warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

note: this topic is placed here to receive feedback from non warrior players

at the moment, warriors only gain adrenaline if
1. +1 adrenaline for each hit they successfully land

and that’s it.

other adrenaline gaining means require traits, utility skills or elite skills, say
1. cleansing ire, +1 adrenaline for each hit received
2. signet of fury, +30 adrenaline per activation
3. berserker stance, +3 adrenaline per pulse, over 8 or 10 seconds
4. signet of rage, +2 adrenaline per 3 seconds while in combat
5. berserker’s fury, +2 adrenaline per 3 seconds while in combat
6. furious, +1 adrenaline per critical hit
7. versatile rage, +5 adrenaline per weapon swap
8. vigorous shouts, +5 adrenaline per shout

while they may be quite a number of extra methods to increase adrenaline gain, provided if the correct traits and skills are used, otherwise, the warrior’s default basic adrenaline is quite pathetic.

hence, i propose that the warrior receive additional basic methods to gain adrenaline.

what we currently have
1. +1 adrenaline for each hit they successfully land

additional default ones that i propose:
+1 adrenaline per second while opponents are within 200 radius
(the sight of opponents within melee range makes the warriors’ blood boil, pumping precious hot adrenaline into the warriors’ system within every second)

+1 adrenaline per each attack you successfully blocked
(the close call of blocking lethal blows successfully negating damage excites the warrior immensely producing adrenaline in the process)

+10 adrenaline per each ally killed within 1200 radius
(the warrior is filled with rage upon witnessing the deaths of allies)

+10 adrenaline per opponent entering stealth within 1200 radius
(stealthy opponents makes the warrior really, really angry)

+1 adrenaline for each hit received
(this is only natural as pain received will make us warriors excited and pumping our systems full with adrenaline)

+10 adrenaline for each successful kill delivered / assisted / stomp etc
(the adrenaline rush of making killing blows is very real and important for warriors)

and this will be balanced, of course, definitely not making warriors any more powerful. because adrenaline is immediately decayed when the warrior is out of combat, plus, the warrior still needs to land the highly telegraphed burst skill in order to do any actual damage. furthermore, the health regeneration by adrenal health is too insignificant to be of any real threat.

hence, these new adrenaline gaining methods should be implemented!


warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: SolarDragon.7063


Warriors have a huge number of multi-hit skills already. Either from AoE attacks or from attacks like offhand axe 5, Greatsword, 2, etc. This laready gives them massive adrenaline gain. While your changes make sense, they would allow warriors to cast tier 3 adrenaline skills as fast as the CD would allow, removing the point of the adrenaline mechanic. One way to combat this would be reducing the gain from many of these skills, either by fractional gains, or increasing the size of adrenaline bars (and skills like signet of rage that are designed around X amount of bars.)

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


I want to see your opinion on lifeforce gain after you play necro.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Warriors have a huge number of multi-hit skills already. Either from AoE attacks or from attacks like offhand axe 5, Greatsword, 2, etc. This laready gives them massive adrenaline gain. While your changes make sense, they would allow warriors to cast tier 3 adrenaline skills as fast as the CD would allow, removing the point of the adrenaline mechanic. One way to combat this would be reducing the gain from many of these skills, either by fractional gains, or increasing the size of adrenaline bars (and skills like signet of rage that are designed around X amount of bars.)

not huge. just a few multi hit skills.
actually just 2.

greatsword 2 – hundred blades
axe 5 – whirling axe

that’s it.

I want to see your opinion on lifeforce gain after you play necro.

you want me to create topics regarding necro life force regeneration?

sure, i play necro sometimes, not terribly well, but just enough to enjoy some games in hotjoin.

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


I m warrior main and i have no problem with building adrenaline. So no need any changes. Adrenaline is fine how it is.
There are much much more heavy problems with warrior gameplay than this one.
Like zetsumei mentioned the lifeforce gain, well i would even like my adrenaline gain been toned down but having a burst skill easy to land like the necro death shroud skills.
Or having my life doubled when activating my adrenaline, deal zetsumei?

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: SolarDragon.7063


Not even close to those 2. Axe 4 is 2 hits in one. Most hammer skills are large AoE’s. if you want me to jump on my warrior and find every skill with reasonable multihit potential I’m not going to, but the number of skills that can generate huge numbers of hits in a single skill use is not short.

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


I m warrior main and i have no problem with building adrenaline. So no need any changes. Adrenaline is fine how it is.
There are much much more heavy problems with warrior gameplay than this one.
Like zetsumei mentioned the lifeforce gain, well i would even like my adrenaline gain been toned down but having a burst skill easy to land like the necro death shroud skills.
Or having my life doubled when activating my adrenaline, deal zetsumei?

Ahh there it is, the sign that someone doesnt know necro well enough.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

warrior adrenaline gain adjustment

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Lack of adrenaline gain is a big issue for warriors and limits the use of burst abilities. However, it shouldn’t be buffed to the extent that all warriors can use burst abilities on cooldown. There needs to be some degree of trade-off.

Part of that would mean reducing the adrenaline gain from Cleansing Ire.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz