things you have seen in pvp

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: trunks.5249


what are the things that you guys have seen that caused your team to lose match?i have seen some off the wall stuff one time i was defending a point 1vs3 i knew i would lose just trying to hold point has long has i could.i look down at map and see the other team have two capped first thing that comes to my mind how is it even possible i am fighting three of them.. they shouldn’t have two capped come to find out my team were fighting off points the entire time.and of course there’s always the one where one team is zerging around orb while the other team has two to three points capped. i would like to hear your war story’s

master jedi david

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Pepsi.8907


Ah I love these threads
I don’t have stories as much as I have a couple of things that messed up our team or made us unable to win

Three teammates being afk for five minutes into the game
Fought the whole abjured team
Two thieves in my team that refused to switch
Three Rangers in my team that refused to switch
A guy who always went far and died every time
A guy uselessly camping home resulting in a 4v5 on points we didn’t own
A team with no bunkers, or a clueless one that constantly die
A team that doesn’t know how and what targeting is
Me when I tried a signet mesmer build before realizing that no, it doesn’t work…

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: zapv.8051


In general, people who +2.
Not standing on point.
Thieves thinking they should spend all game at far trying to 1vs1, and thieves thinking they should spend all game at mid and not decap.
Bunkers that try killing npcs.

The biggest one by far though is people who run into outnumbered fights that are already lost or just run in outnumbered.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Some popular things I’ve seen…
1) 2-4 people going to home at the start
2) An Ele that forgot to chose the weapon they meant to play with
3) Role Players… I am not joking…. I’ve been on a few teams to where they roll played…
4) People who are playing 2 games at once… normally Xbox or PS4
5) People who play with wireless keyboards or mice and they die and they don’t have batteries to switch them out…. had that happen about 3 times on a team…
6) People playing on Dial Up (Not Joking had someone on a team tell us before the match they were at their grandmas on Dial Up)

And of course my all time favorite:
“Hi Guys I’m new to this game but I played a lot of WoW so I should be fine right?”

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: duster.7013


I started a match on lost temple and noticed that we were struggling in the mid fight. Checked my minimap and saw 3 allies capping safe, all of them standing still on the cap point at the start of the match. I would say it was my gamesense that lost us this match but i’m unable to convince myself so.

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: napooz.1986


About every match I am in has players who do not even try to stand on point and giving free captures to other team while pew pewing from max range an enemy team player that is capturing the point, thus giving pretty much free cap to them. Not just that, they don’t also try to decap the point afterwards, nor trying to disengage and going to be more useful somewhere else. Surprisingly though this is balanced as these brainless players seem to be in both teams usually…

When your whole team goes to close point just to get farmed there. Respawn and go back, respawn etc… Match lost. They also won’t wait for regroup 5 seconds, they have to go die one by one.

Players who never look at their minimap. It is not even unusual to see 1 downed enemy and 3 of your team members finishing that one and wasting time there, when only one player is needed to finish him. It is even better when your fourth member also goes there just to see there is nothing left for him.

Regarding to minimap, in the temple of silent storm I may ping on map the stillness and tranquility before they spawn. Some of my team members are around but just ignore it. The other team gets them, gg

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


This is my list

1) Over rotation
2) Sitting on node against no one for the entire match
3) 1vs1 on node against bunker classes (point held by bunker class ofc).

(edited by philheat.3956)

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Coelho Nat.4697

Coelho Nat.4697

Some of the mistakes are forgivable since there are new players who are still learning.
The one mistake I don’t forgive at all is 2 teamates capping a safe point.

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


About every match I am in has players who do not even try to stand on point and giving free captures to other team while pew pewing from max range an enemy team player that is capturing the point, thus giving pretty much free cap to them. Not just that, they don’t also try to decap the point afterwards, nor trying to disengage and going to be more useful somewhere else. Surprisingly though this is balanced as these brainless players seem to be in both teams usually…

When your whole team goes to close point just to get farmed there. Respawn and go back, respawn etc… Match lost. They also won’t wait for regroup 5 seconds, they have to go die one by one.

Players who never look at their minimap. It is not even unusual to see 1 downed enemy and 3 of your team members finishing that one and wasting time there, when only one player is needed to finish him. It is even better when your fourth member also goes there just to see there is nothing left for him.

Regarding to minimap, in the temple of silent storm I may ping on map the stillness and tranquility before they spawn. Some of my team members are around but just ignore it. The other team gets them, gg

In all fairness, the minimap doesn’t always allow you to get a count of how many players are on a point. The icons overlap and there might be a red player underneath three blue mesmers and you’ll never even know.

Second, often it makes sense for two players to finish necros, warriors, and engis at the same time because of their defensive moves, thereby guaranteeing a stomp.

Third, if I see all my team mates dying on a point, the last thing I want to do is to go join them. Reaching a point will take me 10-20 seconds and the fight will most likely all be over and the only benefit will be feeding the opposing team another body. This is why most successful rotations are based on anticipation instead of responding to calls for help. The speed with which fights are decided makes it very risky to go help out a 1v2 situation.

I agree about the standing off point and fighting. Just today I fought a mesmer as a necro who took a long time to kill me, kept stealthing for obscene periods, and letting the point tick in my favor all the while porting around outside the cap point. Then he leaves to kill our lord while the point is still in our favor and again I delay him from killing the lord for a really long time (no hurry for me – close was capped anyway) and yes – he downs me finally because as a necro I can’t keep up with constant ports and bursts from stealth, but it was a wonderful trade off. He wasted tons of time, close was in our favor and in the meantime help arrived and we also saved the lord.

Finally, he sends a message saying “Won all 1v1 fights”. Lol, ok!

things you have seen in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Early solo lord rushes… Heck early lord rushes in general… One of my biggest pet peeves lol

Necromancer Main