unplayable lags day 3
gonna be fun if its the same on saturday/sunday with ToG. Getting kicked out by lags and dcs, exaltation can tell you something about it -.-
http://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Guardian_-_Bunker Bunker guard guide
Agree with this. It’s an absolute killer for any twitch dependent toons.
day 3? lol, make it month 3.
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
at least you have only lags, i’ve also fps dropping to 5-10 and STAYING to 5-10 for hours.
How am i gonna be e- famous if i can’t play ? MOM TELL EM
Today, I just had 2 dc’s in one match. I don’t even recall ever having had a single dc in tpvp in the last 2 years. It’s become unplayable. And yea, there’s insane lag, too.
Only had one DC today – a good day. I did manage 3 in one game at the weekend.
Oh …. the rush to get back online so people don’t put me in that other "bane of this game " category the " quit cos I’m losing" camp.
i didn’t dc but since today’s patch i keep getting random lag spikes while tracert doesn’t show anything unusuall
[Teef] guild :>
Yeah I am now getting all these. DC’s, massive slideshow lag and skills that go off 4 seconds late.
5 games played I think, 2 4v5’s and a rage quit. So 3 4v5’s in 5 games.
lag on ip:
[Teef] guild :>
This terrbile lag started for me from July and never stopped.
I constantly lag a lot from 9 pm to 11 pm GMT +1, and that is my usual game time so I cannot play anymore GW2, at least I cannot do pvp anymore and it’s frustrating.
During the rest of the day I got zero lag, never, I can play for hours without ever lagging and then when the clock hits 9 pm I suddenly start lagging.
I have some friends with different isp, with the same issue during the same hours. Definitely there’s something wrong with your server A-Net
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
Funny, I’ve been having 3 games in a row with no issues. Next game everyone besides 3 people disconnects and the game after that I’m having constant lag spikes. When relocated to HotM I had 0 lag whatsoever.
Sensotix – Team BooN
Experiencing terrible lag on pretty much all skills/ports for over a month now
with a connection like that I don’t think it will be possible for me to play in the WTS Qualy as well as the ToG Final
I don’t experience lag with any other game let it be Dota 2 or any kind of shooter
Please fix your servers or else there will never be a fair matchup in this game with both teams having the same chances of winning
at this point it’s even impossible for me to dodge skills because my dodges have a 1-2 sec delay sometimes
Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
(edited by Sensotix.4106)
I have been having lag problems ever since the September Feature Patch. Not only do I get it in PvP, I also get it in WvW when I wasn’t before.
PvP Rank – 151 – Dragon
WvW Rank – 1,120 – Silver Colonel
massive lag spikes in spvp and WvW
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
3 dces for me last night, hardly a match went by were a player didn’t dc.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
sometimes i randomly dc in SoloQ matches and it says, that i can’t connect to login-servers. Then it takes like 3 minutes to login again.
Riverside [DE]
Right now during tog qualifier we got 5 seconds delay, we played a team q between the matches and oponents guard portet in downstate on point after we let him bleed 5 secs already, few seconds later he dcd.
Right now during tog qualifier we got 5 seconds delay, we played a team q between the matches and oponents guard portet in downstate on point after we let him bleed 5 secs already, few seconds later he dcd.
there’re players who can’t play ToG cuz their fps dropped to 10 after SEMPTEMBER patch.
Consider yourself lucky to be even able to play.
What a joke anet.