thief is op

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Duke Nukem.6783

Duke Nukem.6783

thief is overpowered, they have too much stealth (in certain builds) but in EVERY build the combo of going stealth and then using the finish move has NO COUNTER PLAY

in addition pistol thieves have too much blind,

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


no counterplay except just interupting the finisher lol?


thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

in addition pistol thieves have too much blind

the first part i won’t even comment, but for this:
I’f you mean for stomps, then use this tactic: attack 2 times (first attack clears the first blind tick, second attack clears the one that comes right after) and then use your interrupt skill.
The blind field was changed recently so it applys the blinds less often than before and you can land your interrupt.
If you mean for combat, then just don’t stay in it – it’s really small and most
(auto-) attacks hit a thief hiding in it if you stand right at the side.

all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Duke Nukem.6783

Duke Nukem.6783

no counterplay except just interupting the finisher lol?

u cant interupt while they are stealthed because you cant target them…..duh

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Bad troll is bad.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: glock.6590


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

6’4’’ Master Race. I am Above You.

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Shutex.9742


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. .

Problem with thief is that, maybe on paper its dmg, armor ect looks fair, but when you fight against one of them, when you dont see it most time, and at the same time hes taking most of you HP, it doesnt look al right. Thats engineer’s without turrets perspective.
So yes, agreed with OP on nerf

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: ghaleon.2861


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

Nice joke, Mesmer takes more skill than thief it’s not even close. And I mean Shatter mesmer.

Onesixty IQ Genius[Mesmer]
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

thief does not take the most skill.

In fact, thief is the easiest zerker to play in a 5v5 situation.

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: TheThiefMaster.3812


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

Nice joke, Mesmer takes more skill than thief it’s not even close. And I mean Shatter mesmer.

Even nicer joke , it doesn’t :-) but you are a well known Thief hater because of your l2p issues , so i wouldn’t expect anything other than thief bashing from you .

To the OP …….just stop lol.

Guild – BLNT , NS , oPP
IGN – Kinsz / Server – Sea of Sorrows

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: ghaleon.2861


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

Nice joke, Mesmer takes more skill than thief it’s not even close. And I mean Shatter mesmer.

Even nicer joke , it doesn’t :-) but you are a well known Thief hater because of your l2p issues , so i wouldn’t expect anything other than thief bashing from you .

To the OP …….just stop lol.

A mongrel dog who tuck his tail between his legs and runs away from a fight should not bark. Thief is not the hardest profession in the game plz. So much stealth you get away with so much bullkitten. And you’re the hater and one of my victims. Now get good noob bye.

Onesixty IQ Genius[Mesmer]
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: PhDusk.2590


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

Nice joke, Mesmer takes more skill than thief it’s not even close. And I mean Shatter mesmer.

Even nicer joke , it doesn’t :-) but you are a well known Thief hater because of your l2p issues , so i wouldn’t expect anything other than thief bashing from you .

To the OP …….just stop lol.

A mongrel dog who tuck his tail between his legs and runs away from a fight should not bark. Thief is not the hardest profession in the game plz. So much stealth you get away with so much bullkitten. And you’re the hater and one of my victims. Now get good noob bye.

Mongrel dogs lol?
Chill out dude, it is just a game.

Zhang He Dusk, Mezviableplz

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: ghaleon.2861


Yes nerf the class that takes the most skill. Thank you. Dont forget to buff turret engi while you’ re at it.

Nice joke, Mesmer takes more skill than thief it’s not even close. And I mean Shatter mesmer.

Even nicer joke , it doesn’t :-) but you are a well known Thief hater because of your l2p issues , so i wouldn’t expect anything other than thief bashing from you .

To the OP …….just stop lol.

A mongrel dog who tuck his tail between his legs and runs away from a fight should not bark. Thief is not the hardest profession in the game plz. So much stealth you get away with so much bullkitten. And you’re the hater and one of my victims. Now get good noob bye.

Mongrel dogs lol?
Chill out dude, it is just a game.

I’m chilled, I just don’t like them haters bruh

Onesixty IQ Genius[Mesmer]
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Bad troll is bad.

^ Don’t feed -10/10 just complaints as always.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Windfury.3598


I’m not sure what a thief is supposed to be in the OP’s mind? " Too much stealth", isn’t that being a thief’s thing…stealth defines us. We act from the shadows and swallow you when you expect it the least. That’s what a thief is all about. Now are you asking Anet to make of us plain hard hitting warriors that would be always in your face so you can see them better? That we are not and the way thief is being played at the moment is how it should be. Just watch your back, don’t falter and you’ll survive.
And to the guy talking about thieves needing no skills, mesmer is a remote control class, nothing more, I find it funny when people say it needs skills. It’s fun to play, I have one but I still prefer thief, because it stands apart if you play it well. What a thief will do is it will expose your play flaws, that’s why people hate this class so much. If you loose to a thief in seconds, you have l2p issues, if you loose to a thief after 5 mins of intense dueling then you are good. Simple as that.
They nerfed black powder, meaning we are liable to take more damage when in it, the chances of blinding have been reduced. I now get interrupted, knocked off and feared from it.
What I find curious is why nobody complains about the ele going mist form and stomping someone with no problems or a guardian using, aegis/shields/fields/buffs to stomp with no problems. Why is Anet constantly nerfing thief and letting other classes with certain aberrations off the hook is what disconcerts me the most.

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: Valentin.2073


Leave thieves alone. This class has received the worst nerfs from the september patch and those at the top of the meta was not even touched. Thieves already had problems dealing with bunker builds before the patch. What more do you want?

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

thief is op

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


thief is overpowered, they have too much stealth (in certain builds) but in EVERY build the combo of going stealth and then using the finish move has NO COUNTER PLAY

in addition pistol thieves have too much blind,

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