whole team crash in middle of the game bug/exploit ?

whole team crash in middle of the game bug/exploit ?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


Can we please fix this. it happen to me 3 times in the past 3 days where my whole team just suddenly crash in the middle of a game.

it seems to be having to do with entangle.. and some other skill.. intentional or not the effect stays the same..

just now was just in foefire having a good 100 point lead fighting in middle bam whole team disconnected next time we were able to login they were beating our boss and won the match.

it happened to me in foefire and the forest map too.. it seem to be having to do with the interaction of certain skills… having affected my whole team and not theirs i’m pretty sure we can rule out personal computer problems.. and think of a bug or exploit..

i don’t mind being rolled up by guildteams but losing in such a manner is kinda disheartening no ?

-Edit- ah just move it to gamebugs if you can please.

(edited by barti.7685)

whole team crash in middle of the game bug/exploit ?

in PvP

Posted by: Uchiha.2581


happen to me too 5 min ago…at keep, in forest of niflhel. me and 2 other member of my team got disconnected

whole team crash in middle of the game bug/exploit ?

in PvP

Posted by: Ifrit.7296


Had the same “bug” happen to my team last night. 5/5 crashed and had to restart, while the other team was un-affected.

whole team crash in middle of the game bug/exploit ?

in PvP

Posted by: fiesta.3964


Happen to me 2 days ago, on khylo tpvp, ALL 5 of my teammates crashed at the same exact time and none of them. We came back and still won, kinda sad lol.

Im pretty sure thats a hack someone using, not a bug/exploit. Not the first time happening and not the first thread about it.

whole team crash in middle of the game bug/exploit ?

in PvP

Posted by: ColinJohanson.2394


Game Director

We’ve got folks investigating this, thanks everyone we’ll figure out what’s going on and get it fixed ASAP!