Armor Guard
You need to finish clearing the minefield.
I had the same thing doing it with a friend, the only way we got it to work was wait for a min or two BEFORE clearing the mines. I think we were doing it too quick and it messed up.
Hope that helps =)
I had the same thing doing it with a friend, the only way we got it to work was wait for a min or two BEFORE clearing the mines. I think we were doing it too quick and it messed up.
Hope that helps =)
Thanks we’ll try this.
And yes, we did clear all the mines. Held down the ctrl-key and no other mines show.
(edited by NitricRose.1863)
Yes, waiting for a minute or two works. I think if the mines are cleared too quickly the script is not moving on to the next step. We made sure to wait 2+ minutes.
Sweet glad it worked =)
Got this problem yesterday, with a strange twist. Wed id clear the mines quickly, then came the risen. After a while, a pale reaver came saying “sorry we didn’t warn you about the mines, but the road ahead is clear”. The tank never got repaired, and the risen spawned endlessly., although all the mine were indeed cleaned (we had ample time to double, triple,… decuple check ^^’ )
We exited the instance and tried again, and this time no reaver on the road. The mission went smoothly. Is that piece of dialogue some removed content which for some reason interfere?
This second time, we still cleaned the mine quickly (even more than the first time since we knew they would be here), so I don’t think the timing is of concern.
Hrm, looking at the game script… Timing shouldn’t matter, you can’t interact with mines until the “Clear the mines” objective becomes active, at that point you need to clear all 12 mines to complete the objective.
Hrm, looking at the game script… Timing shouldn’t matter, you can’t interact with mines until the “Clear the mines” objective becomes active, at that point you need to clear all 12 mines to complete the objective.
I could interact with the mines before the ‘Clear the mines’ objective popped up. So there’s some sort of problem there.
The only other thing I noticed was that the Pale Reavers & co. seemed to do a much better job at defending when we waited for the objective to pop up.