I’m pretty sure it’s just a disease. It’s quite contagious. the symptoms usually include intense pain, incredibly low reasoning skills, poor motor functions, and abysmal hygiene.
… but jokes aside, people put a lot of heart into their games sometimes. And its understandable to get heated once all of the effort you put forth gets ‘wasted’ . Is it okay to lash out? No. But understandable.
Mute/Block and move on. That’s all I can say, really.
its understandable to get heated
No, it isn’t. Don’t enable the type of behavior that OP is describing. This sentence is an enabling that behavior.
Rather new to pvp. Playing mostly unranked games. I’m shocked at how nasty and unpleasant some people are in pvp.
Not even asking if someone is new or work out a plan. Just flying off the handle and using extreme swear words. Its disgusting behaviour, totally uncalled for and extremely childish.
We’re not curing cancer or playing for world piece here! doesn’t hurt to be nice..
Yest another reason to ditch PVP. Come to WVW instead, hop on your server TS at prime time during any of the open raids, tell people you are new and looking for some help, you’ll be right down amazed and never look back.
Rather new to pvp. Playing mostly unranked games. I’m shocked at how nasty and unpleasant some people are in pvp.
Not even asking if someone is new or work out a plan. Just flying off the handle and using extreme swear words. Its disgusting behaviour, totally uncalled for and extremely childish.
We’re not curing cancer or playing for world piece here! doesn’t hurt to be nice..
I agree, but thats how all mmorpgs are, how the internet works. If you want to truly win just be witty towards em, as it is them who are faulty for being so narrowminded.
And some of them are truly strange, I still laugh at the theif yday calling me out after a match cuz my “condi build” is op and a no brainer, yet I was using power longbow. Or you can just block/report them.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Some people simply can’t handle losing. Every kind of pvp I’ve ever played always has this kind of behavior. Whether it’s mmo’s, shooters, etc. more indicative of society than the game.
Unfortunately it seems like unranked has a pretty high chance of blowout games which brings out the worst in people. I try to just block them and move on since toxic people are usually repeat offenders. You might consider trying ranked. Once you get placed at the right division you’ll probably get matches that are a bit more balanced.
Tarnished Coast
Not even asking if someone is new or work out a plan.
It is a thing that shouldn’t be asked… and the default answers are “no” and “4mid – 1home – target necro – the fastest go home”
Now, if you are new, the first thing you must do is “hey, I’m new running X build” (unless you don’t even know how to use the chat box, I had seen it)because nobody is going to correct you after the match begins (, and If someone do it, (s)he is throwing the game because is talking instead playing).
Yeah, I am not defending toxic behaviors, but if you are or use something uncommon (Like being new or an staff-core ele for example), knowing that it would be Super-Useful to adapt the default strategy and talk about it before the match starts.
Rather new to pvp. Playing mostly unranked games. I’m shocked at how nasty and unpleasant some people are in pvp.
Not even asking if someone is new or work out a plan. Just flying off the handle and using extreme swear words. Its disgusting behaviour, totally uncalled for and extremely childish.
We’re not curing cancer or playing for world piece here! doesn’t hurt to be nice..Yup.
Yest another reason to ditch PVP. Come to WVW instead, hop on your server TS at prime time during any of the open raids, tell people you are new and looking for some help, you’ll be right down amazed and never look back.
I’d have to say I second that, WvW has been a joy for me, people are really nice and there’s a sense of “hey, we can do this… together!” while my clearest memories of PvP are someone ranting for 8 minutes about why we all suck, how they hate us and how we’re never going to win… and we WON! 4-5 (because he was in spawn typing) we won and even afterwards he was still whining all because at the start we got wiped on mid.
I sometimes wonder if shorter matches would cheer people up. 300 point games, for example?