the Toxicity is op
So, what about this giant run on statement makes Toxicity Over Powered?
One spam to rule them all!
Mains Power Necro for team Radioactive[dk]
There are game’s out there that is a whole lot worse than gw2. Look at the top most played, competitive esports games for example. This game really isn’t all that bad. In a free roaming game like wvw or the more competitive spvp/tpvp, there’s going to be toxicity at every corner. It’s to be expected actually. Report them for “verbal abuse”, block them in chat and move on.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Its usually the bugs, cheese and broken mechanics that make people talk.
I recently lost against a turret Engi when my Pistol Whip bugged out, my Infiltrator’s Strike didn’t work, and then I got some lag on top of that. In which case things seem to be broken into oblivion.
Its best to just ragequit instead of getting angry at some random player, as they usually don’t understand how broken some mechanics are. Due to the fact that they play the easiest cheese afk build, with the mindset that you just got rekt by their mad 7334 skillz.
Go play League of Legends, that is REAL toxicity.
Guild Wars 2 PvP toxicity is very mild.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
Just because it’s worse in other games doesn’t mean it is alright in this one. And there is no reason at all why player names have to be visible to the opposing team.
In general people get way to worked up if they lose a match, no matter the reasons. I turned chat off for most of the time when I’m in the match already, because it is just very distracting. But that also means I don’t get to read any kind of tactical suggestions people of my Team write, so I’m playing blind basically.
I kinda get where OP is coming from but I don’t think standard name plates will help. Implementation of this won’t make the toxicity go away… you will just be hiding from it.
People need to learn raging against a team-member before/during a game is the silliest thing you can do if you actually want to win.
As for raging from an enemy player…well i speak from personal experience when I say that kind of makes me happy as it means I’ve done well enough to thwart my enemies to that level.
I’d also suggest there is positives to seeing who are on your team as I have made many friends just from chatting to people on my team after a game.
To solve toxicity, there needs to be positive rewards for playing as a team. They need to reward players and teams for playing to the end (maybe through additional rewards based on team score even if you lose. This could be moderated through MMR difference between teams.) and they need to encourage teams to stick together.
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard
(edited by chungiee.8764)
actually i like that we can communicate with the enemy,
it’s funny when you totally obliterate a meta clone with your none meta build and they call you a noob,
and its funny when someone with a cheese-mode meta build beats your none meta build and then tough talks about how awesome they are XD
edit: granted i’m what the elitists would call a “hotjoin hero” and the toxicity is alot less in hotjoin (unless you’re a team-swapping exploiter), than in S/Tpvp
(edited by Liewec.2896)
From my experience, this game has it worst if anything, the few that still do pvp/wvw roaming are all toxic players who think they are hot kitten when they are just nobodies. At least in league/dota 2/smite you can go multiple games without encountering these type of pollutions
Step 1: Spend less time on the forums
Step 2: Win.
From my experience, this game has it worst if anything, the few that still do pvp/wvw roaming are all toxic players who think they are hot kitten when they are just nobodies. At least in league/dota 2/smite you can go multiple games without encountering these type of pollutions
Dota 2 and Smite sure.
LoL, mutliple games? No pollution? I must be seeing things.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
From my experience, this game has it worst if anything, the few that still do pvp/wvw roaming are all toxic players who think they are hot kitten when they are just nobodies. At least in league/dota 2/smite you can go multiple games without encountering these type of pollutions
Dota 2 and Smite sure.
LoL, mutliple games? No pollution? I must be seeing things.
It also depends on the rank and level you play at too. The lower the level, the higher the chance it is to encounter toxicity. Thats not to say at high rank that there aren’t any but its much less likely.
I think one of the biggest reasons sPvP population are so low, is because of the bm players throw around. It isn’t exactly fun to get spammed with crap all day long just because you’re new to PvP. And this again has its roots in the match making system. When better players get matched with new players they get angry because they are getting their score drawn down – which is never fun.
What I tend to do is to whisper these players and offer my help after the match. I then take them into a custom arena and show them around and explain the basics and more. This is what keep them coming back. ANet need to get a better match making system and a way better tutorial area. People should understand the basics of conquest before they enter soloq, and hot join us not the place to learn…
But I don’t want name plates removed. I love it when people shiver at the sight of my name and character model! It is part of getting glory amongst other players if you are truly good. Every time I get queued with one of the top players I know I am going to have a great game – which is part of the fun for me.
Oh, and btw; every time I see someone raging on me or in map chat from the opposing team I smile and know that we are going to win the match, simply because they are more interested in writing than playing.
To be fair if you never spvp then you probably don’t know the maps or the mechanics, and you should probably be doing hotjoin until you do know them.
But PvP in general has no tutorial what so ever, so how are new players supposed to know?
Anet could help a lot here by improving the npe for PvP.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
To be fair if you never spvp then you probably don’t know the maps or the mechanics, and you should probably be doing hotjoin until you do know them.
But PvP in general has no tutorial what so ever, so how are new players supposed to know?
Anet could help a lot here by improving the npe for PvP.
improving the way new players are introduced to spvp would be a good step in the right direction, I did think it odd that didn’t direct new players to hotjoin considering most games PvP system is waiting in a Que till it drops you in game which to majority of new players would feel like the norm compared to games they would have come from.
I have given up on PvP in GW2 several times because of peoples kittenty attitudes.
These kitteners need to learn to deal with loss or builds outside the metas.
I agree with some points, you do occasionally meet really toxic people, but then again you get that in every game. I don’t think there is anything wrong with smack talk and if that bothers someone then they need to get a thicker skin. You should only really get offended if someone is purposely being spiteful. Obviously if you begin to play well you get less spiteful comments and more smack talk and vice versa in my opinion.
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs