typical pvp wrapped up in 1 "fun" game

typical pvp wrapped up in 1 "fun" game

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


just thought i’d share a typical “fun” match in ranked that pretty much sums up most of the complained about issues with current state of pvp by retelling one of my typical matches.

So, matchmaking (issue the first) 4 man premade +1 against 5 soloq – about 50% of my matches are like this and i cant say its really imbalanced because i still win close to 50% of these matches but if we had in game voice (issue the second) would be much more fun and proabably see more soloqers as they would feel more confident and involved when facing premades.

Now the fun part, what classes were on each team, the 4 man had 2 necros and 2 engis and as it happened the 5th man was another engi (issue the third – profession stacking). Not unexpected either considering it was daily engi day (issue the fourth).

Coincidentally, our team actually had decent enough professions to have a fighting chance though, we had 2 engis (neither turret build), a necro, an ele, and a warrior. Can’t remember if our ele switched to staff or not, but it did not affect the outcome i can say that.

heres where it got really fun tho, were on Legacy of the Foefire the largest mid out of the maps, 3 turret engis go mid (issue the fifth – AIDS), flying rocket turrets (issue the sixth), multiple supply drops, yada yada, mid is loss. we have home, they have mid and far. 2 of their turret engis go to our home to contest, one brings all his turrets there, the other leaves his at mid (issue the seventh – turrets being on the other side of the map then the engi is just too strong defensively); the 2 necros guard the path to far from the ledge around the corner alternating lich forms to down us as we rotate. if we were better coordinated we could have all waited to leave base at the same time, a few seconds apart is all a lich needs to eat 3 quarts of your health while the other necro fears the oncoming help.

one of the elite people on our team starts getting frustrated, understandably so but instead of being cool about it, just spamming hateful messages not making anyone feel good (issue the eighth – toxicity, i feel this is really rooted from cheese builds tho). we all know we need to outrotate them, its gonna be tough tho, were already 110 points down, mid is a no go with 1 engi and 6 turrets its like having 2 people on 1 point really while 2 engis and 3 turrets are trying to decap our home.

we fight off home, 1 of the engis went back to mid the other is down and now a couple of us need to rotate far. this is the most annoying thing about Foefire tho, if you go thru mid with 6 turrets and 2 engis – ur chain cc and dead, if u run all the way around the mid point, the other engi will respawn and go to help their home before you can down one of the necros.

so the elite guy instead of trying to help just says hes going to afk in base (issue the ninth) because hes frustrated. I try to tell him to take the rag out of his v and stop acting like a b so we can actually muster up some points in what was now looking to be a loss.

at least three of us were on the same page (think the warrior was just suiciding mid), just outrotate them – this is the best way to counter turret engis (issue the tenth) because they take too long to go down its not worth it. but on foefire, rotating around mid and not thru it (cc chain trap) also takes long, lose -lose scenario. other maps its very easy to avoid mid, temple, forest, battle, all easy to go around mid without losing too much time. but foefire sucks for going around mid.

so overall, pretty typical game in pvp but i just wanted to write this and highlight some of the less fun issues i continue to see on these forums and players complaining about in game chat so hopefully i have done that.

final score for those of you interested was 500 to, i think we got 250ish? not horribly one sided score but was very difficult match for a bunch of soloqers even with help from the elite guy who afk in base after 5 minutes.

and lastly the biggest point i want to make, issue the eleventh, the fun is being lost.


(edited by Leothen.7421)