worst state of balance
Engi is also underpowered big time.
but you know what?
in fact engi necro and ranger are too strong. Warrior guardian ele thief are just more OP. Mesmer is somewhat ok his dmg is too high tough.
basically they should lower everything drastically
basically they should lower everything drastically
Start with sigils so that you can switch them out at will, they shouldn´t determine builds..
Engi is also underpowered big time.
but you know what?
in fact engi necro and ranger are too strong. Warrior guardian ele thief are just more OP. Mesmer is somewhat ok his dmg is too high tough.
basically they should lower everything drastically
Dude..theres no “strong” in a vacuum.Ranger is strong compared to what? to other classes filling the same roles? to ranger incarnations in previous patches? to ranger like classes in other games? to a mosquito?
Besides everything could be 2 times “stronger” comapred to what they are now and we could still have a healthier game than this if the TTK scaled better and the specialization needed to get that power level produces more defined roles and opened them to more of the classes.
Its just bad numbers,bad design philosophy and bad choises that make a bad game..
For example i dont feel the damage increase that was caused by having fire and air sigils together is bad.I think the sigils themselves are bad cause they are rng unavoidable damage that you cant counter. But the damage could be even higher.
In other games a team fight ends in a few seconds not minutes like gw2 and its fun, exciting and totally skilled based
This is how I see it. ATM: Necro, Ranger, Mesmer require good positioning. War, Ele, Engi, Guard do not require good positioning. Therefore, War, Ele, Engi OP. Necro, Ranger, Mesmer suck. Which in reality. Necromancers are very strong with either condi or power, they just can’t yolo into a node, at which point, they are awful.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Shhh Eurantien.. don’t tell them!
There there my darlings we’ll nerf fear again.
Engi has almost no place in this meta. In every team playing with engi something other could be a better option.
engi needs to kite like a boss to be viable and have good positioning. He is too slow to kite thieves, mesmers. If you just run on a point and spam bombs youll be useless and just die all the time.
the problems are the high sustain builds which still deal alot of damage.
but seriously. Its no use talking about this stuff. Anet does their own balance tests. They dont care about us in the forums. They have their own ideas how this game should evolve. Nothing we can participate or change with that.
just a nice game to wait for everquest next
This is how I see it. ATM: Necro, Ranger, Mesmer require good positioning. War, Ele, Engi, Guard do not require good positioning. Therefore, War, Ele, Engi OP. Necro, Ranger, Mesmer suck. Which in reality. Necromancers are very strong with either condi or power, they just can’t yolo into a node, at which point, they are awful.
Did you forget thief or was it done in purpose since you were talking about positioning?
Anyway positioning requirements are always way more relaxed when it comes to bruiser and tanks.All the current builds classified as op are some kind of bruiser. Therefore if something is op or not must be much more complex than that.
IMO Bruisers damage needs to go down and for dps builds the thief’s problem must be resolved ..Then you still need to fix the crappy gameplay elements but whatever..
Mesmer doesnt suck btw.It just cant 1vs1 and cant function without support but it still doesnt suck.It might be the only thing that makes sense in the entire game right now cause thats what you expect from a class that has that strong utility ,that damage and that range.
Mesmer damage is too high. But again also is the def on all classes. Mesmer is balanced good its high risk high reward and has a high skill ceiling.
guardian is op. But its like that and that role is somewhat fixed.
warrior deals too much damage. Problem is how condition damage scales. Celestial amulet is too strong. Sigil of intelligence has to go. Strenght runes have to go.
eles have too much sustain in this meta. Again ele is extremely hard to balance. It has either too much sustain or not enough. Id rather see ele have less sustain but more mobilty
thief has just too much sustain for that insane mobility. Imo backstab should be the only variant. Evades are just a joke.
necro fearchain is much too strong and brainless. Again necro also has alot of sustain but this meta is a powermeta. Too much cleanse going on for a confibuild to word in a big teamfight, plus necro gets countered and he is not fast enough to be able to kite
same goes with engi. Balthasar runes are OP and so is celestial rifle grenades. Bombs are not op because in this meta an engi cant 1v1 anything when staying in the point 24\7. And in big teamfights he has to kite like a monster
ranger spirits still is incredibly op. The pressure alone with shortbow and a firespirit is ridiculous. This paired with the insane surviveabilty of all the evades makes it ridiculous. Again its sub par in this meta because it looses the 1v1s vs eles and warriors and conditiondmg is underwhelming in this meta.
phanta once had a very good idea with raising the points gained for a kill. I would do it up to 15 points per kill. This would give more bursty comps a nice boost and actually make them viable. Then youd have two possible winning strategies instead of one like it is now, being:
1. Cap and hold more points
2. Kill more opponents
this and changes (deleting) in runes and sigils would bring the best metachange
Engi has almost no place in this meta. In every team playing with engi something other could be a better option.
engi needs to kite like a boss to be viable and have good positioning. He is too slow to kite thieves, mesmers. If you just run on a point and spam bombs youll be useless and just die all the time.
the problems are the high sustain builds which still deal alot of damage.
but seriously. Its no use talking about this stuff. Anet does their own balance tests. They dont care about us in the forums. They have their own ideas how this game should evolve. Nothing we can participate or change with that.
just a nice game to wait for everquest next
am i really reading this? 0/10
[Teef] guild :>
I left out thief because most thieves understand that if they yolo into a node they are dead so I don’t think they need to be told. Also, their job is to pressure the things that have good positioning. I guess in a sense. Thieves give less of a kitten about positioning as other classes although they can still make good use of it.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Yes. You bring no counter argument and i have enough knowledge of the class, so make a point and contribute or shut it ^^
Seems like i need to elaborate;
1. Engi is too slow. Engi cant defend close. If you defend it that means you have to sit on it. You can go spam your nades in middle but if a thief goes close you are too slow to stop the decap. Ele and even ranger are faster and therefore the better option.
then in a fight your team has to peel for the engi, everything had to be about the engi. The engi is TOO SLOW to kite out a thief and a mesmer and if he leaves the fight he will possibly die offpoint without a rezz possibilty. Like i said: you have to kite like a boss plus have your thief etc constantly peel for you.
2. If you are not playing grenades engi is almost useless. If you are not playing grenades that means you need to go in the pont to do damage which means youll die soon. You can kite and hope your team killls something meanwhile but thats about it. Probably another class would be better.
furthermore conditions suck if you dont play at least two conditionclasses. In a teamfight when i lay my bombs there are just thousand cleanses going on. Lets say its guardian engi ele vs guardian warrior ele. I dont deal much damage to them. If they dont fail they must win this fight by just killing the engi constantly. Also in a 2v2 an engi can only rezz with elixir s or blind knock. So almost everytime a team runs engi something other might be more efficient..
so now mister bring me two counter arguments on
1. Engi is too slow to kite thieves (eager to see how you argument there)
2. If you just run on a point and spam bombs you are useless (tell me how usefull that is. Try runing on a point vs a hambow and spam all your bombs winning it).
and last but not least
3. Explain how (which build and role) engi is so viable at the moment. And when you at it explain why almost no team runs engi
3. Explain how (which build and role) engi is so viable at the moment. And when you at it explain why almost no team runs engi
MFW Top Player on Team Que Ladder and Avid Marriage Equality supporter, BlackPack Mains Engineer.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
GW2 is perfectly balanced. 95% of devs agree with me.
Stop making non sense and putting weird ideas into the community!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
That still is no argument.
you can be at the top with engi. Still another class could probably do it better.
also the NA spvp is much much behind EU spvp.
my team is not playing at the moment but we also where top 100 with engi all the time. That doesnt mean that its good. Maybe your definition of viable is another than mine. But engi is currently NOT one of the OP metaclasses.
engi works because many teams get surprised by it and are not used to fighting it and not used to the damage on the guardian in the teamfight.
i main engi since beta. Im not saying engi is bad. Its op
the rest is just thousand times more op and almost always another class would probably be a better option for your team.
(all that said my team never stopps playing our classes. We played with ele for months sucessfully before the update which made it op)
(edited by Django.5923)
All that said. Balance at the moment truly is not bad. Almost every class is being played at the top and there are a few viable teambuilds around
Engi and necros are the current meta
boards constantly saying they are UP
Class balance is fine. The builds the game is balanced around aren’t.
Think about it.
Phaatonn, London UK
Class balance is fine. The builds the game is balanced around aren’t.
Think about it.
S/D teef is ruining my life IRL, now i’m constantly evading all my duties.
Then it steals my will, i’m dazed.
It’s super effective.
Class balance is fine. The builds the game is balanced around aren’t.
Think about it.
S/D teef is ruining my life IRL, now i’m constantly evading all my duties.
Then it steals my will, i’m dazed.
It’s super effective.
Kidding me, those guys are jokes.
It’s those d/p thieves and that stupid blind field, cant hurt me while I spam 1 on you that’s some bullkitten.
I dont know where you play, but in EU engis and necros are not meta. Its a power meta with thieves, mesmers, warriors and eles.
maybe you play top 1000-200 then everything is viable. The builds start to matter at r150 downwards aproximately.
maybe in NA or china engi and necro are meta. But those two are really behind pvp wise
Balance is impossible when everything is so extreme… I mean most games with some kind of trait/upgrade system have traits that give you a percentage more damage here, a little more survivability here, ext. This is the only game I know of where traits, sigils, runes, and even food (wvw) can be game-changing.
Perfect balance is impossible.
better balance is.
take a handful of top players. Let them tweak some numbers. Do what they propose; voila better balanced meta
the current “balance changes” are none. Its just some petting (not shaving). In my opinion shaving sucks, they fail at it. It will be a powercreep forever. They need to do frequent patches killing all the op stuff creating new metas every 2 months
Every era is the “worst state of balance”. Seriously guys, is it any wonder why the devs take little consideration to many of the things we say?
Currently 2 classes are underpowered , necro and ranger. GW2 has seen many periods with an unviable class such as warrior for the first year or ele for before that last major patch.
And even the build diversity is small. Basicly everyone who can´t stack 25 might or perma procs air/fire is unviable now except for engi maybe. Parrot was op, but atleast it kept the weaker builds in the meta.
Necros are the bane of Eles, put a good necro on an Ele and that Ele couldn’t survive long enough to see the sun. Good Necros can really change the face of the map. DPS necros render the Bunker meta on the obsolete side of life with 1-button!
Rangers have always had problems. Anet seriously needs to get on giving them better traits or just revamp the skills/traits altogether. They said they would but all the new stuff they’ve come up with just isn’t cutting it.
So it really isn’t the meta that’s the problem here mate. Meta is fine, Ranger just needs to function a bit better.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
I agree the above.
Before April Patch people are whining that conditions being too strong and there’s not enough cleanse for all classes. Now April’s patch hit and everyone’s complaining about the power build being too strong..
Maybe one day Anet’s finally gonna buff the healing power abit and people will shout that healing build being OP.
So… what’s next?
Just thought I’d add that today I played with and against a turret engie who managed to hold the far point solo all game… completely naked with no armour- amazing!
I have seen awesome rangers, I have seen rangers suck monkeyballs..
Oh, feel free to change the word “ranger” with any other profession..
Skill > Class
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
I agree the above.
Before April Patch people are whining that conditions being too strong and there’s not enough cleanse for all classes. Now April’s patch hit and everyone’s complaining about the power build being too strong..Maybe one day Anet’s finally gonna buff the healing power abit and people will shout that healing build being OP.
So… what’s next?
Thing is, within this game there are 3 possible ways of killing an enemy:
Direct damage
Damage over Time in the form of Conditions
Retaliation (Trust me, I have witnessed it)
People dislike being killed, so people complain when it is done so… You can also never balance either of the two top ones, since one will always be more prominent…
Thing is though, within this meta, there is this hidden ugly thing called “Hybrid”, born from several combinations such as sigil stacking (fire and air) and Cele+Strength runes… If you run this on your Warrior, you basically have a “Perfect Fighter” since, on an evis build, has almost every form of damage in a decent way (Condi and Direct)… Of course, you can debate about them not having CC’s :P
The Hybrids within this game allow classes to be “tanky” and do damage, and that is several times…
Granted, Anet made a good change introducing all of this, because without it we’d be stuck with the old meta for quite some time… But that does not mean it should stay…
Though then again, people will complain when all of the complaints gets heard and things get nerfed… Perfect balance is indeed impossible, but what is possible is giving every class viability within the team, and despite what people say, I think that is achieved
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
I don’t care about balance right now, I just want more PVP content (maps, game mode, rewards..)