the hell out of them and make them come the forum asking for a nerf on bleeds and burning, when it’s a big combo burst that really downed them.

80’s: Razdhül Necro/Desire Mesmer/ Ykarys War/ Yphrit Ele/
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Eric.1672


Why does everyone hate sky hammer? Im not trolling. I mean there were BGs in wow that I couldn’t stand….but there is a large amount of hate in-game against hammer

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Why does everyone hate sky hammer? Im not trolling. I mean there were BGs in wow that I couldn’t stand….but there is a large amount of hate in-game against hammer

because on that map you don’t pvp, you just spend entire match trying to knock ppl off edge and spam skyhammer; some classes are also awfully good at it

there is reason why capricorn isn’t in rotation, idk why skyhammer is when it has even bigger imbalance

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

- add pvp skins like zenith weapon usable in pve but obtainable in pvp only


Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: entropy.9613


Stability and DR is bullkitten. One of them, not both.

DR because, yes. To be fair, it should only reduce CC output by the character, not that received (so your big play CC isn’t ruined by someone else’s spam).

Stability because there should be active counterplay to heavy CC.

How about stability gets charged by CC. So you can’t just pop it entering combat, you actually need to be controlled repeatedly before you can use it.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


There is no diminishing return on CC. it should be blatantly obvious that pvp needs it.

No. Diminishing returns on CC doesn’t solve anything. It just makes the system confusing and annoying and causes certain professions to be favored while creating new problems.

This is a game of active defense. Unlike most other MMOs, you can avoid spells and abilities at your discretion. If you can’t avoid a CC chain, most of that is on you. Where balance needs to come in is between length of the CC, cast time/animation of the CC, damage of the CC, and cooldown on the CC. If you’re going to be stunned for 3 seconds, you should see it coming.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Eric.1672


putting no in bold doesnt make your case any stronger. Sure i can see a single 3 second cc coming. but the cold hard fact is i can only roll twice at once, where sometimes i get sat on for like 10 sec with cc’s from a single person.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


Why does everyone hate sky hammer? Im not trolling. I mean there were BGs in wow that I couldn’t stand….but there is a large amount of hate in-game against hammer

Some classes are MUCH better at abusing that map’s mechanics than other classes. Since fighting on point A, C and Skyhammer all revolves around “who can make the other guy fall off”….so some can equip themselves with multiple knockback/CC abilities just troll the hell out of classes that don’t have such abilities.

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


putting no in bold doesnt make your case any stronger. Sure i can see a single 3 second cc coming. but the cold hard fact is i can only roll twice at once, where sometimes i get sat on for like 10 sec with cc’s from a single person.

First, CC doesn’t add up to 10 seconds from a single person unless you’re dumb enough to run into a line of warding over and over. Further, if you dodge/block/blind/evade the CC and not just spam willy nilly, then CC from a single person doesn’t last long at all. Sounds like a “learn to play” problem.

Why does everyone hate sky hammer? Im not trolling. I mean there were BGs in wow that I couldn’t stand….but there is a large amount of hate in-game against hammer

A vocal minority full of irrational hatred and blind followers. Skyhammer forces you to care a lot about positioning. People don’t like to adapt; instead, they blame the map.

There are some issues with skyhammer. The breakable glass could be cut down a bit more, specifically those half-panels at A and C. The skyhammer control room is too easy to AoE spam. The areas for points A and C and the control room are a little too small for ranged classes to play effectively.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


A vocal minority full of irrational hatred and blind followers. Skyhammer forces you to care a lot about positioning. People don’t like to adapt; instead, they blame the map.

There are some issues with skyhammer. The breakable glass could be cut down a bit more, specifically those half-panels at A and C. The skyhammer control room is too easy to AoE spam. The areas for points A and C and the control room are a little too small for ranged classes to play effectively.

So you bring up those huge glaring issues/flaws with the map, yet you tell people to adapt and stop blaming the map? Self-contradiction or just logic fail?

Glass panels at A + C and Skyhammer control room (including Skyhammer itself) make up the 95% of the complaints about that map.

I can’t believe people are still spouting nonsense about positioning. With certain classes like Engineer or Thief as long as you’re within 1000-1200 range of a glass panel, I can pull you into it (and you will fall) regardless of your position. Don’t even get me started on how stupid it is to fight a Guardian or Engineer in control room.

(edited by Wintel.4873)

the TRUE problem with pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Eric.1672


hiding behind a feeble “l2p noob” is not the constructive commentary I want in this thread.