will random maps take forever to implement?

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


After the week for the new map (which is a good idea ) is there any chance we could get a random rotation of maps?
Everyone I know gets sick of the same map after about 4 days. We love all the maps. They are great. But too much of anything sucks. Give us rotation!

The current tournament system doesn’t support random maps yet. Though we recognize that players would like more variety, so we might either rotate the map more often, or offer multiple 1-round tournaments, so you can queue for a specific map.

This was taken from another thread that most people stopped reading before this comment. i didnt even see it until i got a whisper for my opinion today

so here it is. no i dont want multiple tournaments i would have to guess at to find the maybe only other team q ing up for paids. no i dont want a maybe you might change the map more often? that doesnt even make sense.

this never crossed my mind that this 1 map a day or every 3 days change might happen for longer then after the 26th. this has been the worst month of GW2 i have had. im bored there is no teams q ing up. all the streamers are depressed i cant even go to twitch to watch.

and now it sounds like because you cant make maps rotate you are going to make us guess in finding were the other ppl are q at or still leave us with 1 map all day maybe 2-4 days ?

im not a game developer or anything but im sure if you cant make the maps rotate there is EVERY other game out there in the game industry that can help you, just ask but please dont make us wait until the march update to have rotating maps.

if anything make the 3 map tournament require 2 teams and we will just do 3 games. (even though i like being able to leave after 1 game.)

or keep your 1 map that takes 1 week to change and leave that then do what you said have the other one we can q for and have that the 3 map tournament just change it to require only 2 teams..

TLDR: playing a map more then 3 times in a row is awful. we thought random maps would be in feb 26th and that this was being done for testing not because random maps wasnt possible. please dont make us wait until march 30th for random maps.



will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


Noone cares anymore i guess :/ I didnt even know what to think when i saw that, the 1 map per week with 1 ticket pay and 1 ticket reward worked well the first week because alot of ppl saw the chance to farm some qp’s but its becoming a complete disaster since then. All we can do now is hope they manage not to completely kill this game but they dont even change something as simple as random map rotation and rewards for paids…

aka Subl

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


They don’t have the resources to build rotating map selection…

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


What?.. No more gems no more rotating maps ? :( Y u do dis anet…

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


The thing that really worries me is that ‘’not yet ready’’ might mean anything. It could mean we’ll get it sneakpatched in a week or that it might be similiar to QPs. I mean, when were QPs added? 3-4 months ago? ‘’This method of displaying the QP’s is temporary until the full system comes online.’’

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


What?.. No more gems no more rotating maps ? Y u do dis anet…

because they want to test maps and see how other professions do stuff better in some maps…. i guess they had something better to do in beta :P and dunno why remove gems, but hey if you win a tournament now you get silver chest!

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Pharexys.4280


The thing that really worries me is that ‘’not yet ready’’ might mean anything. It could mean we’ll get it sneakpatched in a week or that it might be similiar to QPs. I mean, when were QPs added? 3-4 months ago? ‘’This method of displaying the QP’s is temporary until the full system comes online.’’

I feel repeating myself over and over, but i will do my best to get those “good developers” that distroyed the game i waited 4 years.

A team that display the “top players rank” ( called QP’s in this game) in a forum post that they update evry few days when they want, have time, for months and not one week and so on. It just shows me they are totaly incompetent developers that will never ever get anything done. They just do temporary stuff so they get the sallary one more month. I want new pvp developers that actualy wants to get GW2 pvp better.
I’d suggest them to hire the guy on another post that is explaining evryone how GW2 pvp is incredible fun and enjoyable right now. This is the kind of guys we have leading pvp team now.

Devils Inside for life.

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: kobi.5236


U cant blame the 3 people working on PvP compared to the 100´s of The Pve Section

Its so sad that the game is dead and even worse is that Anet isnt posting a thread where they “explain” or talk about their opinion .

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I’ll do the rudimentary work for them. If they had the map selection database driven this would be a nobrainer on the easy scale. It almost sounds like its hardcoded right now.

private void frmMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Random rRandomNum = new Random();
int iMapNumber = rRandomNum .Next(0, 3);

Tournament tGame = new Tournament(iMapNumber) // Passes the map number randomly chosen to determine which map the tournament starts.



tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


The thing that really worries me is that ‘’not yet ready’’ might mean anything. It could mean we’ll get it sneakpatched in a week or that it might be similiar to QPs. I mean, when were QPs added? 3-4 months ago? ‘’This method of displaying the QP’s is temporary until the full system comes online.’’

Ya, that’s why I left. So many promises and so many ways for them to pacify us with “when it’s ready”. Well, that term can mean anything. If the community wants feature X and I don’t want to make it, I can just say “when it’s ready”…because since I’m not working on it, it never will be.

They don’t want to tell us about features for fear it may hurt our feelings; however, they go ahead and release these sneaky features which many times are just completely off-base with what we want or a buggy mess.

I lurk the forums still hoping for mass change, but I am highly doubtful that it will ever occur.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Still running out of tickets… They created a gold sink with no generators

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


So “When It’s Ready” is ArenaNet’s version of Soon™? XD

edit: dear god the trademark symbol on these forums is hardly worthy to even be called a pixel.

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


I’ll do the rudimentary work for them. If they had the map selection database driven this would be a nobrainer on the easy scale. It almost sounds like its hardcoded right now.

private void frmMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Random rRandomNum = new Random();
int iMapNumber = rRandomNum .Next(0, 3);

Tournament tGame = new Tournament(iMapNumber) // Passes the map number randomly chosen to determine which map the tournament starts.



i guessed making maps random would be easy. i base my guess off of every other game in the world can do it.

it would be cool if a person that makes the codes to make random maps could come on here and explain the process and what the challenges are behind it.



will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


To be frank, if the code is already there to assign a map to a tournament then this is extremely easy to do.

Somewhere in code they are saying

Map = “Khylo”


Map = “FoeFire”

And thats the map that’s being loaded in.

What they SHOULD be doing is having this database driven.

Have a table with three things

MapID | MapName | MapDescription
0 | Khylo | Yay trebs
1 | Foe Fire | yay2
2 | Temple | rawr

Now all they have to do is add the map name, give it an ID, and a description and it’ll automatically update across all clients.

Then in code:

Instead of Map = “Khylo”

You would do:
int iMapCount = Convert.ToInt32(ExecuteScalar(“SELECT COUNT AS NumOfMaps FROM MapTable”));

//Gets the total number of maps found in the database.

Random rRandomNum = new Random();

int iMapNumber = rRandomNum .Next(0, iMapCount – 1)
//Will determine a random number for the number of maps found in the database.

Map = ExecuteScalar("select MapName from MapTable Where MapID = " + iMapNumber.ToString()").ToString();

//Gets the map that was randomly queried.

This could all also be wrapped up into a easy stored procedure, ran once and it returns a string with the map name or ID (I like business logic of this size in SP’s).

Heres the execute scalar code too, Just for you ANet (although I’m sure you have this wrapped up in a class somewhere):

public object ExecuteScalar(string strQuery)

SqlCommand objCommand;

objCommand = _conn.CreateCommand();
objCommand.CommandText = strQuery;
return objCommand.ExecuteScalar();
catch (SqlException ex)

//Execute a SP to log the error.
return null;
objCommand = null;

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


To be frank, if the code is already there to assign a map to a tournament then this is extremely easy to do.

Somewhere in code they are saying

Map = “Khylo”


Map = “FoeFire”

And thats the map that’s being loaded in.

What they SHOULD be doing is having this database driven.

Have a table with three things

MapID | MapName | MapDescription
0 | Khylo | Yay trebs
1 | Foe Fire | yay2
2 | Temple | rawr

Then in code:

Instead of Map = “Khylo”

You would do:

Random rRandomNum = new Random();
int iMapNumber = rRandomNum .Next(0, 2);

Map = ExecuteScalar("select MapName from MapTable Where MapID = " + iMapNumber.ToString()").ToString();

Heres the execute scalar code too, Just for you ANet (although I’m sure you have this wrapped up in a class somewhere):

public object ExecuteScalar(string strQuery)

SqlCommand objCommand;

objCommand = _conn.CreateCommand();
objCommand.CommandText = strQuery;
return objCommand.ExecuteScalar();
catch (SqlException ex)

return null;
objCommand = null;

I’d expect it’s more likely that they currently have a table of tournament types, and then a table of descriptions of the rounds in those tournaments containing a tournament ID, a round number, and a map. No doubt they have a rather involved schema migration process at their scale. Perhaps their dbas are currently busy with making sure some PvE-related schema migration goes smoothly.

Also, I really hope that displaying a message box is not the idiomatic way of logging errors in C# server-side code. :P

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I just pulled an execute scalar command from an existing client side project :P

Regardless of table structure, that’s just a query change away.


I ran into this problem back when I played Planetside one. The developers coded themselves into a corner and it became extremely hard to be flexible with changes. It would take months to get simple things like a new door at X / Y / Z location.

I feel like ArenaNet built themselves in some circumstances into a similar position.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


To be fair, single match paids were so popular (especially the first week) that it would have been hard to predict that single map would get old. Everything is trial-and-error here, so based on their successful trial of 1-map paids they continued the system.

I do think it’s odd that it has taken so long to basically introduce “normal” mode to PvP. Isn’t that what every game uses—queue for a single match, random map? Maybe team/solo queue split? Sure, some fps games have a “hotjoin” mechanic and I guess the 8-team tournament mechanic was kind of interesting…but in hindsight, launching the game with a normal match mode would have been far better. Now it’s looking like after many patches/modifications, sometime in the next few months the devs will be ready to unveil: a regular single match mode!

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

RA from gw1 had random maps associated with the matches. but idk if every match at the same time was on the same map or if every match had a different map. Maybe that is the issue. The tourney “server” can’t load individual maps for every pair of teams. Maybe it could be random but switch like every so many tourneys that are qued total.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


I just pulled an execute scalar command from an existing client side project :P

Regardless of table structure, that’s just a query change away.


I ran into this problem back when I played Planetside one. The developers coded themselves into a corner and it became extremely hard to be flexible with changes. It would take months to get simple things like a new door at X / Y / Z location.

I feel like ArenaNet built themselves in some circumstances into a similar position.

so if they did put themselvs in a cornor how long do you think it will take them to implement random maps?ds



will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


It’s entirely dependent on how deep it goes.

If its a simple query issue? An hour maybe?

Realistically, a week if it’s going to involve a bunch of code changes and validation, testing and deployment.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Defektive too stronk

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Rol.6938


lol thats hilarious

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Realistically, a week if it’s going to involve a bunch of code changes and validation, testing and deployment.

I agree with this, but that also means it’s a week that isn’t necessarily spent fully on other things. It’s been mentioned before that they are really utilizing their priority system, and it’s completely possible they have things above random maps.

I mean I want random maps as badly as you do, but there are other issues I’d place above that at the moment.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper