Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
why i <3 mesmers and you should too
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
Mesmer is the single most unenjoyable thing to fight in this game regardless of build. Some I have trouble with others I don’t but how the fight goes is irrelevant to the fact that they suck to fight all together.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
In last ESL winning team had no Eles ;-(
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
After the top 10 thieves in the game or so, I’m not sure there are any good thieves. So basically it is only balanced at upper tier play
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
Aha, so “Mes Thief Wars 2”. F everyone else right? Poor mesmers were always “unviable” cus thief too stronk and countered them too hard, nvm other zerk builds that also been unviable due to thief. Howered i dont think thief can keep up to mes anymore. So how about we buff the kitten out of rest and bring them up on par with mesmer? I propose fast hands, cleansing ire, berserker power, burst precision and burst mastery to become baseline for a good start to warrior. Equal buffs to everyone.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
Aha, so “Mes Thief Wars 2”. F everyone else right? Poor mesmers were always “unviable” cus thief too stronk and countered them too hard, nvm other zerk builds that also been unviable due to thief. Howered i dont think thief can keep up to mes anymore. So how about we buff the kitten out of rest and bring them up on par with mesmer? I propose fast hands, cleansing ire, berserker power, burst precision and burst mastery to become baseline for a good start. Equal buffs to everyone.
Lol because a zerker warrior is in a bad spot right now? hahahahahahahahahaahahhahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Zerker warrior does more than double the damage of the absolute glassiest mesmer builds all while being infinitely more tankier and having so much better escapes in GS.
Yeah warrior is totally weak to mesmer and everyone else right now.
Good troll.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
Aha, so “Mes Thief Wars 2”. F everyone else right? Poor mesmers were always “unviable” cus thief too stronk and countered them too hard, nvm other zerk builds that also been unviable due to thief. Howered i dont think thief can keep up to mes anymore. So how about we buff the kitten out of rest and bring them up on par with mesmer? I propose fast hands, cleansing ire, berserker power, burst precision and burst mastery to become baseline for a good start. Equal buffs to everyone.
Lol because a zerker warrior is in a bad spot right now? hahahahahahahahahaahahhahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Zerker warrior does more than double the damage of the absolute glassiest mesmer builds all while being infinitely more tankier and having so much better escapes in GS.
Yeah warrior is totally weak to mesmer and everyone else right now.
Good troll.
Maybe wanna duel my ranger or guard with your so stronk zerk warrior? Twitch awaits mr “hahahahaha”. So childish btw. Olny thing which goes for war atm is rampage
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
Aha, so “Mes Thief Wars 2”. F everyone else right? Poor mesmers were always “unviable” cus thief too stronk and countered them too hard, nvm other zerk builds that also been unviable due to thief. Howered i dont think thief can keep up to mes anymore. So how about we buff the kitten out of rest and bring them up on par with mesmer? I propose fast hands, cleansing ire, berserker power, burst precision and burst mastery to become baseline for a good start. Equal buffs to everyone.
Lol because a zerker warrior is in a bad spot right now? hahahahahahahahahaahahhahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Zerker warrior does more than double the damage of the absolute glassiest mesmer builds all while being infinitely more tankier and having so much better escapes in GS.
Yeah warrior is totally weak to mesmer and everyone else right now.
Good troll.
Maybe wanna duel my ranger or guard with your so stronk zerk warrior? Twitch awaits mr “hahahahaha”. So childish btw. Olny thing which goes for war atm is rampage
Yeah and rampage totally isn’t broken.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
Aha, so “Mes Thief Wars 2”. F everyone else right? Poor mesmers were always “unviable” cus thief too stronk and countered them too hard, nvm other zerk builds that also been unviable due to thief. Howered i dont think thief can keep up to mes anymore. So how about we buff the kitten out of rest and bring them up on par with mesmer? I propose fast hands, cleansing ire, berserker power, burst precision and burst mastery to become baseline for a good start. Equal buffs to everyone.
Lol because a zerker warrior is in a bad spot right now? hahahahahahahahahaahahhahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Zerker warrior does more than double the damage of the absolute glassiest mesmer builds all while being infinitely more tankier and having so much better escapes in GS.
Yeah warrior is totally weak to mesmer and everyone else right now.
Good troll.
Maybe wanna duel my ranger or guard with your so stronk zerk warrior? Twitch awaits mr “hahahahaha”. So childish btw. Olny thing which goes for war atm is rampage
Yeah and rampage totally isn’t broken.
And yet you have old news as gs war is not able to escape anymore. Ranger gs mobility outruns gs+sword warrior. I also dont think that warrior can oneshot people from stealth nor i dont think they can escape better than a mes. Rampage sure, feels like an iwin button but it doesnt give me much troubles. And it should give you even less so by playing top dog class called mesmer. L2p issue, but i believe you enjoy being carried by a class.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
Aha, so “Mes Thief Wars 2”. F everyone else right? Poor mesmers were always “unviable” cus thief too stronk and countered them too hard, nvm other zerk builds that also been unviable due to thief. Howered i dont think thief can keep up to mes anymore. So how about we buff the kitten out of rest and bring them up on par with mesmer? I propose fast hands, cleansing ire, berserker power, burst precision and burst mastery to become baseline for a good start. Equal buffs to everyone.
Lol because a zerker warrior is in a bad spot right now? hahahahahahahahahaahahhahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Zerker warrior does more than double the damage of the absolute glassiest mesmer builds all while being infinitely more tankier and having so much better escapes in GS.
Yeah warrior is totally weak to mesmer and everyone else right now.
Good troll.
Maybe wanna duel my ranger or guard with your so stronk zerk warrior? Twitch awaits mr “hahahahaha”. So childish btw. Olny thing which goes for war atm is rampage
Yeah and rampage totally isn’t broken.
And yet you have old news as gs war is not able to escape anymore. Ranger gs mobility outruns gs+sword warrior. I also dont think that warrior can oneshot people from stealth nor i dont think they can escape better than a mes. Rampage sure, feels like an iwin button but it doesnt give me much troubles. And it should give you even less so by playing top dog class called mesmer. L2p issue
That last statement totally cracks me up. We aren’t a top dog class. That one still goes to eles and warrs. Just look at the last ESL. Double eles everywhere. Hell radioactive the team that gave the abjured quite a run for their money was running double ele and double rampage warrior.
Yet mes (which btw is still only taken one at a time). Is the one everyone whines about.
Mes is still not top dog.
You sir crack me up.
That last statement totally cracks me up. We aren’t a top dog class. That one still goes to eles and warrs. Just look at the last ESL. Double eles everywhere. Hell radioactive the team that gave the abjured quite a run for their money was running double ele and double rampage warrior.
Wow, really wow… using NA ESL as argument, so much competitive. Probably if Abjured would play 5 Rangers, they would win anyway just by outrotating enemies.
However at same time two ESLs happened at EU.
- : Both teams in finals been focused on Mesmer+Thief.
- : Winning team was focused on Mesmer+Mesmer+Thief.
Tell me more about Eles outshadowing Mesmers. You got my ear.
If i crack you up then im doing my job right? Just bc some class inst stacked doesnt make it balanced. In cele meta more than 1 thief was a waste, but you always had to pick up one thief which pushed zerk war, zerk ranger (lol), zerk necro out of meta..olny guard was an exception and now you trying to tell me that there wasnt any issues with thief being too strong which been pushing out all zerk builds?
And that mesmer is fine when they can destroy anyone 1v1 in a blind of eye? Thats definitely balanced. Now even a beginner can pick up a mes and do fine, that how faceroll this class became. Im up to nerf rampage a bit, but im also up to tone down mesmer overlords. And if not i want to see other classes being brought up to mesmer level. I want to faceroll keyboard as well. Enjoy it while it last
That last statement totally cracks me up. We aren’t a top dog class. That one still goes to eles and warrs. Just look at the last ESL. Double eles everywhere. Hell radioactive the team that gave the abjured quite a run for their money was running double ele and double rampage warrior.
Wow, really wow… using NA ESL as argument, so much competitive. Probably if Abjured would play 5 Rangers, they would win anyway just by outrotating enemies.
However at same time two ESLs happened at EU.
- : Both teams in finals been focused on Mesmer+Thief.
- : Winning team was focused on Mesmer+Mesmer+Thief.
Tell me more about Eles outshadowing Mesmers. You got my ear.
What are you talkling about? ORNG did not have two mesmers…. And even more so the mesmer they did have wasn’t running this OP PU build that everyone and their mom is whining about. Also TCG still had double ele.
You guys seriously crack me up.
If i crack you up then im doing my job right? Just bc some class inst stacked doesnt make it balanced. In cele meta more than 1 thief was a waste, but you always had to pick up one thief which pushed zerk war, zerk ranger (lol), zerk necro out of meta..olny guard was an exception and now you trying to tell me that there wasnt any issues with thief being too strong which been pushing out all zerk builds?
And that mesmer is fine when they can destroy anyone 1v1 in a blind of eye? Thats definitely balanced. Now even a beginner can pick up a mes and do fine, that how faceroll this class became. Im up to nerf rampage a bit, but im also up to tone down mesmer overlords. And if not i want to see other classes being brought up to mesmer level. I want to faceroll keyboard as well. Enjoy it while it last
Brought up to mesmer level? You realize that it’s mesmer that was finally brought up to everyone elses level. Lol.
That last statement totally cracks me up. We aren’t a top dog class. That one still goes to eles and warrs. Just look at the last ESL. Double eles everywhere. Hell radioactive the team that gave the abjured quite a run for their money was running double ele and double rampage warrior.
Wow, really wow… using NA ESL as argument, so much competitive. Probably if Abjured would play 5 Rangers, they would win anyway just by outrotating enemies.
However at same time two ESLs happened at EU.
- : Both teams in finals been focused on Mesmer+Thief.
- : Winning team was focused on Mesmer+Mesmer+Thief.
Tell me more about Eles outshadowing Mesmers. You got my ear.
What are you talkling about? ORNG did not have two mesmers…. And even more so the mesmer they did have wasn’t running this OP PU build that everyone and their mom is whining about. Also TCG still had double ele.
You guys seriously crack me up.
That last statement totally cracks me up. We aren’t a top dog class. That one still goes to eles and warrs. Just look at the last ESL. Double eles everywhere. Hell radioactive the team that gave the abjured quite a run for their money was running double ele and double rampage warrior.
Wow, really wow… using NA ESL as argument, so much competitive. Probably if Abjured would play 5 Rangers, they would win anyway just by outrotating enemies.
However at same time two ESLs happened at EU.
- : Both teams in finals been focused on Mesmer+Thief.
- : Winning team was focused on Mesmer+Mesmer+Thief.
Tell me more about Eles outshadowing Mesmers. You got my ear.
If you are talkiing about another ESL on the same day please give me a link. I beg you.
You got link to finals post above… looking for previous matches shouldn’t be hard just by looking at previous brodcasts on Jebro twitch channel.
What are you talkling about? ORNG did not have two mesmers…. And even more so the mesmer they did have wasn’t running this OP PU build that everyone and their mom is whining about. Also TCG still had double ele.
You guys seriously crack me up.
PU is such a low tier build. The mantra build is much stronger.
mantra build is great even with 3 mantras (mantra of pain <3) but its not that great for solo playing. It shines in premades
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Cry me a river. There are plenty of builds that kittens on mesmers now. Sure, we are not as hit or miss as we were before the patch. (Not like burst guards)
There are alot of counterplay you can make, basicly fight us on point. If you don’t win, you don’t deserve too. What people seem to be most annoyed with is the PU buff and blinds on shatters, PU is countered by simply standing on points capping. Blinds on shatters, well know you know how it feels fighting D/P thieves or Guards. Deal with it.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Cry me a river. There are plenty of builds that kittens on mesmers now. Sure, we are not as hit or miss as we were before the patch. (Not like burst guards)
There are alot of counterplay you can make, basicly fight us on point. If you don’t win, you don’t deserve too. What people seem to be most annoyed with is the PU buff and blinds on shatters, PU is countered by simply standing on points capping. Blinds on shatters, well know you know how it feels fighting D/P thieves or Guards. Deal with it.
I don’t think people are really upset that the shatter can blind, that’s fine I actually like it. The problem is that even if you dodge a shatter you still get blinded. maybe it’s a feature maybe it’s a bug time will tell.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Mesmer is the single most unenjoyable thing to fight in this game regardless of build. Some I have trouble with others I don’t but how the fight goes is irrelevant to the fact that they suck to fight all together.
Mes is my favorite thing to fight.
Personal tastes. Don’t really tell us much.
Mes is my favorite thing to fight.
Personal tastes. Don’t really tell us much.
I also love fighting other mesmers. It’s great seeing all the bandwagon mesmers coming out. All the better to feed me
mantra build is great even with 3 mantras (mantra of pain <3) but its not that great for solo playing. It shines in premades
Can someone explain to me why this mantra build is good? My Mesmer farms anyone that runs 2+ mantras so i’m not sure why this build is so popular right now. If the mes gets focused, he basically insta dies.
mantra build is great even with 3 mantras (mantra of pain <3) but its not that great for solo playing. It shines in premades
Can someone explain to me why this mantra build is good? My Mesmer farms anyone that runs 2+ mantras so i’m not sure why this build is so popular right now. If the mes gets focused, he basically insta dies.
It was supposedly a more sustained version of the normal shatter build for duels, good damage with the mantra trait if chosen for it, decent control and some party utility by speccing into Inspirations…
However, the reason you are farming them is because people have heard something is OP, go to Metabattle or w/e and then slap the build on their Mesmer. Since this is no Cele build, you will find that they are easy opponents, incapable of dodging skills which they themself should know that is powerful (like Mirrorblade). Ever since the patch, good Mesmers have been lost by the amount of people bandwagonning
As for the debate, I simply do not care.
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
With all the burns running around and most zerker mesmers only running maybe 1 source of condi removal, I think you guys might be over exaggerating. Not like it matters to me, I’ll just sit here and enjoy countering all the burn guards and eles who try to focus me the entire match with traited glamours and a cele build.
Also enjoy all the anti PU posts. Sure a oneshot from stealth is possible, but it costs you literally all your dps skills, a stealth, usually a utility or two(usually mirror images) and if you fail for whatever reasons(blocks, intuitive player, passive procs, etc), all your stuff is now on cd and you’re revealed. You could get way more dps by picking any other GM trait in Chaos.
My advice to everyone is to just play a mesmer for a while. Try new builds, see for yourself. The issue with mesmer is that its hard to understand what’s happening if you’re fighting a good one and it may look like they’re just spamming. But if you actually play as one, you’ll realize its not as easy as Stealth>Mirror Blade>Shatter everyone dies.
Blind on shatter is one of a precious few defensive abilities that Mesmers have at the moment.
Heal on shatter was gutted as was chaotic dampening.
Mesmer was the first class to see the nerf hammer and has likely been hit the hardest. I sincerely think this is a learn to play issue.
Thieves have multiple un-aimed AOE blinds. Guardians have blinds, Ele’s, I believe engi… Why is it OP for a Mesmer to have blinds again? The question becomes more relevant when you consider that it’s available less often than a thief blind.
The combination of more useful conditions and class changes has given Mesmers a real chance. To classes that are used to being able to virtually auto kill a Mesmer, this comes as a shock.
they keep abominations known as eles in check.
4/10 eles in that esl final. that speaks volumes that’s why ppl that main eles profusely defend their class.
Blind on shatter is one of a precious few defensive abilities that Mesmers have at the moment.
Heal on shatter was gutted as was chaotic dampening.
Mesmer was the first class to see the nerf hammer and has likely been hit the hardest. I sincerely think this is a learn to play issue.
Thieves have multiple un-aimed AOE blinds. Guardians have blinds, Ele’s, I believe engi… Why is it OP for a Mesmer to have blinds again? The question becomes more relevant when you consider that it’s available less often than a thief blind.
The combination of more useful conditions and class changes has given Mesmers a real chance. To classes that are used to being able to virtually auto kill a Mesmer, this comes as a shock.
Problem about Mesmer aren’t Blinds, Stuns, Moa, Distortion, Stealth or ports. Problem is that you can have the best damage in game while picking some of mentioned above.
Blind on shatter is one of a precious few defensive abilities that Mesmers have at the moment.
Heal on shatter was gutted as was chaotic dampening.
Mesmer was the first class to see the nerf hammer and has likely been hit the hardest. I sincerely think this is a learn to play issue.
Thieves have multiple un-aimed AOE blinds. Guardians have blinds, Ele’s, I believe engi… Why is it OP for a Mesmer to have blinds again? The question becomes more relevant when you consider that it’s available less often than a thief blind.
The combination of more useful conditions and class changes has given Mesmers a real chance. To classes that are used to being able to virtually auto kill a Mesmer, this comes as a shock.
Problem about Mesmer aren’t Blinds, Stuns, Moa, Distortion, Stealth or ports. Problem is that you can have the best damage in game while picking some of mentioned above.
Mesmer have the worst damage in the game its been proved over and over
the worst dps unless u r counting training dummies
To be honest, I’d like if Necromancer, actual “boon hate” themed profession was keeping boonspam in check instead of Mesmers, who have this aspects just as a bonus, not focus of profession…
a.k.a. Bring Corrupt Boon back.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
Blind on shatter is one of a precious few defensive abilities that Mesmers have at the moment.
Heal on shatter was gutted as was chaotic dampening.
Mesmer was the first class to see the nerf hammer and has likely been hit the hardest. I sincerely think this is a learn to play issue.
Thieves have multiple un-aimed AOE blinds. Guardians have blinds, Ele’s, I believe engi… Why is it OP for a Mesmer to have blinds again? The question becomes more relevant when you consider that it’s available less often than a thief blind.
The combination of more useful conditions and class changes has given Mesmers a real chance. To classes that are used to being able to virtually auto kill a Mesmer, this comes as a shock.
Problem about Mesmer aren’t Blinds, Stuns, Moa, Distortion, Stealth or ports. Problem is that you can have the best damage in game while picking some of mentioned above.
Mesmer have the worst damage in the game its been proved over and over
the worst dps unless u r counting training dummies
DPS doesn’t matters much in PvP.
PvP is all about how hard can you burst and how often you can repeat it.