vs turret engys

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I went 6-0 in 1 vs 1 turret engy in the last 2 days. I did them all in ranked, i ran far to points to face them. Im sharing this cause im just curious on what people are doing when engaging. I also think everyone should know i solo qued and in each match we won since we at least had a 2 cap. I dont run the meta so i will share.

4-0 staff ele
traits- 2/0/2/6/4
rune of hoelbrak

2-0 shortbow ranger- axe warhorn
traits- 2/0/6/1/5
rune of the krait

Im sharing my builds because i see people are very frustrated on this forum and in the game. I dont know how else to help because i feel people are complaining that there builds dont work. It doesnt matter if you feel its a cheese build its about can you beat them and quickly move to help and come back to make sure they dont uncap.

Also with that ele build i have beaten most of the d/d eles, the ranger build is a good build for all situations. I use Fire trap/sharpen stones/ entangle, i share that to because this build is all about timing. Your spamming 1 until you think the moment arrives where you press 4 to cripple. Then you unleash all the condi utility skills and elte skill and then you hit 5 to daze making sure they take at least 3 sec of all of them. You can down any thief or mesmer in 5 sec when done right.

Hope this helps or at least gives ideas for people struggling, have fun everyone

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


thanks for the post. im also noticing solo q’ers crumbling underneath the mighty turret engie. most common complaint is how effective the build is while requiring very little “skill”. turret engies get even more annoying when theyre supported by a good team.

that being said, I find they are hard countered by both LB power and bleed bunker ranger builds. timing evades to avoid all the knockbacks is key.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


A little off topic maybe, but I have yet to find good condi ranger videos to watch: do you have a twitch or youtube channel, or do you know where I could find footage of a good condi ranger in tpvp? Thank you very much.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Boggs.6482


Take out the rocket turret and they’re no problem. Also, classes with strong AOE do well against their AI.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


ah cool, lets run builds that get rekt by everything else in game

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Seems pretty normal actually. Its why anti meta builds are usually only good against that specific meta build. Its really easy to make a build that completely shuts down turret engis. And it leaves you open to other playstyles. Seems fair to me.

Ghost Yak

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


To answer and defend some things,

No i havent posted any of my builds online though i have been asked. There are so many people who post stuff and i find most of them silly and i just didnt want to be in there.

Also these builds arent open to other play styles, i think this games pvp is great is because if you can find your style of play with the right traits and sigils you can compete vs anyone. When i do everything right on that ranger i can beat anyone except necros. On that ele build i can beat anyone but the best d/d ele and rifle engineers. Also they have to be really good, some new person just running meta isnt going to beat me.

Lastly turret is a cookie build but i dont blame anyone for it, its a build a new person can come into the game and be successful. I mean it can be hard to come up with a good build and compete vs good players. I dont want anet to hand over pvp to the new players coming in but i dont want the new players to not have a chance.

Just my thoughts on it, thanks everyone

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


Every time I see people comment :" turret engi had very little skill" or " no skill needed, just AI" I just felt like a deeply insult. Engineer was my first profession after I purchased the game, and I played turrets for at least a 14 months. I didn’t copy any build online, I just tried out everything myself with many different varieties.
Back to topic, now, every time when people see turret Engi, it’s like they see a noob, now many people just think turret=noob. Most time when I met such people in pvp, shamelessly insulting me in map chat, either describe me as scrub or f****r, I just keep scilent and try my best to beat them hard most time I can beat them until they rage quit. (some are skillful player, after fight they may stop insulting me but some just behave like a pro and say things like" u have potential, but turrets won’t bring u further. Go and try some other build, u will be better etc etc)

I like my hybrid cc turret build, cos it woks well, even with decent player, there is still good chance (1v1) and I never sit duck on a single point. So show some respect pls. No matter u win or lose to a turret engi, don’t be a jerk. And don’t judge people base on their skill slots.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


The AI can be manipulated and optimized, so no its not noob.

However it is a terrible build with very little going for it and clear counters.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Akikaze.1307


A friend of mine found Turret Engineer to be very annoying so he decided to make one to test them out and see how to counter/beat them. He simply used Tomes/Crafting from lv2 to lv80. He copied a build online, obviously very new to the class and hopped into queue with me for a few matches to try the class. He didn’t even know what half the skills did but managed to bunker home pretty effectively in 2vs2, 2vs1 or 1vs1 situations. That just shows how low the skill floor it is for that build. Obviously there are always counters to every build but when a player with no prior knowledge on the class goes straight into battle and manage to come out on top, shows something is clearly wrong.

(edited by Akikaze.1307)

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


The AI can be manipulated and optimized, so no its not noob.

However it is a terrible build with very little going for it and clear counters.

If u stand still lay every turrets down, yes u r very vulnerable. But the key is cc combo chain which requires the turrets be laird in order with the usage of ur weapon and kit skills. In n vs n battle, find the key personal to target, and the laying moment of rocket turret is very interesting, cos the 3 seconds retaliation sometimes can change the tide of the battle, I used to see a guard instantly kill himself after I laid my rocket in center of a fight.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


The AI can be manipulated and optimized, so no its not noob.

However it is a terrible build with very little going for it and clear counters.

If u stand still lay every turrets down, yes u r very vulnerable. But the key is cc combo chain which requires the turrets be laird in order with the usage of ur weapon and kit skills. In n vs n battle, find the key personal to target, and the laying moment of rocket turret is very interesting, cos the 3 seconds retaliation sometimes can change the tide of the battle, I used to see a guard instantly kill himself after I laid my rocket in center of a fight.

That is the guards mistake, not an inherent strength of the build.
If you are running PvP with no stability/break stun, then getting shoved by a turret engi is your deserved reward.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


A friend of mine found Turret Engineer to be very annoying so he decided to make one to test them out and see how to counter/beat them. He simply used Tomes/Crafting from lv2 to lv80. He copied a build online, obviously very new to the class and hopped into queue with me for a few matches to try the class. He didn’t even know what half the skills did but managed to bunker home pretty effectively in 2vs2, 2vs1 or 1vs1 situations. That just shows how low the skill floor it is for that build. Obviously there are always counters to every build but when a player with no prior knowledge on the class goes straight into battle and manage to come out on top, shows something is clearly wrong.

Yes u r right about skill floor thing, but among turret engi there r also good bad players. Most of time people don’t bother, they generalize all turret engi as the same.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


The AI can be manipulated and optimized, so no its not noob.

However it is a terrible build with very little going for it and clear counters.

If u stand still lay every turrets down, yes u r very vulnerable. But the key is cc combo chain which requires the turrets be laird in order with the usage of ur weapon and kit skills. In n vs n battle, find the key personal to target, and the laying moment of rocket turret is very interesting, cos the 3 seconds retaliation sometimes can change the tide of the battle, I used to see a guard instantly kill himself after I laid my rocket in center of a fight.

That is the guards mistake, not an inherent strength of the build.
If you are running PvP with no stability/break stun, then getting shoved by a turret engi is your deserved reward.

Fighting stability is simple, net shoot, through wrench and tool kit skill 2. Pry bar apply confusion can slow down burst, retaliation is work the same. Eventually stability will time out. Then the war or gard will be in rather bad situation.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Fighting stability is simple, net shoot, through wrench and tool kit skill 2. Pry bar apply confusion can slow down burst, retaliation is work the same. Eventually stability will time out. Then the war or gard will be in rather bad situation.

Exactly. So are you using turrets to do any of this? Unless you run net turret, which i doubt.
Proving my point, TURRET Engi’s are useless unless supplemented in SOME way. And even then its not optimal.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


Fighting stability is simple, net shoot, through wrench and tool kit skill 2. Pry bar apply confusion can slow down burst, retaliation is work the same. Eventually stability will time out. Then the war or gard will be in rather bad situation.

Exactly. So are you using turrets to do any of this? Unless you run net turret, which i doubt.
Proving my point, TURRET Engi’s are useless unless supplemented in SOME way. And even then its not optimal.

Thumper turret default attack apply cripple, and either rocket or thumper turret successfully knock people down, tool kit 5 can initial a round of burst with rifle, since it is a guaranteed combo. And u don’t get this build. The purpose for this build is cc, it slow down the fighting pace through interruption, not just knock down and stun, but include cripple, disable and reflection. It requires the engi to enter a disadvantage fight (2v1 or 3v2) use terrain especially. So far I don’t see any skill is better than thumper in term of cc. With thumper tool belt skill, u can overcharge shot without self knock back

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


One more thing, when engi enter a group fight, use thumper turret can immediately knock almost every opponent, and apply protection for team mate, then target one easy target ( necro engi or ranger) >tool5>pry bar> (opponent dodge) rifle 32 through wrench and rifle 4 (3 first then 2 cos sometimes miss) stand up rifle 5 land on him rocket tool belt shoot under ur foot then deploy rocket and overcharge it if opponent panic, it’s a confirm knock down. If opponent fight back in between even better, cos it’s a chain, and he or she will eat all. Usually this target will try disengage. Engi either elixir or block in between somewhere. Anyway so far I felt this combo is quite ok.

Sometimes it can also initiate by using supply crate then u can save thumper tool belt skill before overcharge shoot

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


A friend of mine found Turret Engineer to be very annoying so he decided to make one to test them out and see how to counter/beat them. He simply used Tomes/Crafting from lv2 to lv80. He copied a build online, obviously very new to the class and hopped into queue with me for a few matches to try the class. He didn’t even know what half the skills did but managed to bunker home pretty effectively in 2vs2, 2vs1 or 1vs1 situations. That just shows how low the skill floor it is for that build. Obviously there are always counters to every build but when a player with no prior knowledge on the class goes straight into battle and manage to come out on top, shows something is clearly wrong.

Why did he need to use tombs crafting to get to level 80? He could have just jumped straight into pvp at level 2.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


I think he need to unlock the GM trait

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Necropolis.6017


The 2 GM need 40 skill points and 6 gold

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Akikaze.1307


Why did he need to use tombs crafting to get to level 80? He could have just jumped straight into pvp at level 2.

He did pvp at lv2 for a match, in fact I encouraged him to do it. Just he wants to make it feel complete after that, considering he liked medium geared class, having already made a Ranger and Thief.

Edit: Not to mention the free skill points.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


One more thing, when engi enter a group fight, use thumper turret can immediately knock almost every opponent, and apply protection for team mate, then target one easy target ( necro engi or ranger) >tool5>pry bar> (opponent dodge) rifle 32 through wrench and rifle 4 (3 first then 2 cos sometimes miss) stand up rifle 5 land on him rocket tool belt shoot under ur foot then deploy rocket and overcharge it if opponent panic, it’s a confirm knock down. If opponent fight back in between even better, cos it’s a chain, and he or she will eat all. Usually this target will try disengage. Engi either elixir or block in between somewhere. Anyway so far I felt this combo is quite ok.

Sometimes it can also initiate by using supply crate then u can save thumper tool belt skill before overcharge shoot

I am fully aware of what you can do as pretty much any engineer build, meta or not.

Point is : TURRET Engi builds is a suboptimal build, there are build that are BETTER in so many ways.
Turret builds have their uses, but they are not good in the current PvP setup.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Stark.1350


One more thing, when engi enter a group fight, use thumper turret can immediately knock almost every opponent, and apply protection for team mate, then target one easy target ( necro engi or ranger) >tool5>pry bar> (opponent dodge) rifle 32 through wrench and rifle 4 (3 first then 2 cos sometimes miss) stand up rifle 5 land on him rocket tool belt shoot under ur foot then deploy rocket and overcharge it if opponent panic, it’s a confirm knock down. If opponent fight back in between even better, cos it’s a chain, and he or she will eat all. Usually this target will try disengage. Engi either elixir or block in between somewhere. Anyway so far I felt this combo is quite ok.

Sometimes it can also initiate by using supply crate then u can save thumper tool belt skill before overcharge shoot

I am fully aware of what you can do as pretty much any engineer build, meta or not.

Point is : TURRET Engi builds is a suboptimal build, there are build that are BETTER in so many ways.
Turret builds have their uses, but they are not good in the current PvP setup.

I completely disagree with this.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I think he need to unlock the GM trait

The GM trait is unlocked automatically once you enter spvp, you do not need to level at all.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: coglin.1867


A friend of mine found Turret Engineer to be very annoying so he decided to make one to test them out and see how to counter/beat them. He simply used Tomes/Crafting from lv2 to lv80. He copied a build online, obviously very new to the class and hopped into queue with me for a few matches to try the class. He didn’t even know what half the skills did but managed to bunker home pretty effectively in 2vs2, 2vs1 or 1vs1 situations. That just shows how low the skill floor it is for that build. Obviously there are always counters to every build but when a player with no prior knowledge on the class goes straight into battle and manage to come out on top, shows something is clearly wrong.

So, you were neither playing against this build, and you were not the one playing this build yourself?

I do find it a little interesting that these stories never have any video evidence and it is always “i know a guy who did…………………”.

All of these hard facts allowed you to pass judgement “that something is clearly wrong”?

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


btw helseth once streamed turets – 0 experience, 0 hands, high MMR enemys …. turet still won

Why would you make a claim of there being video evidence and not post it? Doesn’t that simply back up the position your arguing against?

Seriously though, turrets builds are very weak, predictable, and very very easy to defeat.

I have a friend who said it is a fact that he has trained a monkey to beat the average turret engineer. It has to be true, because I have posted exactly the same amount of evidence of it, as anyone else has for any other claim here.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


It’s funny because 99% of the turret engies I fight on my ranger are just n00bs who expect me to just go melee range and spam LB#1 while they just stand there and turrets nuke me.

As a ranger (power build) I just stay at 1.2k range and pewpew them. They start to panic, and might eventualy leave the point they suppose to hold, or try to LoS me (lol ty pet)…

I really doubt I have fought a decent turret engie. And I have played much in pvp especially with ranger.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s funny because 99% of the turret engies I fight on my ranger are just n00bs who expect me to just go melee range and spam LB#1 while they just stand there and turrets nuke me.

As a ranger (power build) I just stay at 1.2k range and pewpew them. They start to panic, and might eventualy leave the point they suppose to hold, or try to LoS me (lol ty pet)…

I really doubt I have fought a decent turret engie. And I have played much in pvp especially with ranger.

Just press 5 on longbow and murder their whole utility bar. Same tactic works for staff ele. Depending on turret placement and might stacks same thing works for cele engi.