this is getting frustrating

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: ShinsVortex.3175


i know there are 1,000 other posts like it but whatever i need to vent. I love gw2, and i really love (or atleast loved) the GW2 pvp. However after the most recent patch i have come to a crossroads. It seems i loose every match i enter now which is an odd feeling for me since before i had a pretty decent game ratio. I never get put on the team that wins i always seem to be on the team that decides its cool to rush lord at the start of foefire, or the team that does not know how to rez/cc/stomp or rotate for that matter. I just want to say this is the most frustrating experience i have ever had in gw2. To top it off this curret meta is very boring. /rant off. just had to get it off my chest. i know ill probably expect some L2P comments, but thats ok.

Leona Datre-80 guardian Dragon Brand [NEWL]

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


i know there are 1,000 other posts like it but whatever i need to vent. I love gw2, and i really love (or atleast loved) the GW2 pvp. However after the most recent patch i have come to a crossroads. It seems i loose every match i enter now which is an odd feeling for me since before i had a pretty decent game ratio. I never get put on the team that wins i always seem to be on the team that decides its cool to rush lord at the start of foefire, or the team that does not know how to rez/cc/stomp or rotate for that matter. I just want to say this is the most frustrating experience i have ever had in gw2. To top it off this curret meta is very boring. /rant off. just had to get it off my chest. i know ill probably expect some L2P comments, but thats ok.

Id be less worried about the l2p comments and more worried justin will look up your ratio and post it right here as being about 50% w/l ratio which…. would be normal….

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Do you try to communicate with your teams?
I’ve found myself that I speak alot with my teams (especially when I see some people first time), like who goes where, when to leave far alone, when to do objectives, when to ignore them etc. Makes stuff much easier than staying silent, especially when everyone can have different vision of how the certain map should be played.

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: ShinsVortex.3175


yes i do communicate i try my best to be patient, and i am by no means some pvp know it all god, but i do feel i have a good understanding on how things work. like i said i was just venting. decided to take a break and enjoy some of my other games for the time being.

Leona Datre-80 guardian Dragon Brand [NEWL]

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

Sometime, you are just unlucky and always got on the losing team. Personally, I would say if something like this happen you should take a step back and think what kind of game you are in at the moment. If it is a losing game and there is no way for you to win and your team isn’t doing their job either then you should just play the game however you want in the most fun way like duelling or running away for your life and the game will end before you know it. Trying to win a losing game while your others member aren’t doing their job can really make you get even more angrier.

All is vain.

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: Elegy.2159


Please hang in there, Shins. PvP is really broken right now, and a lot of the problem (from my perspective anyway) is the low player population. It’s hard for matchmaking to be balanced when there are so few people in the queue. Your complaints are valid, and I’ve had some similar experiences since the last patch. I do get long runs of good games, but then long runs of really bad ones as well (usually in off hours, but that’s when I like to play!). People get frustrated and say things that aren’t applicable (like l2p when you’re losing a 4v5 against a premade, lol), so try not to take it to heart. I don’t see any way Anet isn’t working on this, as it’s so broken and the players have been so vocal about it. Just hang in there. It’s bound to get better from here.

this is getting frustrating

in PvP

Posted by: ShinsVortex.3175


i agree elegy. i just dont understand, anet is trying to make pvp the big selling point of GW2 and they seem to just keep making it worse or something haha. Maybe if they fixed the things that are wrong more people will play and the match making will work better!!

Leona Datre-80 guardian Dragon Brand [NEWL]