really bad engineer
why is there no solo queue
really bad engineer
why is there no solo queue
I been asking this question to myself since they removed it….. i really don’t get it.
I can understand that they want to promote team play but let’s face it it just doesn’t work. Majority of pvp community ARE solo players. For various reasons (bad internet, no time, no mic, not interested, not good enough etc.) they just can’t/won’t join/make teams no matter how much Anet punishes them for qing alone. Building whole pvp system for top 20? players that have a team and rest should have very frustrating experiece is just stupid. I really wish they have done it like in league:
- you had soloq where you could q alone or with max 1 friend
- team queue
Team queue obviously had extra rewards but at least that game has an option for solo players. This game just tells you: make a team or don’t pvp. Once leagues go live, it will be even worse:
- top teams will farm everyone, solo players won’t have any chance to get any rewards
- top teams will sell carries to solo players that want skins
- legit teams that may be not so good will get farmed by top teams that carry solo players
This ^^ will create so much toxicity. I have seen it in so many games and this WILL happen in gw2 unless Anet brings back soloq.
I think league play should be strictly solo. This ensures as close to a level playing field as possible for everyone. I would even argue that duo queue’s would be permissible (just like solo/duo queue in LoL) as even 2 people can’t 100-0 any class out of stealth in an instant. Once you start adding these squads of 3 and higher, the playing field becomes extremely distorted for both sides. They should keep non-league play for full teams and groups wanting to test their coordination and team synergy.
Honestly if there’s no solo queue with leagues I won’t even bother purchasing HoT. It will just be too much of a headache to put up with full rat squads running fotm builds that they copy off metabattles. Even the top streamers call for solo queue and how essential they will be to league play.
Time will tell, but either way I won’t be too upset if they decide not to use solo queue again as I’m currently not playing this game much. Ultimately it’s their decision and I’m fully prepared to give other mmo’s my money should they decide against what the community wants.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
There really has to be solo queue with league. Otherwise the whole concept will be a fail. They haven’t announced the details yet though.
why is there no solo queue
why is there no solo queue
why did you get rid of solo queue
why are you actively taking things out of the game that we need
solo queue
solo queue
why is there no solo queue
because at the end of solo que life ques were over 15 min long and many people actually the mass of people went to yolo queing. I got a new computer but i had many screen prints of 20 min ques at the end of the solo que era.
Solo que is and was a bad idea.