what core specs are viable until ruby ?
Terrormancer, definitely. Im nearing diamond on it and Im only playing 3-6 matches each day.
I tried the old support staff ele, and if you hump water enough… you might get to ruby. But I rather doubt you will make it further.
Burn mediguard was a flop. Jesus, not enough block to counter all condition transfers necros have nowadays.
Shatter mesmer with torch is still surprisingly good, though you will notice the lack of alacrity and chronomancer trait line.
Thats the ones I tried myself.
Here’s the ones Ive had matches against and just destroyed them:
Rifle engi
Shoutbow warrior
Might be those were just bad players… but I rather doubt those builds have still any merit.
A build I could imagine being successful, is the old dp thief build. You loose out on dps, but you can choose another traitline for it… so I think you should be able to make it to ruby at least.
tl/dr: generally i think anything works till ruby (if you are good at it).
I played vanilla thief (da/sa/tr dp) till mid/end of ruby. After i did couple matches in legend (did some duoq with my BF), it made me realize that vanilla thief simply won’t cut it in higher divisions due to (new) revs mechanics (thanks Anet, crappy balancing/design is crappy, where did common sense go?!!!) so i had to succumb to DD build :|
[Teef] guild :>
ah, thanks! Yasi, Cynz.
well after i reach ruby (hopefully by this week) on my main hot account, i wish to give my newly made free account a go to see how far i can go.
i made a necromancer though.
eh Yasi, how exactly does a terrormancer works btw?