this game pvp really down to nothing

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: lighter.2708


quit 1 year ago after hot, came back still the same thing

build wars 2

no more no less, meta or gtfo, 0 skill involved, only non meta you can possibly have a chance maybe condi cheese

how can some build have so many stuff at their disposal like wth

every single meta build should be nerfed to oblivion

more specifically elite specialization

how can people take this pvp seriously? even pve is actually more enjoyable now, this is coming from a person who only played pvp back then

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Kostis.1826


‘Back then’, when ? Bunker meta ? Celestial d/d ele ? Now pvp has more amulets than ever, even if it is not customizable with foods and gear like wvw is, even if elite specs are more or less mandatory. You see the past with colored glasses.

…your bitterness is sweet to the lady…

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: lighter.2708


‘Back then’, when ? Bunker meta ? Celestial d/d ele ? Now pvp has more amulets than ever, even if it is not customizable with foods and gear like wvw is, even if elite specs are more or less mandatory. You see the past with colored glasses.

back before hot, when you can actually play tons of non meta build and success in soloq because you are better then the other players, like kitten crunk with shadow trap or AK one shot builds or zerker staff ele and banner bunker war and double shortbow thief(forgot the dudes name) and even signet condi ele, all were placed high on the leaderboard because the player was good, instead of being so forgiving on meta hot builds that even the most braindead person can play

ofc if you realized i’m not talking about top team v top team meta where only meta can be played, but average everyday soloq

and elite spec are not required? have fun play against any meta hot build ( let me list the most annoying ones, scrapper, chrono, druid, auramancer) with non hot meta build…unless you go condi cheese, even that you lose huge amount in team fight or team support, just by not having elite specs

back when warrior was trash tier, people can still manage to even make zerker bullcharge frenzy war work and be high on the leaderboard. right now there’s just no kitten way it’s gonna work in any way or any of the builds i mentioned above

and it is so kitten clear that the skills are designed with pve in mind only, it’s not even funny, like persisting flames, wth is that

(edited by lighter.2708)

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Forgiving builds are the solution, not the problem. PvP is cruising over the shoal because of matchmaking.

Oh and btw, I’m playing right now on a pure vanilla PU Mesmer build that is fairly successful. People expect the “meta” moves but Mesmer is about unexpected and deceptive.

Mesmerising Girl

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Forgiving builds are the solution, not the problem. PvP is cruising over the shoal because of matchmaking.

No, overly forgiving builds are most certainly the problem.

Matchmaking is awful because of low population. Low population is mostly due to boring gameplay where picking the right build and facerolling means more than playing well.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Forgiving builds are the solution, not the problem. PvP is cruising over the shoal because of matchmaking.

No, overly forgiving builds are most certainly the problem.

Matchmaking is awful because of low population. Low population is mostly due to boring gameplay where picking the right build and facerolling means more than playing well.


I think a huge reason PvP has died is the play your way philosophy Anet had is completely dead.

For instance there was a bunker thief named Glyph who held his own in solo ques back in the day. ( the original, not grindy one)

And i would see really good players who had ESL skills or were esl playing a build that people wouldnt use. Like Phanta use to use F/A ele and dominated lesser players who were using d/d or staff when the meta was those builds. And you see Five Gauge using P/P engy or P/S and beating beating people.

HOT made it so these guys could still dominate but only with meta builds.

Thats when the skill gap in this game died, you see toker or caed die to some random DH traps and be like OHHHHHH. Even though they would murder them in actual fights. You saw spammable fluff killing people with very little thought or set up.

So i agree 100%, playing well no longer means much in the game which is why its population has died so fast after the Hype of S1 and S5.

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: duster.7013


I don’t think anybody really cares about non elite specs or f2p players. Less than 1% of people I see in ranked run core, and thank god.

Of condi/power/bunker, one is meta per class and at least another is cheese, so there are 12-27 playable builds rn, especially considering duoq that’s really good.

What would be cool is if the next expac had the tree as your third one, so you have to either choose between HOT or the next expac. Well, that’d lower the average game tactics (less skills to cast) but increase build diversity. Up to the community tbh.

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Keadron.9570


Why run a core build when you could run the specialization that’s a flat upgrade? It’s not that people don’t care about core build, just it doesn’t do any good. Rather than bring elite specializations in line, core traits/skills get nerfed to lower the specialization while maintaining it’s superiority to core

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I run core warrior this season because i enjoy playing core more then HOT specs. I was placed in Gold 3.

I got to Plat 2 and finished in plat 1 in season 5 playing HOT warrior and heal bot ele.

Guess what, i do not enjoy playing these builds. I went back to playing trap ranger in S6 something i did back pre-hot and played rifle warrior (core and HOT) and i was gold 3 that season. I probably could of made top 250 in NA playing core builds had i played enough games.

Thats not the point of it, for me CORE/ Vanilla builds are simply more fun to play with and against. Thats why i played them.

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: MasterD.4790


Forgiving builds are the solution, not the problem. PvP is cruising over the shoal because of matchmaking.

Oh and btw, I’m playing right now on a pure vanilla PU Mesmer build that is fairly successful. People expect the “meta” moves but Mesmer is about unexpected and deceptive.

You say fairly successful….but aren’t you the one complaining about like a 60 game losing streak? Is that really successful?…

Gamadorn the epitome of a hotjoin hero

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


It was 68, and that was back in the “competitive” match seasons. At that time teams were heavily stacked with one side to win.

Matchmaking was awful and that drove away a lot of people. Lack of population is the major issue now.

Yes, at the moment, I’m likely winning 50% + on a core Mesmer.

Mesmerising Girl

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Asked myself the same thing. PvP is just not fun anymore. Elite specs have completely ruined it. This is why population plummeted. Spam gameplay. Unfun gameplay. Core builds are simply more fun to play.

I remember the days when builds actually took some skill to use. Core builds kept the game at a level pace, so you had time to counter your opponent. HoT changed all that. Elite specs drastically raised the pace of PvP. That people still think that PvP can become “competitive” is ludicrous. Elite specs barely take any skill at all!

Also, tournaments aren’t the answer. People are sick of tired of conquest. We want TDM. We want something new to play.

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Alek Seven.2374

Alek Seven.2374

I miss playing my old Power LB Ranger in PvP, back in the days, today, if i don’t play the Holy Meta build, i just need to shove my mother’s credit card in the arteries.

You are kinda true JT, I’m sick of Conquest mode, it’s almost being like that for 5 years. TDM ? It worked, in ranked ? I don’t think it got there . Stronghold ? Made his way in ranked, swiftly removed cause idk the reasons (can someone enlight me on this one please ?).

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Stronghold was removed because farm teams played nothing else and easily got legend. There was a particular build combo that was nearly unbeatable.

Mesmerising Girl

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


70% win rate on a pally shout necro……. or diviner chrono wells necro……. neither are meta. One has ZERO condi clear.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

this game pvp really down to nothing

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I miss playing my old Power LB Ranger in PvP, back in the days, today, if i don’t play the Holy Meta build, i just need to shove my mother’s credit card in the arteries.

You are kinda true JT, I’m sick of Conquest mode, it’s almost being like that for 5 years. TDM ? It worked, in ranked ? I don’t think it got there . Stronghold ? Made his way in ranked, swiftly removed cause idk the reasons (can someone enlight me on this one please ?).

That first season you would do some wacky crap that made killing the door breakers impossible.

Like have 1 mesmer, ( pref 2) 1 ele and a rev and boom you all make a break to the door.

I was in a ranked match and both teams 5 man pushed it to the lord. They won and the game took i say a little over 1 minute to play.

If you want to argue strategy, go ahead but i can tell you that with our premade we 5 man rushed it and if anyone stayed back to defend we get the kill. I dont have the Screen shot anymore but in S2 for a ranked game my guild team won a 3 vs 5.

We had 1 player play MM necro and he had rise which worked off the door breakers and then 2 of us rushed lord. Stronghold is just one of the many things HOT did not work with.

HOT specs work very well with raids but honestly it really crushed the rest of the game and stronghold was easy to find holes in.