Sylvaris have the most consistent, cohesive story in the grand scheme of things

Sylvaris have the most consistent, cohesive story in the grand scheme of things

in Personal Story

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178



i’ll try to keep this short. basically, everything that happens after level 50 only makes sense if you’re a sylvari. all the other races are like “what?”. seriously. like every object that passes for a maguffin/deus ex machina for the other 4 races, there’s an entire story arc about it for the sylvaris. to list them:

(note: i have not played all possible branches of the sylvari story to know if more things get explained).

1- Trahearne: most people hate him because he’s a dude that comes out of nowhere for the sake of replacing your dead partner. and that’s justified. but the sylvaris actually know trahearne from quite early in the story, and he sticks around for most of your racial story. you get to see him use his knowledge of Orr, get to talk to him, way before you get to Claw Island and he’s just there.

2- Caladbolg: “hey Trahearne, here’s a magic sword to turn you into a necro/mesmer/guardian. it’s powerful, and it looks cool”. that’s what most people get. it’s a random deus ex machina that allows Trahearne to be more proactive in battle while driving the story forward. meanwhile, the entire story arc revolving around the 3 orders (before you finally choose one) is about retrieving Caladbolg, and you get to know its origins, its reason of being, and its power.

3- that orrian mirror from the lv73 mission: this is almost literally something that Trahearne pulls out of his kitten for the sake of moving the plot forward. he just happens to have a powerful, magical orrian mirror? turns out not quite. if you played a sylvari and picked the proper story path, you’ll play through an entire story arc revolving around that mirror, how it was found, and its true powers. it’s also where you first meet Trahearne, which, at the end of the story, keeps the mirror to study it, as well as in case he needs it on the future.



so as you can see, the sylvaris are the only race that get to experience the story behind all that stuff, whereas everyone else is just lost and assumes it’s poor writing (which it kinda is).

i think i speak for everyone when i say that, in future story expansions, i’d like to see more of this cohesiveness and consistency, more of this sense that it’s actually just one story, rather than a bunch of tiny ones which the same character lives through, with no connection between them because WE NEEDED to get to the next choice.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Sylvaris have the most consistent, cohesive story in the grand scheme of things

in Personal Story

Posted by: Steel Fenrir.2791

Steel Fenrir.2791

About the Orrian mirror, so maybe that was what the developers intended, to experience the game as each race, for each race’s storyline is intertwined. My first character was a Charr, and in one of the last missions, a VOED device played an important role. Right now, I’m playing a newly made Asuran character, and right from the beginning of the Asuran storyline, I am introduced to the VOED device (it is actually the creation of your Asuran character’s krewe). I don’t know what my Charr character’s specific contribution, I haven’t played much to know in my Asuran character’s perspective.

Sylvaris have the most consistent, cohesive story in the grand scheme of things

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nexi.1297


3- that orrian mirror from the lv73 mission: this is almost literally something that Trahearne pulls out of his kitten for the sake of moving the plot forward. he just happens to have a powerful, magical orrian mirror? turns out not quite. if you played a sylvari and picked the proper story path, you’ll play through an entire story arc revolving around that mirror, how it was found, and its true powers. it’s also where you first meet Trahearne, which, at the end of the story, keeps the mirror to study it, as well as in case he needs it on the future.

This was one of the things I really hated my personal story for:
I did the mirror arc as a Sylvari, but when the mirror reappears in the Lvl 73 mission no one remembered me. In fact they told me the story about Trahearne retrieving the mirror and doing all the stuff that in truth I did.
I could imagine this is a bug, since Trahearne not recognizing sylvarian players on Claw Island is very similar and was confirmed as a bug.
Has anybody played the 73 quest and experienced more consitency?

Sylvaris have the most consistent, cohesive story in the grand scheme of things

in Personal Story

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


3- that orrian mirror from the lv73 mission: this is almost literally something that Trahearne pulls out of his kitten for the sake of moving the plot forward. he just happens to have a powerful, magical orrian mirror? turns out not quite. if you played a sylvari and picked the proper story path, you’ll play through an entire story arc revolving around that mirror, how it was found, and its true powers. it’s also where you first meet Trahearne, which, at the end of the story, keeps the mirror to study it, as well as in case he needs it on the future.

This was one of the things I really hated my personal story for:
I did the mirror arc as a Sylvari, but when the mirror reappears in the Lvl 73 mission no one remembered me. In fact they told me the story about Trahearne retrieving the mirror and doing all the stuff that in truth I did.
I could imagine this is a bug, since Trahearne not recognizing sylvarian players on Claw Island is very similar and was confirmed as a bug.
Has anybody played the 73 quest and experienced more consitency?

haven’t gotten there with my sylvari yet. i played the story as a human, and now i’m playing a sylvari, and now suddenly a lot of stuff makes sense.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Sylvaris have the most consistent, cohesive story in the grand scheme of things

in Personal Story

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


About the Orrian mirror, so maybe that was what the developers intended, to experience the game as each race, for each race’s storyline is intertwined. My first character was a Charr, and in one of the last missions, a VOED device played an important role. Right now, I’m playing a newly made Asuran character, and right from the beginning of the Asuran storyline, I am introduced to the VOED device (it is actually the creation of your Asuran character’s krewe). I don’t know what my Charr character’s specific contribution, I haven’t played much to know in my Asuran character’s perspective.

the thing is, the VOED is on the same level of importance as the mirror, but both trahearne and the sword only make sense to the sylvari players.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell